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has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

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    has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

    wow here it all begins

    ive had one day of campral feel tired kids are fighting heaps have no motivation cant bf moving xxx start the nel and bach today.had 6 mogadon last night to help me sleep feel like u could fallsleep but got kinder and school x


      has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

      mandz, sounds crazy with the kids. I admire your stamina! Keep hanging in there one day at a time.

      CS04 - another think that I found suprising was a facet of tolerance I never understood. Back in the college days and then many years in my career, I thought it was a "good sign" in terms of NOT having an AL problem that I could drink everyone under the table. Sure - I got drunk. REAL drunk. But it took a LOT to get me drunk and it was always that way. I really did think it was a good sign that I could drink a six pack and several shots and still be standing, and my friends would be barfing and have hangovers SO bad they couldn't function. I would have a bit of a hangover, but never so bad I had to miss work, school, etc.

      Guess what. All of that early, fast and high tolerance was a BAD sign. Very much a sign of addiction rolling down a destructive track. Who knew.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

        mandz;1197713 wrote: thank to everyone . thanks doggy girl im so scared its happened but saturday I did violent things to my husband I flipped out . attacked me I dont remember any of it im 25 with 5 kids im scared and ashamed I cant remember it now Im starting the nel.campral and bachphen today . im a huge binger . have been since I was little . im so scared of life without alcohol. im ashamed and in a huge stage of desair
        I was in the same boat as you, I couldt ever imagine a life, not comming home and drinking until I passed out...well, I didnt really want to pass out, it was just a by product of my greedy AL brain.

        Now, almost 6 months of sobriety, I still miss the hooch, but I dont miss what is was doing to my body, mind, with all others locked in this battle, I wish you luck and strength to kick it to the curb.
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

          today all I feel is guilt and despair. xxx


            has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

            mandz, something that helps me a lot is the idea that each and every day, I have a new chance for a fresh start. I can't do anything to change the past. But what I CAN do is face TODAY with determination to do good today. I don't have to be defined by my past. I can be the person I really and truly WANT to be - right now. One decision at a time. You can do that too.


            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

              mandz, i remember that despair you mentioned all to well. i felt it for years, more so once my son came into the picture. you're in a good place to get support while you heal your body, mind, and spirit. you will pull through.

              maybe when you're in that place of despondence you could lift your chin a bit, curl your lips up at the edges, and think about your body releasing the alcohol and all the chemicals that wreck you -and your mind not the least- and hold a vision of hope for a new way of life that will feel really, really, unbelievably good.

              i was a drinker -first a binger, then a regular- from my early twenties until a couple months ago at 41. in the months on baclofen leading up to my freedom, my life unfolded like the most beautiful flower you ever did see. please keep that kind of promise in the middle of your heart. know
              that you, too, can live to tell a similar story to mine. make it your mission to stay positive, it will help tremendously. your current situation is not permanent, and it is entirely within your power to make it much better. you can do this.

              please keep us posted. we're here for you.
              xo rudy


                has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                thank u so much u r all.helping me so much I cant write much im strugging with nausea and a million trips to the toliets on all my meds I feel good I even managed to clean my kitchen I feel like I have a lil nit control. thanks rudy u mean alot to my recovery chat 2mo! xxxx


                  has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                  Hi mandz! I was going to say "good morning" but I'm not sure what part of the world you are from. So good "whatever time of day" to you.

                  I'm not on Nal or bac myself, but I have read that Nal can cause nausea just for a short time (a week or two maybe?) when you first start taking it. So if that is possibly what's causing the nausea I hope you will hang in there. Don't give up. We all deserve a chance to get well. If all these other people can, and I can, then I know you can too.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                    hi mandz! you're welks! so good to read a spot of optimism in your note, and you cleaned the kitchen - yay! no small feat, huh? i did that today, too, andfolded two baskets of laundry, and i feel like a regular martha stewart (minus the cash and fraud).

                    sorry 'bout the nausea, but it'll fade. stay strong, keep your chin up!

                    xo rudy


                      has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                      That's a pretty potent article, DG.


                        has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                        I cant comment on any other medications, but I know that baclofen has made it so that I have no desire to drink. None. I have a bottle of booze in my fridge and I could care less. I was a daily blackout drinker who blacked out every single day save maybe 20 days in a decade.

                        That decade is actually split into 5 years drinking, 5 years AA, and 5 more years drinking after AA. I think AA is a great program and I think taking bits from both schools of thought is a good idea. First off, I think that baclofen is onto something major. If it works as I believe it to, it could cure the stress / anxiety that causes addiction itself to start. Now I know that some people are able to just take baclofen and be just fine. I, however, have discovered that there is something to group meetings like AA. You can sit and talk with people about your experience and directly help others who are just starting out.

                        I hope someday there is a program that combines both a strict AA format to meetings and the power of medication to help back it up. There is something that both sides offer and I think a combination would be most helpful.

                        Maybe some day I will get off my duff and start something like that up in the Los Angeles area.



                          has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                          Hey Rob. I think you are onto something there. I think this whole issue of getting AL out of the drivers seat of life (for me that is abstinence) is generally a two step process: 1) stop drinking and 2) develop other coping mechanisms/deal with other mental diagnoses.

                          For me, the My Way Out program (I did the supplements, hypnosis, diet and exercise) helped me adress #1 as it seems Bac has helped you address #1.

                          AA has helped me greatly in figuring out better ways to handle life. Sounds like you have gotten benefit that way too.

                          I am fortunate to have an AA home group that is not opposed to the use of medication at all. No bacers that I know of, but several long term members who used Antabuse, Campral and the like. I've never seen judgement about that. This group is also very welcoming of drug addicts who do not also claim to have an issue with alcoholism.

                          The Big Book will never be re-written, I don't think (nor am I an advocate of that notion). However I do think many AA members (just not ALL AA members) are open to the use of medications and whatever else the medical community comes up with to help us stop drinking. I personally think the big book supports that idea - and I really don't know who came up with the "if you take meds you are not really sober" idea. I find it easy to stay away from those people. Among 2 million members, I'm not gonna like 'em all, nor are they all gonna like me. That's OK.

                          Sorry to post so long.....I do think you raise a good point that we need help developing different coping strategies, and may also need additional treatment for things other than alcoholism. I know I did. There are lots of ways to approach #2 (AA not the only way for sure).

                          Congrats on your success!!!!!! I love reading these success stories.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            has anyone had alcohol induced blackouts

                            heya mandz, again! hey dose and doggy! dose, i havent' been to your thread in several days, alas, so i had no idea you'd reached indifference. congratulations! yay! whoopteedoo! i am thrilled to read it! when you get to starting your aa/otherways work in the san fran area, let's hook up! i would love to do that here in ny, too. i hope soonish.

                            and i'll second the fact that having real, live people in the three d can be a tremendous support in the road to recovery. indeed!

                            xoxo rudy

