Here is the first paragraph:
There is speculation concerning a possible connection between both the Buddha BC 623-BC 543 and the Christ, and between Buddhism and Christianity. Buddhism originated in India about 500 years before the Apostolic Age and the origins of Christianity. Scholars have explored connections between Buddhism and Christianity. Some have compared the earlier infancy account of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke to that of the Buddha in the later Lalitavistara Sutra (a Mahāyāna/Sarvāstivāda biography dating to the 3rd century CE.[1]). During the life of Jesus Christ[2] and the period in which texts like the Gospel of Thomas were composed, Buddhist missionaries lived in Alexandria, Egypt.[3] The Buddhist Jack McQuire believes that in the 4th century, Christian monasticism developed in Egypt, and it emerged with a corresponding structure comparable to the Buddhist monasticism of its time and place.[2]
Then there is the path to Enlightenment/Atonement, the five principles of Buddhism/Cardinal Virtues, Meditation/Prayer.
Then there is AA with its religious undertones. Ultimately, I think it comes down to finding peace of mind. The journey that begins with rejection of AA and talking therapies and goes down the medical route and the discovery of the Amygdala's importance in all this takes us back to an understanding of who we are. Baclofen chemically allows one to be released from the chemical impediments to finding out who we are without anxiety over our own situation. It allows one to see the world without worry and to find a way without being dragged back into self and anxiety. We become free from the existential angst of life and to find happiness just in being alive. And that is the role Buddhism, Christianity, AA play in our lives once we are free from this. To partake in life fully, find meaning and be happy because without the anxiety over self we are just part of one big "thing" whatever it is and it just keeps moving along, with us or without us, so why not be a part of it, whatever it brings and just be happy that you are here.
Have a good day.