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Thinking of trying neurontin

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    Thinking of trying neurontin

    Hi Its been a while since I have been on here and somehow seem to have changed my username while I was propbably pissed so some of you may remember me as spacebebe. Anyway after overdosing on bac while drinking I stopped taking the bac and have had some limited success at being AF with no meds except for my antidepressants. However after my last bender I went and got campral off my doctor and also antabuse off my son in law as my doc wont prescribe it. My problem is that i will run out of the antabuse in around 10 days or so and am not sure whether or not to buy more on-line or whether to try neurontin. While I am terriffied of drinking when I have taken the antabuse it isnt stopping the cravings, niether is the campral which is leaving me with a right messed up head and Im now scared of not taking it in case that gives my head the red light to run out to get drink and start another horrible bender which can last between days and weeks of continous drinking. I truley have had enough of all the shit with the drink but at the same time am scared that I will go and do it again if I cant do something to change the way I feel soon.

    Thinking of trying neurontin

    Neurontin (gabapentin) helps me for mood lifts only, not really for cravings. Congrats on the AF success, any success is excellent and you should count it as building blocks on your path OUT of alcohol.


      Thinking of trying neurontin

      Thanks Bruunhilde, I am trying to build on my success right now, am scared of falling backwards tho. Yes I am going to try gabapentin for my moods as I still get horrible dark depression when I can barely function, at those times I have drank ( I have also drank at all other times) because I cant stand the way I feel and want get rid of my feelings in any way I can, ie using alcohol. I am thinking that if I can deal with my mood that would be one battle sorted in my war over alcohol. I am still taking the campral but cant really say its making much difference to me this time, in the past I have taken campral and noticed a marked difference in my cravings, not sure why that is.


        Thinking of trying neurontin

        I am sure you have tried this, but just to mention the obvious... have you worked with a therapist? Talking helps a lot with my issues besides alcohol.


          Thinking of trying neurontin

          sunshine&rainbow;1201759 wrote: if I cant do something to change the way I feel soon.
          I am truly sorry you're having such a hard time right now. I remember it well.

          Are you afraid to try baclofen again?
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Thinking of trying neurontin

            You know you can split 500 mg antabuse pills into halves and it'll be just as effective, especially combined with the fact that you've been taking it continuously for a long time. That will give you 20 days to figure out a solution.

            I'd score some more antabuse right away if possible. That'll buy you time to figure out what to do with the cravings.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Thinking of trying neurontin

              Thanks for the replies, yes I have tried talking to several therapist but that just doesnt work for me, I just sit and waffle on a load of crap that doesnt matter and wait for the hour to be up, even when I go in dertermined to do it right I turn into some kind of compulsive liar as soon as my bum hits the chair!!
              Good idea about splitting the antabuse and also I hope to order some on-line asap, the idea of more time sober even if I continue feeling this way seems a good one as nothing would be gained by my drinking right now, and also a lot lot could be lost.


                Thinking of trying neurontin

                I managed to gain benefit from Antabuse even at a dose of 50 mg per day, since even that small amount would ruin my drinking experience for 2-3 days afterwards. It didn't cause the immediate, strong effect that is guaranteed to happen if you take it at 250-500 mg/day but it made drinking sufficiently unpleasant and worried me enough that I simply couldn't enjoy alcohol. Knowing this did deter me from drinking, but I also used other medications that reduced alcohol cravings at the same time. Antabuse alone is still a good option but can cause severe white-knuckling if someone's drinking is associated with psychological instability and severe cravings.


                  Thinking of trying neurontin

                  Im also taking campral but it doesnt seem to be having any affect on me this time round, whereas I think it did help when I took it before. I could think about bac again but after last time my family are totally opposed to it so I wouldnt be able to let them know about it which I think would be pretty difficult once the se's kick in.


                    Thinking of trying neurontin

                    Spacebebe, you could go really slowly this time. As I recall, you kinda pushed it last time, yeah? If you tried Dr L's ultra slow titration, you may not get too many SEs.
                    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                      Thinking of trying neurontin

                      sunshine&rainbow;1201820 wrote: Thanks Bruunhilde, I am trying to build on my success right now, am scared of falling backwards tho. Yes I am going to try gabapentin for my moods as I still get horrible dark depression when I can barely function, at those times I have drank ( I have also drank at all other times) because I cant stand the way I feel and want get rid of my feelings in any way I can, ie using alcohol. I am thinking that if I can deal with my mood that would be one battle sorted in my war over alcohol. I am still taking the campral but cant really say its making much difference to me this time, in the past I have taken campral and noticed a marked difference in my cravings, not sure why that is.
                      If you haven't fallen off the wagon, and need some help, PM me and I'll tell you how shit I feel today since drinking half a litre of hard liquor last night and basically attacking a very old friend on the phone.


                        Thinking of trying neurontin


                        Or call me; I have recordings of me, thanks to the ex's lawyer, of me calling his tramp several times throughout the divorce. And I know it was damn good abuse at the time, but even I couldn't understand what I was saying!:toasted:
                        And I, like S&R, have changed my password vowing to stay off of here if drinking only to get an e-mail the next morning asking if I changed my password and having no recollection of it!

                        A small grin now but was I ignorant? Absolutely!

                        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                          Thinking of trying neurontin

                          Thanks for the hanging with me Lush, I know from that post you understand where I am today. And I don't blame you for calling the tramp, I'd have done the same thing if my husband cheated on me.


                            Thinking of trying neurontin

                            I gotta run but boy do I understand. She "it" was only one of my victims. I always wondered why the hell we couldn't remember calling, the conversation, the number of times we called,........but :dang: We could ALWAYS remember that phone number!

                            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                              Thinking of trying neurontin

                              I wish I could erase those numbers from my brain, I can only imagine the abuse I have given family and ex.... friends, no wonder people got pissed off with me. I also have no clue how I managed to change my username on here when I was pissed coz I cant find out how to change it back sober! so it looks like Im gonna be stuck with being sunshine and f-cking rainbows for now.

