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Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

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    Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?


    I am new member, and have been doing lots of research lately for a solution to my drinking, and I now see that baclofen could be a possible solution. I live in Ottawa, Canada and there seem to be very few doctors that deal with addiction, and likely less that know about baclofen.

    My question is where can I order baclofen online that can be shipped to Canada? I know Canada has some pretty restrictive policies regarding meds, so I am hoping to find a source that will deliver and not get caught at customs. Are there any Canadians on this site that have ordered baclofen?

    I would appreciate any help, as I feel really motivated to start with this drug and to finally make some progress with reducing my drinking and hopefully spend my spare time in more productive ways and exercise more. Baby steps....



    Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

    Hi T2Q and :welcome:

    Have a look at this thread:

    I'm not familiar with pharmacies delivering to Canada, but hopefully this will help you find the information you're looking for.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

      Success! I was able to order baclofen to Canada.

      Thanks Tiptronic for the welcome and the link to the thread with info about the various online suppliers of baclofen. Unfortunately Canada is more restrictive than the the US, and when I visit many of those sites mentioned, baclofen is not available to be shipped to Canada.

      However, last night I was PM'd by a very kind soul who connected me with a fellow Canadian who had successfully ordered baclofen from Goldpharma! I was so thrilled to learn this, and they helped me figure out how to place an order on the Goldpharma site, and what to expect. I took the plunge last night and placed an order for 100x10mg tablets, and I woke this morning to an email confirmation from them that the order was approved and that it was shipped! I feel very empowered to have been able to procure baclofen so easily with the kind help of forum members. Fingers crossed that it will not be detained at customs.

      My next step is to figure out how to go about a daily dose and how to monitor my progress with regards to any cravings and how I feel overall. I will dig deeper into this site to read what many of you experienced users have shared to help me figure this out.

      It feels slightly strange that I have completely avoided my own GP in acquiring baclofen, but I think was a necessary strategy as many doctors are not experienced with addiction or any of the popular uses for drugs such as baclofen. I dropped off some information for my doctor today - my history of researching options for alcohol treatment, and also some studies showing baclofen's effectiveness to help her understand it better. Whether or not she will ever prescribe baclofen to me remains to be see seen....

      Thanks to those who private messaged me with helpful words, and I will be happy to return the favor by helping anyone else in Canada that has questions about how to obtain baclofen.

      Heartfelt thanks.



        Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

        Goldpharma is a good company. I've ordered from a lot of sites (before I had my prescription) and no one beat their prices and shipping speed.

        :welcome: T2Q!
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

          Good luck on your journey, Time!! It has changed my life in 6 short weeks, and I hope it will do the same for you...
          Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:


            Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

            I live in Alberta and would like to order Topamax online. I found it on Goldpharma. Would you please let me know if you have any trouble with customs for your Baclofen? Thanks in advance...


              Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

              Baclofen Shipped to Canada from Goldpharma in 8 days!!

              Hi all,

              I am thrilled to report that my very first order of baclofen arrived today in the mail from Goldpharma, and it only took 8 days from Germany. I was quoted 12-18 days during the order process, so this was a pleasant surprise.

              I ordered 100 x 10mg of Baclofen-ratiopharm at a cost of $38.00 CDN, with the prescription/dispensing fee of $8.46 and shipping at $11.98 for a total of $58.44 ($0.58/tablet).

              I was told that Germany was a pretty fast country to ship from and I can confirm that. The issuing pharmacy is located in Berlin which likely helped being a major city. Interestingly, the shipper marked this package as a gift, despite it being covered with the pharmacy details and doctors names. The only downside to ordering this from Germany was that the drug information sheet that came with the product is only in German, which is not that big of a deal.

              I thought I would pass that along, as I was really worried that it would be difficult to get baclofen shipped to Canada, and hopefully others ordering from Canada will have positive results. I highly recommend Goldpharma based on my own positive experience.

              Now... I have to figure out how and when to take this, and whether or not I can take it while consuming alcohol. I have posted this question earlier, and should hopefully get some feedback.


                Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

                Hi TimeToQuit,

                Thanks for sharing your experience with ordering Baclofen from Goldpharma. I'm reading Dr. Ameisen's book right now, and he says he started with 5mg three times a day (you can split the pills) and then increased to 10mg three times a day, and so on. At each dosage level, you may experience some sleepiness, but that will pass after twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and you can then go up in the dosage again. I noticed there are lots of posts with others' experiences that may be helpful to read. BTW, did you ask your doctor about prescribing before you went online? I have an appointment on Friday and I plan to ask about it (I'm taking the book with me) but I'm worried she'll say no. At least now I have a plan B. Thanks again!


                  Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

                  Can you still order balcofen from goldpharma? There is no place to select and add baclofen to the shopping cart anymore! Am I blind, what am I missing?


                    Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

                    NoWayOut;1212573 wrote: Can you still order balcofen from goldpharma? There is no place to select and add baclofen to the shopping cart anymore! Am I blind, what am I missing?
                    On the Golpharma home page, type "baclofen" into the search box - top right hand side of the page:

                    It will return a ist of all the types of baclofen you can order:

                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

                      Thats the exact page I used to get when ordering from goldphama, but now I get a different page every time, Ive tried using the site with different browsers, I've created new accounts, I've tried doing the search while logged out but I cant get this page anymore:

                      Now whenever I do a search for baclofen I always get the following page, it has no clickable links, no way of adding anything to the cart, whats going on? Are they blocking Canadain IP addresses from purchasing baclofen now? I'm getting worried, I need my bac

                      Heres a snapshot of the page I keep getting directed to:


                        Where Can I Order Baclofen Online to be Shipped to Canada?

                        Soultion to Ordering from Goldpharma in Canada

                        Hi NoWayOut,

                        I recently ordered from Goldpharma to Canada, and tried tonight to search for baclofen and I had the same result as you. The reason is that they detected my IP address as Canadian, and they said on the default intro screen where you click Yes, I confirm, that national legislation applicable to Canada limits the access to the content of this website and principally restricts it to health-care professionals. As a result, you do not get to see the order pages when you type in baclofen. You actually get the SAME message if you were logging in from a US IP address, BUT you get in to the site and can place an order.

                        Here is the solution that I used. I used software to change my IP address to a US one, so that when I log in to Goldpharma it thinks I am from the US and lets me see the order pages, and still allows me to ship to a Canadian address.

                        Hope that helps!


