I did have a good nights sleep, I probably got to sleep around 1am and slept solid until 10am, no waking up and no dreams that I can remember, I still feel tired tho.
No announcement yet.
Me, myself and getting sober
Me, myself and getting sober
I have had a good day today, my mum has been round for sunday dinner and we also have been to put flowers in the cemetary and the crem, I know not everyoines idea of an afternoon out but each to their own. The day has just been easier somhow, I did think of a drink for a short time before but know I cant have one cos of the antabuse. Also my mum was asking me about that and I told her that I couldnt get any more from who I got this lot off and she has said that she will buy me some more on-line which is great as I dont have to pay for them, but also great in its a step closer to my buying bac and other meds on-line being accepted by at least her in my family. She is so happy and relieved that I am not drinking and wants me to be able to carry on and stay sober, so are my children, and they havent said but maybe so are my neighbours,lol
Me, myself and getting sober
I didnt get to sleep last night until after 1 but then slept solid until my alarm started going off at 7.30. Today I took my youngest son to the doctors and got more antibiotics for his chest infection, then took him to school and had a meeting with the attendance officer there and his year head becaus ehe has been having problems with school and hopefully got that sorted. Ive also been and had blood tests done and spent quite a bit of time on my laptop reading on here and sorting my e-mails etc. I contacted a woman I have seen around locally who I know went the AA on facebook and have been talkking to her for a couple of days and tonight I am going to go to an AA meeting with her. I am not into AA as in the steps and the god thing and praying I am finding my own way to sobriety and I know its not through AA but I am going to go tonight with her as I need company and friendship and need to stop isolating as this is doing me no good. The only person I have who I consider to be a friend is still drinking heavily so I cannot be spending time with her right now, although I do still talk to her on the phone and on facebook, I would feel too bad if I just dumped her when I dont think she is threatening my sober life. I know now what my priorities are. So all in all so far a good productive day. Still waiting on my bac (WILL IT EVER ARRIVE!) but have taken my antabuse, campral and 1/2 a gabapentin when I started feeling like crap earlier on, got the stoned feeling back which I am hoping will go soon and is just a short term s.e.
Thanks everyone who has joined in on this thread I appreaciate your input lots.
Me, myself and getting sober
Hi spacebebe! Good to read that your family seems more supportive of the on-line thing with meds, and are just happy you are not drinking! Whatever it takes! The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. It is not required that you work steps or believe in anyone else's God. I find it very comforting to be around others who are just like me. Nothing to lose checking it out, right? I know what you mean about needing to stay away from the drinking friends.
I am jealous of your good sleep!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Me, myself and getting sober
Hey Spacebebe,
You are doing great!! It seems like you are recognizing that the small things in life are sometimes the most important...Hit "the switch" at 190 mg/day on 11/10/11... Thanks to Dr. A, Dr. L, and all that have supported my journey on MWO!!:guitar1:
Me, myself and getting sober
I overslept this morning! I have 3 alarms set on my phone and slept though them all, woke up at 9.30 jumped up in a panic coz my son was late for school and he got ready quuick and I took him in. I have missed an appointment at the social security but will have to sort that out later. I dont know whats doing it but Im sleeping like a log right now, will have to start getting to bed earlier tho. I went to the AA meeting last night and it was really good to have company and get out, not all that sure what was said in the meeting but as I said thats not why Im going, I have arranged to meet with the woman I went with on Wednesday and hope to make a friend, she seems nice. Today Im thinking Antabuse rocks! Im still sober!!!!!!! hip hip hoorayI still dont know what date I stopped drinking (I was pissed at the time I did it) but its over a couple of weeks and I think without the antabuse I wouldnt have made it this far.
Me, myself and getting sober
I am so happy you are making it out of the hell hole of AL!!!! This early time is so hard and I'm just so happy for you. :l
I had to laugh because I also set 3 alarms on my phone!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Me, myself and getting sober
Doggygirl;1208870 wrote:
I had to laugh because I also set 3 alarms on my phone!
Sounds like you're on the right track, SpaceB! :goodjob:Better Living Through Chemistry
Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.
Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.
Me, myself and getting sober
Isolde;1208888 wrote: I wish I had to set 3 alarms on my phone! I can't even remember the last time I heard my alarm. I am awake for at least an hour (usually more) before my alarm goes off these days.
Spacebebe, that is awesome news about getting your bac!!! You will get plenty of help around here (not frome me though!) figuring out your titration schedule.
How exciting!!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Me, myself and getting sober
Oh wow doggy where do you go that you need to get up at 4.15, or do you just give up on trying to sleep, I seem to need about 18 hours a day sleep now, but I dont get that much obviously, I cant imagine getting up at 3.30 except when I was drinking then I would be wide awake around 4am searching the house for any drink I had stashed when I was drunk and couldnt remember where.
Me, myself and getting sober
I have just taken my first 10mg and that is all Im taking today, I havent got a pill cutter and seem to remember last time I started on 5mg 3 x day so I will go and get a new cutter tommorrow. This time round I intend to stay close on here and make sure I get this right, I hope I dont end up doing everybodys head in if I ask to many questions and go on too much, but there again no ones forced to read itbut of course I hope you do
Me, myself and getting sober
Doggygirl;1208946 wrote: LOL I usually am wide awake too....unless I have to be somewhere early that is. THAT will be the ONE day that I manage to stay asleep LOL! Didn't need my 4:30, 4:45, or 5:00AM alarms this morning though. I was awake at 3:30 and up and 4:15. :upset:
I got used to the tossing and turning from HDB, but this is different (and at the dose of bac that I'm on now, I should be sleeping like a rock). I have no problem falling asleep, and I'll stay asleep for 5-6 hours (sometimes less) and then I'm just done. I don't WANT to be done. This started happening out of the blue a few weeks ago. I can take stuff that normally knocks me out for half a day and the result is the same. I can't even sleep in on the weekends. :upset:Better Living Through Chemistry
Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.
Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.