Thanks windy, Ive got the seven weeks to sobriety book, and the depression free in seven weeks or whatever, they are probably both the same book as I bought them (of Amazon) and havent bothered reading them so I should check them out. The supps I mentioned are the ones Ive already got in the box, I just replace them when I run out and I have been taking those ones pretty much for a year or more. When I said serequel interfers with my sleep I mean in a good way, since I started taking it I have stopped sleeping all day and now am just sleeping of a night after I have taken it, which is all I ever wanted re sleep, I also have to say I have also stopped wanting to sleep of a day which is the best thing, of course I used to be able to keep myself awake but it was often not a happy state for me to be, being knackered and wanting bed but trying to force myself awake, I am also now able to sit with my son of an evening without dropping off.Its great.
I have also upped my gabapentin over the past few days and have really noticed a massive difference with that, I have been able to function and do things and am so much happier.
My anxiety is still there but nothing like it was when I tried to cut down on the bac but right now I am quite a happy bunny.
Went to my mums today and did the dinner and wahsed the dishes and also took a cake with me. I have also visited my auntie whose husband died and it all went well, I didnt feel like I was having to drag myself around and none of it got me down. And I feel good because I have done my good deed