Holy arse? did not know you wished for a buggaring. Not that it matters Brendanot; They say we all want it. That is IF you listen to perverted hobbits who natter on bout such shift and fantasy. Shift. S.h.I.t. eff. the f!
This auto correct does a number on correct grammar and spelling. Again not hobbies of mine however~when I get it right I would like it to not auto-mistake me.
And there is no comma in the symbol section. I realize I am mentally deformed so may have looked a dozen times and missed it. In this case. I require more help from you Life. I NEED commas in my Kindling.
Re the Toyota ref. Sorry about that. Was consumed with Prius deformity which includes two primary whine makers. One is that you nor your passenger can work the gps nav if car is in motion. Second is there is no way to turn off the beeper which goes on INSIDE the car when you put the car into Reverse.
I was overwhelmed with Toyota plus Kindle designs flaws that day. And today as well except my new iphone has AnAppForThat.
[QUOTE=ifulovelife2;1311958]I bought it the previous time I was in the States, so it's an Amurrican model.
Both fab and groovy, thank you my dear.
I've been pondering that too Ginger, but I'll be buggered if I can work it out. It could have been a Kindle typo I s'pose. :bonkers:[/QUOTE]