I just wanted to throw the latest and greatest out there. Just had my 2nd appointment with Dr. L and I am speechless about how much this man and this medication are changing my life!
I am in a good place emotionally and psychologically that I have not been in several years. My anxiety has gone down about 50-60% and I feel more confident everyday that I can tackle the world without needing other narcotics or alcohol to deal with it. Baclofen along with the support of Dr. L has calmed me down so much and I am not such a high strung mess anymore. I know I still have a long road ahead of recovering from the psychological mess inside my head, but I am actually starting to feel like it's possible to do now. I thank god that I found this forum and recieved the support and knowledge from all of you people that is making my life better. :l
My current dose is 60 mg./day and I am on week #4. I will now start to titrate up a bit higher over the next few weeks, but so far no noticable side effects.
I actually just got a new job that was difficult to get, and the interview process was intense for someone with anxiety issues to go through. But I was able to handle it well and get the job because baclofen reduced my anxiety enough to do so.