It's been a while since we had an informational and invitational thread for those on the outside looking in!
I think we can all relate to how difficult that first post is and how intimidating this place can be. (I spent months fairly convinced that you all were going to show up as a virus on my ancient PC and wipe out my bank account--the one with $3.63 in it. I set up so many anti-viral whatevers that I crashed the computer. I kid you not. Anyway...enough about me.

There are two good ways to get started, as far as I can tell. You can start a thread. This does not need to be profound, heartfelt and entirely personal. It also does not need to be something you stick with until you get to the other side. Just a "Hey! I'm here! And I want some info!" will do. It can also be a profound, heartfelt, endlessly long post. (I personally like and relate well to those! :H)
The other way is to pop onto another thread. Many of us bac(k) in the day would pop onto the Consolidated Baclofen Thread. The link is in my signature. (That's a good place to start for info related to bac, in general.) But any thread will do ya'. We'll notice and say hi.
There's a third way, of course! You can PM someone who you connect with. (Yep, we all lurked. We all felt like voyeurs for a while because we got to know someone through their posts. It's the nature of the game. Thank all that matters for anonymous internet connections. It saved my life and got me through the dark times.)
:l and strength to those of you in the grips of the beast. Those days are numbered and you can and will get to the other side. (And you won't miss the obsession for a minute. I promise.)