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Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

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    Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

    Hi there.. I'm new here. Just started Antabuse after 10+ years of alcohol abuse. Have tried many times over the years to stop with limited success, I have been able to stop for a month or 2 here & there but never longer than 6 months besides when I was pregnant with my kids.
    Long story short.. about a month & a half ago, I had my 1st full blown panic attack (racing heart, thought I was going to die, etc) & landed in the ER. They referred me to a Doc & I finally went last week after not going to a Doc in 3+ years. I mentioned Antabuse b/c I had heard about it somewhere & she prescribed it & I've started taking it but I am craving alcohol desperately. I know I can't drink on antabuse & I don't want to b/c of the reaction while on it, I've heard it's not pretty! but how can I make these cravings go away?? I know all the bad that alcohol is. I don't WANT to drink anymore. I'm scared for my health & I know it's just not an option anymore but I am almost crippled by the cravings. It's insane. My MIL died from alcoholism. I don't want to go down that path but I'm afraid that what I thought was going to help me (antabuse) is just going to end up being another failed attempt to stop drinking. I'm really afraid that I'm going to just stop taking it so I can pick up again in a couple of weeks & I DON'T want to do that. She also put me on Wellbutrin & I know that can cause some anxiety & agitation in the beginning but I just feel SO unbelievably low & hopeless & while googling for help, I found this board. Please, any words of advice or help is much appreciated.

    Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

    Hi no-name,
    First of all, welcome and congratulations for getting here. I got here a year ago and that was the beginning of the end of my 15 year drinking career.
    I never tried antabuse. Works for some people, I hear, but I don't think I could cope with the temptation/gun-at-your-head dilemma. (Many people just stop taking it so they can finally get round to having a well-earned drink...)
    Most people on this forum are fairly evangelical about a medication called Baclofen, and with good reason. It doesn't bully you into sobriety, as antabuse tries to do. It removes the temptation altogether. On the face of it, it's too good to be true - take the pills and suddenly a glass of beer is no more tempting than a bottle of mayonnaise? - but that is exactly how it works.
    There's so much info here about baclofen, I won't go into details, but 1) it's legal 2) it can have horrible side effects 3) most doctors won't prescribe it for alcoholism, simply because it is manufactured for other ailments (Multiple sclerosis, I believe.) -- but many trials are being conducted by universities worldwide to try and confirm what individuals like myself have found to be true, which is that baclofen is as close as you are going to get to a miracle cure for alcoholism.

    So the short answer to your question ("how can I make these cravings go away?") is: baclofen. Don't even bother with the antabuse. (Just my opinion.)

    Anyway -- I seldom come to this forum, cos I'm (dare I say it) cured of my suicidal drinking habit and repeating myself about baclofen the whole time felt a bit, uh, repetitive. So if you don't hear from me again it won't be me being rude, I'm just not here. But you're in the right place to start digging your way out of the mess you're in, whether it's with baclofen or some of the other meds discussed here. You'll be alright.


      Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

      Hi Name, I would recommend getting a book called Kick the Drink Easily by Jason Vale, I just read it and it's helping me to not drink. You have to examine the thoughts in your head and instead of keenly focusing your thoughts about how wonderful a cold beer or a glass of wine would be, say the REAL things about alcohol. That ISN'T an escape, its the door to disaster. One drink is never enough, and that one drink will give you a terrible reaction too. If you don't take the antabuse, you'll never be able to avoid the drink if you keep a laser focus on 'what you're missing' because you're so used to getting a drink at a certain time or when you're tired/bored/stressed etc.

      For example, last week I was sitting here typing thinking how great a really cold Heineken would be, how it would feel on my empty stomach, the littl buzz, how fun. Then when I drank it, I needed another, and another and another. And I ended up sick as a dog, unable to do anything for two days. I started reading the Jason Vale book and he taught me to change how I think about alcohol.

      Sure I think about it all the time, my mouth is watering now. But I realize that sparkling water will fool my stomach and gosh I have laundry to do and I have energy enough to do it now that I've been alcohol free for a couple of days!

      What makes you want to drink? Examine yourself. Write stuff down if it helps, write it here. See you later, Name. Hang in there, you CAN do it.


        Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

        Thanks to both of you. I am intrigued by Baclofen but I wonder how difficult it would be to get a Dr to prescribe it? I will ask my Dr when I go for my follow-up in 2 weeks. Although, just from reading around a little on the boards here, some people seem to have experienced a worsening of depression & that is def something I need to avoid. I am already pretty severely depressed, have also been battling that for 10+ years & have tried every anti-D out there during those years. Finally agreed to the Wellbutrin last week after not being on anything for 3 or so years b/c it would be the one least likely to cause weight gain (another issue) Gee, I'm just a wreck, aren't I?? lol

        Yes, I definitely need to get to the root of WHY I feel the need to drink in the 1st place. I think it's mostly self-medicating & I know all the reasons NOT to drink. I black out every time, I do & say things that are embarrassing & horrible & make me feel ashamed the next day, I am probably doing major liver damage, I am just exasperating & worsening the depression & anxiety, etc...

        I am just constantly baffled by how I manage to convince myself that I "need it" or somehow deserve it or just plain talk myself out of abstaining when I have made up my mind to do so. I will go to the store & have every intention of not buying alcohol & 9 times out of 10, I will walk out with a bottle. That is what drives me crazy. I am not a weak person when it comes to pretty much everything else but I feel so weak when it comes to this & I really hate that about myself. Ugh.. I will check out the book. Thanks again & I guess thanks for letting me vent/share. It is actually helping to talk about this


          Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

          Hi no name :welcome:

          Most of us can relate to how you're feeling, and most of us in the meds section have been able to stop feeling that way by taking baclofen. It's pretty well agreed that baclofen won't cause you to get depressed. Giving up drinking and taking a sober look at your life might, though. I had been depressed for years and also tried many different anti-depressants, and nothing worked. I've been on bac for almost 5 months now, and I'm not on an anti-depressant or depressed, for the first time in 10+ years. Definitely read up on it and don't be afraid to ask questions, and good luck!
          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
          George Santayana


            Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

            No name, the fact that you are taking antabuse and the fact that you are posting says that you are stronger than you know! Imagine yourself being on a small boat in a stormy ocean. Hold on tight for dear life and you will survive and get through this , the sun will shine and you will smile again , not a fake one but a real joyous smile from tour soul. Within you is a tiny piece of divinity , you can and will get through this !!!!!!!!!!!! Know that even when you don't believe in yourself I along with many others believe in you . You will get through this . I don't know who you are , but I see you happy in the very near future .
            I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

            Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

            AF since 2/20/12

            Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

            Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

            Goal no.3 - 30 days.

            Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .


              Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

              Hi name I just needed to jump in here to say well done on going to the doctors and getting the antabuse and on coming on here. I also need to say that I have been taking antabuse for the past 3 weeks or so and cant say enough how good its been for me, I would definately not be sober today if not for antabuse. It doesnt do anything at all for the craving you are right there and over the past weeks I have had some pretty miserable days where the craving seems so overwelming me I didnt think I could cope, but I did, and I couldnt drink, and by carrying on taking it I have had the chance to remain sober and start to build a recovery plan for myself. I recieved my bac yesterday so cannot comment on it yet, but I have also been taking campral which is prescribed by my doctor and is no magic bullit but the cravings are lessening the more Im doing this. Im not cured or sorted or great at all but I am on my way and Im sober and have hope now. Keep going your doing great and no two days are the same, you can be amazed how quickly things can get better.


                Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

                I also suffer from major depression by the way, being sober is my best chance of getting through it, I have taken pretty much every ssri going and think they are all pretty crap, now been prescibed effexor dont know how thats going to go but I know now that they are not the answer for me to beat my depression. Dont know what is the answer yet still working on that one


                  Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

                  Hi No Name: I have been fiddling with Antibuse for the last couple of years and it has worked off and on. I am now seeing an addictions Doctor and he has prescribed Antibuse and has doubled the dose.
                  I know that I can absolutely not drink with it. I just have to get it into me every day. The best time to do that is in the morning when I have had a decient sleep. I have been doing this for the last 10 days and I don't seem to be having too many cravings.
                  He says the answer is to go to AA meetings and get into the culture there. That and Antibuse can work.
                  So far so good for me. Maybe talk to the Doctor about doubling the dose. My doctor says it can be a great anti craving drug that way. Please don't fiddle with it like I did where I would take it and wait a few days for it to wear off so I could drink again. I think it is hard on the system.
                  Good luck and keep posting here. It works.
                  Don't worry, be happy!


                    Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

                    Wow, thanks for all the responses of encouragement. You have no idea how much it means for me to see people out there that really understand where I'm coming from. Actually, most of you prob do since you've been there, done that! It's just a nice change of pace from the guilt & shame I usually feel. I guess I really should commend myself on taking the 1st step. I was just so tired of living in that vicious cycle.. I was really nervous about mentioning it to the Doc but I'm so glad I did, she hardly blinked! I really just figured she would flat out say no or say she wasn't familiar enough with the med to prescribe it.

                    Running4life.. My Doc prescribed 100mg tablets & said to take 1 a day or that I could also take a half tab every day or even every other day. She said it was up to me & depended on how long I wanted to make the rx last b/c she said any amount in my system will produce a severe reaction if I drink. I decided on a half tab every other day b/c I have an HRA & technically though I'm not paying out of pocket for the rx, it is being deducted from the HRA & I don't want that to be the main thing draining it!

                    I did go online last night & found a Substance Abuse center near me that I believe has Dr's on staff that deal specifically with abuse & treat them with meds/counseling, etc.. I'm going to call them today to make sure they take my Ins & start working with them if they do to see about other meds that can help with the cravings. I really feel like that's the biggest hurdle for me right now & that if I can get the cravings under control that I can really start to work on the deeper stuff in counseling.

                    I feel so much better today. I feel like I finally have a plan for the 1st time in 10 years & that I can actually do this. I kinda wish I'd known about these meds sooner though & I have to wonder why NONE of the Dr's I have seen over the past 10 years (including 2 psych hospitalizations) have mentioned this as an option.

                    Thanks again everyone!


                      Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

                      hi no name....
                      i am a mother too taking antabuse for 3 or 4 years and it saved me ... take baclofen i never had any bad siteeffects it will make the craving go away ....please take baclofen it will make you feel relaxed...


                        Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

                        Hi No Name:
                        I am now on day 17, very little craving and I think this is because I know that with the amount of Antibuse in my system I absolutely cannot drink. This has helped me to take it in the morning when I feel good. I have had a couple of sticky moments with people pouring me drinks but I got around it without them noticing. I just held it in my hand or handed it to my husband when they weren't looking.
                        I am feeling so much better now. I don't have to worry about drinking or not drinking, I just have to decide once in the morning to take my pills. I thought I would feel trapped but that has not been the case. It sounds like you have tracked down a Dr. who can help you. I hope this works out.
                        Just remember, if the dosage is too low it may lead you to not taking any and then you are free to drink again. This was the trap I was in. Good luck.
                        Don't worry, be happy!


                          Day 5 of Antabuse craving badly

                          Hi no name, I do hope you continue with the antabuse, It has worked fantastically for me, not being able to drink has given me time to start bac and is giving my body and brain a chance to start healing. I dont know where you live but I have to get bac online as there are not any doctors in my area who wil prescribe it. Its not at all unusual for doctors and hospitals to not tell you about the medical options in treating addiction, hopefully in the future in will become usual practice but unfortunately we are not there yet. Good luck with the addictions sevice I hope they can help you. keep on going you can do it. Im only around 3-4 weeks AF afeel so much better already. I hope I never look back/

