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Help with taper down

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    Help with taper down

    Hello all,

    Thought I would start a new thread to get some thoughts from you all on finishing off my taper down of Baclofen. The other thread sort of went in a million different directions. I am at 60mg per day and have been at this level for about a month now and I'm feeling fine. I began with Baclofen in May 2010 and went up as high as 300 mg per day but wasn't even really drinking when I started bac so I can't be sure that it really did THAT much for me. I'm ready to continue going down to zero. This is mostly just an experiment as I have been AF for a very long time... I don't know exactly how long as I don't count days or any of that stuff but I know I've not been drunk since September 2010 (I was on about 100mg of baclofen at this time and I do think bac changed how the alcohol felt in my system... less pleasurable). Since then I've only had a couple beers on a few occasions and zero alcohol since probably January 2011. I think I'm really just over it. Reading a book that was suggested here by someone (your name escapes me at the moment, I apologize) called "Kick the drink" by Jason Vale really solidified my stance on alcohol and I just don't want it in my life.

    So, with that being said, How should I continue? Cut out 10mg's per day each week? 5mgs per day? I know I need to go slowly from here on out. Getting down this far was a relative breeze but there were a few days where I dropped it down to 30mgs or so and felt some pretty bad sides (anxiety, insomnia, grinding my teeth).

    Any and all ideas are appreciated!!


    Help with taper down

    I got nothing. Sorry. The thought scares the crap out of me, honestly. And not because of the booze. Like you, but for different reasons obviously, I'm not so worried about booze. I know what the remedy is, and I don't want it in my life either. I don't crave booze at all, even when I forget and take much less than I'm on.
    What I'm worried about is the chemical imbalance that creates the need for the booze, I guess. The anxiety, for lack of a more encompassing word. This fear, or rather respect for the balance that bac has created in me, is reinforced by the experiences of others whose 'stories' I know.
    So. Sloooowly. And keep us posted. And if you start to feel all wonky and down and hopeless, please for the love, take some more bac. I'm watching and waiting and looking to you for some answers. Thanks in advance!

    oh, and are you still feeling all good and fit and happy and all that other good stuff? Oh, again. It amuses me that you think bac might not have benefited you. I'm not being a smart alec. (Maybe a little, but it's tongue in cheek, okay?) For this reason: Why'd you take it? Really. I'll probably edit this, because I can tell it might be misinterpreted, but it's what I've got atm, and it's you, so hopefully okay.


      Help with taper down

      Bminor, I enjoyed your other thread. I am not sure why you choose to start another one. Your other one regarding tapering down inspired me. It's good to hear stories of those who did taper off of baclofen.

      Anyway, I have started to taper down, and I am going to do it little by little 10mg a week. I fear that going too fast might serious disrupt something. I have always been worried about having a seizure but that's just me. I do know that it is possible if you just stop. But being that this treatment is so new, I don't think anyone knows what happens depending on how you taper off. In your case, since you have been on it for so long, I would taper off slowly as I stated before 10mg a week. But it's entirely up to you how you want to go about things. =)
      Still fighting the good fight.


        Help with taper down

        Ne/Neva Eva;1211816 wrote: I got nothing. Sorry. The thought scares the crap out of me, honestly. And not because of the booze. Like you, but for different reasons obviously, I'm not so worried about booze. I know what the remedy is, and I don't want it in my life either. I don't crave booze at all, even when I forget and take much less than I'm on.
        What I'm worried about is the chemical imbalance that creates the need for the booze, I guess. The anxiety, for lack of a more encompassing word. This fear, or rather respect for the balance that bac has created in me, is reinforced by the experiences of others whose 'stories' I know.
        So. Sloooowly. And keep us posted. And if you start to feel all wonky and down and hopeless, please for the love, take some more bac. I'm watching and waiting and looking to you for some answers. Thanks in advance!

        oh, and are you still feeling all good and fit and happy and all that other good stuff? Oh, again. It amuses me that you think bac might not have benefited you. I'm not being a smart alec. (Maybe a little, but it's tongue in cheek, okay?) For this reason: Why'd you take it? Really. I'll probably edit this, because I can tell it might be misinterpreted, but it's what I've got atm, and it's you, so hopefully okay.
        NE- No offense taken and I understand what you are asking. I started taking it because I was scared to death at the time that I may start drinking again. I was jobless and about to start a new job in a new city and knew I couldn't f*ck it up. I had a different mind set back then too and thought differently about alcohol. I was resentful that I "couldn't" drink. It pissed me off and I wanted to be a *social* drinker if you will. Plus I'm a human guinea pig. I'm a different person though now and realize that I was, like the rest of the world, being duped all along into thinking that alcohol was this glamorous, lovely, part of our culture. Something you do with friends and loved ones at parties and football games and on and on. I know now that it's all bullshit. If you're a drinker, you're a drug user, plain and simple. It's poison and even the "experts" who claim 2 drinks a day is beneficial for the heart are full of shit. No amount of any poison is good for the human body. period. I know this will be debated, but really if people weren't so fucking obese and took care of themselves there would be no need to dump a blood thinner down your throat.

        Sorry for the rant. Maybe bac did help me? Maybe it gave me time to develop my "new self"? I really don't know? I'm not knocking baclofen... I know it works for people. That's obvious and to those who are finding success with it, by all means please stick with it!

        To your other question. No, things aren't 100% but as I taper down, they get better. It's hit or miss... lol that sounds funny hehe. It was just crazy going from being a pretty virile dude... to a near eunuch.

        Again, no offense taken and as always I appreciate your input and I'll keep ya posted!


          Help with taper down

          DrunkAndTiredInFLA;1211847 wrote: Bminor, I enjoyed your other thread. I am not sure why you choose to start another one. Your other one regarding tapering down inspired me. It's good to hear stories of those who did taper off of baclofen.

          Anyway, I have started to taper down, and I am going to do it little by little 10mg a week. I fear that going too fast might serious disrupt something. I have always been worried about having a seizure but that's just me. I do know that it is possible if you just stop. But being that this treatment is so new, I don't think anyone knows what happens depending on how you taper off. In your case, since you have been on it for so long, I would taper off slowly as I stated before 10mg a week. But it's entirely up to you how you want to go about things. =)
          I guess I started this for specific thoughts on finishing the taper off once down to a fairly low dose. I had no problems until I got down to 60mg's. So maybe I shouldn't have started the new thread? I DO however appreciate your feedback and interest. Keep me posted on how it goes for you if you will please!!


            Help with taper down

            Yar B,

            Word on the street is that the Frenchies recommend tapering down by 10 mg/week, which I reckon is a good idea. Also, I was perusing some spinal cord injury forum a few weeks where they were talking about bac, and they recommend going even slower. Looks like dropping from 60-0 should take months, not days or weeks. Good luck. Finally, your talk of virility reminded me of my favorite virility quote. What does this mean to you?

            Look now: the Beast that I made:
            he eats grass like a bull.
            Look: the power in his thighs
            the pulsing sinews in his belly.
            His penis stiffens like a pine;
            his testicles bulge with vigor.
            His ribs are bars of bronze,
            his bones iron beams.
            He is first of the works of God,
            created to be my plaything.
            He lies under the lotus,
            hidden by reeds and shadows.
            He is calm though the river rages,
            though the torrent beats against his mouth.
            Who then will take him by the eyes
            or pierce his nose with a peg?
            Will you catch the Serpent with a fishhook
            or tie his tongue with a thread?
            Will you pass a string through his nose
            or crack his jaw with a pin?
            Will he plead with you for mercy
            and timidly beg your pardon?
            Will he come to terms of surrender
            and promise to be your slave?
            Will you play with him like a sparrow
            or put him on a leash for your girls?
            Will merchants bid for his carcass
            and parcel him out to shops?
            Will you riddle his skin with spears,
            split his head with harpoons?
            Go ahead: attack him:
            you will never try it again.

            JK. Hope you didn't read that :H
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              Help with taper down

              LOL @ Pete!! What is that from?

              Yeah, I'm going to go at it with a 10mg per week taper and see how that goes. I'll make my first dose of the day (of 3) the smallest.


                Help with taper down

                It's from the Bible, you heathen nfire:

                As a Pastafarian, you should have intimate knowledge of other Holy Works. Oh wait, I forgot that we can refute every claim, scientific or religious, with "The FSM made it appear that way to fool you." I just got done reading The Gospel, and just in time for Holiday Yarrr!
                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                George Santayana


                  Help with taper down

                  I dont get poetry


                    Help with taper down

                    SlipperyPete;1211967 wrote: It's from the Bible, you heathen nfire:

                    As a Pastafarian, you should have intimate knowledge of other Holy Works. Oh wait, I forgot that we can refute every claim, scientific or religious, with "The FSM made it appear that way to fool you." I just got done reading The Gospel, and just in time for Holiday Yarrr!
                    PETE!!! I had no idea you were a fellow Pastafarian! I should have know so by the introductory "Yar" you gave me earlier. I'm not with it today buddy, forgive me. I've only read parts of "the good book". The Gospel that you speak of however is the truth. I got my ordination certificate back in July framed in glass and it's glorious!!! RAmen my brother!

                    Although now that I think of it, I do remember you having the pirate fish logo as your avatar in the past...


                      Help with taper down

                      I will definitely keep you posted. =)

                      Bminor;1211919 wrote: I guess I started this for specific thoughts on finishing the taper off once down to a fairly low dose. I had no problems until I got down to 60mg's. So maybe I shouldn't have started the new thread? I DO however appreciate your feedback and interest. Keep me posted on how it goes for you if you will please!!
                      Still fighting the good fight.


                        Help with taper down

                        Hey, B. Thanks for the response.
                        I wonder if you would consider posting on the success thread? Here's my reasoning: I think success is not simply about getting to the switch. Right? (Don't get me wrong, that's huge and life altering.) I think it's also about moving on. And I think it's important to express a little ambivalence about it, if that's what someone has going on. Does that make any sense? I'll just paste this thread if you're not opposed. It's much better coming from the person who experienced it, though.

                        I'm curious about a couple more things. How did you know you were indifferent? What was your titration like, without booze? Were you tempted to drink while titrating up? How about more than tempted? I'm specifically referring to the fact that several of us experienced a lessening of inhibition about drinking, but we were all drinking. Did you have that experience?
                        And what about anxiety? Was it there and now it's gone? Or some other version of that scenario?

                        :H sorry for the interrogation. But hey, inquiring minds want to know and there are peeps coming up behind!
                        :l B.


                          Help with taper down

                          Ne/Neva Eva;1212917 wrote: Hey, B. Thanks for the response.
                          I wonder if you would consider posting on the success thread? Here's my reasoning: I think success is not simply about getting to the switch. Right? (Don't get me wrong, that's huge and life altering.) I think it's also about moving on. And I think it's important to express a little ambivalence about it, if that's what someone has going on. Does that make any sense? I'll just paste this thread if you're not opposed. It's much better coming from the person who experienced it, though.

                          I'm curious about a couple more things. How did you know you were indifferent? What was your titration like, without booze? Were you tempted to drink while titrating up? How about more than tempted? I'm specifically referring to the fact that several of us experienced a lessening of inhibition about drinking, but we were all drinking. Did you have that experience?
                          And what about anxiety? Was it there and now it's gone? Or some other version of that scenario?

                          :H sorry for the interrogation. But hey, inquiring minds want to know and there are peeps coming up behind!
                          :l B.

                          I'll do it just for you Ne :h It may take me awhile to actually figure out how I want to explain it all though. I'll get to your other questions later.


                            Help with taper down

                            :h bacatcha
                            Thanks. And take your time. (sort of. )

