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Giving Thanks

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    Giving Thanks

    Ne-Thanks for the thread. And many thousand thanks to MWO and its members.

    And your words:

    "I am deeply, profoundly, grateful to those who guided me on the path, and who still guide me. I am grateful for those who are here, those who have moved on but left their stories for us to learn from, and those who will come seeking answers and a way out.

    I am thankful, too, that I never gave up looking and longing and hoping. I hope you won't either. Some (many!) of the answers are right here. "

    How perfectly spoken. And dang -even loop admits that he was thankful to be working last night -how cool.

    I am THANKFUL to be spending my first Thanksgiving day -S O B E R- and content -with a sense of well being and hope. This is a miracle.

    Peace to All.


      Giving Thanks

      gratitude;1214899 wrote: I worked also. grateful that I got to see all the people in the bar that were shitfaced and I didn't have the slightest desire to drink. those people used to be me. in fact, some of them I used to drink with. so foreign now. I recognized one person sitting at the bar who was puffy, pink and swollen. he used to come to AA.:upset:
      just grateful because that could be me and for the moment it's not.
      Bummer. But for the grace of god there goes you.

      Hey is the AA urban legend true that bartenders will give u a drink for AA chips? I have a room full of month and desire chips I could donate to the homeless. I would get buried in them if I opened that door though.

      I am grateful that I still have hope after falling on my ass for 21 years of attempts.
      When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


        Giving Thanks

        I am sincerely grateful for all the senior members that still pop on this thread every so often.


          Giving Thanks

          Lovely post, Ne, and great to remember. I too and so thankful for this community as I literally credit it with saving my life. A couple years ago I was ready to throw in the towel and as a last ditch effort, I found answers and warmth here, as well as info on bac etc that helped me recover.

          My life is now getting pretty damn good and I owe it in large part to this forum. I'm so grateful for it. Thanks and love and peace to all of you reading and participating in this.


            Giving Thanks

            Ukblonde;1591740 wrote: Without MWO I'd never have found Dr Chick and TSM, the subsequent recovery years and now complete abstenance.

            People trust me again, and I'm learning how to connect with others on a really, really deep and profound level.

            Absolutely fantastic.
            It's a lovely feeling, being able to have people trust me again- being true to my word and feeling an inner integrity being built up after so many years of broken promises and untruths.


              Giving Thanks

              I'm thankful that I'm spending a lovely clear autumn day with good people, and genuinely happy that I'm doing it sober. And then I've got a long weekend just playing, creating artwork in my studio. Happy times! So many people are so less fortunate than us, wherever we might be in life. It's good to remember all the good things we have.


                Giving Thanks

                Last post here today, I promise... I thought some of you might like to hear a song I feel is very appropriate today. One of my favorites... A song of love, gratitude, and finding your way. You can hear it instant and free here. And lyrics posted below...."All Things Good and Nice" by Jets to Brazil.

                Grooveshark - Free Music Streaming, Online Music

                i love my mother for all the things she's not
                but mostly for who she is
                i love my father for all the things he's thought
                but really for the things he did
                i love my piano though i wasn't ever taught
                still i think i'm gonna live

                all things to those who wait
                take time to find your way
                half the answers are there in your mistakes
                even when you're wrong i think you're great

                i love my brother he's always taking shit
                he's just not like the other kids
                i love my sister for always making things
                she even made a brother out of me, sweet kid
                i love this feeling like i've got something to give
                you know i think i'm gonna live

                all things to those who wait
                take time to find your way
                some will say the truth is not so plain
                don't confuse your truth with your pain

                you can take a line and say it isn't straight
                but that ain't gonna change it's shape

                i love my drummer and all the things he plays
                i wrote it in half-time just to say thanks
                i love my bassist represent the Western states
                i think they sent an angel from the old Salt Lake
                i love my guitarist his chops from outer space
                he can make my three chords sound like eight

                all the things to those who wait
                take time to find your way
                to all the bands who mean what they say:
                it's not what you sell its what you make.
                i love you stranger, it might not always show
                there's a lot of good in you i know


                  Giving Thanks

                  @skull -great lyrics -full of truisms. Thanks for posting.


                    Giving Thanks

                    Heart, people.

                    I've snuck away from the kitchen for a cigarette and a quick check in here. It warmed the cockles. Thank you.

                    My third sober Thanksgiving, and for that I am eternally grateful.


                      Giving Thanks

                      i'm grateful for NE and her cockles:thanks::l


                        Giving Thanks

                        Grat, it's good to see you!

                        I'm grateful it's not Tuesday. I dislike Tuesdays. Sober or drunk.

                        Good thread, all true.


                          Giving Thanks

                          As Ukblonde said:

                          "People trust me again, and I'm learning how to connect with others on a really, really deep and profound level.

                          Absolutely fantastic."

                          Plus it's easier to see when I'm wrong or not done something I'm supposed to and apologize.


                            Giving Thanks

                            good to see you also.

