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5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

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    5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

    Well I should be feeling happy, 5 days a/f but instead of waking up congratulating myself I now feel guilty about other things, such as eating more than normal or not finishing off the previous days tasks- maybe I always need to beat myself up over something? I really want to carry on not drinking though, as I've had around one blackout a Month recently and wake up just not remembering what I did...

    5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

    Depending upon how much you were drinking, it's quite likely you feel funky because you're still de-toxing, bibs. The first week without AL is usually pretty miserable for everyone. Drink lots of water, let yourself rest, but get a little exercise, if possible, and look into some supplements to help your body/brain recover.

    You can find a host of them in the "heath store" here. I learned about them there, and in the "Holistic Health" threads on the forum. I buy them, because they are much less expensive, at Discount Vitamins & Natural Health Marketplace|Supplements|Vitacost - Vitacost

    Is this your first go-round with full-time sobriety? Be sure to check out if you haven't already. Hang in there. Let your body get rid of the poison and it DOES get better!!!

    Good luck!
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

      Hi bee just agreeing with everything red said, take it easy girl, if possible use this time to try and relax, have a long bath with a book, watch a film if you can and drink lots and lots of water and juices, dont worry about eating too much thats not important now and you can sort it out later. Can you get out and go fro a walk or a swim maybe or just do some stretching excercise in the house. The fresh air will also help perk you up.

      If you are new on here and a first timer at not drinking make sure you have a good look around the whole site, lots more useful advice and tips out there.

      Good luck bee


        5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

        I dont recall feeling all spry and chipper at 5 days AF either. Some of us had been ingesting large amounts of AL and just wrecking our bodies. We didnt get into the situation and feelings we did in just a matter of days, it took years.

        Everyone bounces back differently, I think I was kind of a mess after 5 days. Even if my body didnt feel better, my mind felt a little bit more clear. But long around 2 or 3 weeks, I started noticing that the round figure I was becoming was slowly but surely vanishing.

        Ive suffered from insomnia as long as I can remember, but I slept like a baby, and without any sleep aids for a while. Its going to take some time for your body to expel the poisons(thats what AL is, literally) and for your body, mind, and soul to heal. But it WILL happen, and that will give you even more reason to stay AF.

        Wishing you all the strength and support needed to reach your goals.....when you hit 7 days, Ill hand out the coveted(or so I'd like to think) Nelz seal of approval star!

        EDIT: I suggest drinking copious amounts of water to stay hydrated.....I personally like the seltzer/soda waters, its not plain water, it has a bite to it, and I slice up a fresh lemon and a lime and throw it in.......mmmmmmmmdelyishous!
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

          I can only agree with what the others have said. Depression is definitely a withdrawal effect, and has worsened initially when I have quit drinking. It does however improve, and alcohol itself can cause severe depression of its own while a person is still using it, even though it may temporarily make people feel better while intoxicated.

          Good luck with recovery!


            5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

            hiya biba!

            the first thing that jumps to mind is that it can be super difficult to let go of a crutch you are so used to leaning on. now that you have five days af (hooray, you!!!), your mind and your spirit are probably beginning to surface from a deep fog, or a light fog, depending on how bad you had it with alcohol, so you're perhaps a bit more sensitive to reality than you were when you knew you had an escape waiting just around the corner. it can be very hard to give up an old 'friend', even if that friend slapped you in the face constantly.

            there's also much truth in what everyone else has said.

            hold tight. i suspect that you will start to feel progressively better as you put alcohol further and further behind you. keep that faith. great luck with your recovery!

            xo rudy


              5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

              RudyB;1220054 wrote: the first thing that jumps to mind is that it can be super difficult to let go of a crutch you are so used to leaning on. now that you have five days af (hooray, you!!!), your mind and your spirit are probably beginning to surface from a deep fog, or a light fog, depending on how bad you had it with alcohol, so you're perhaps a bit more sensitive to reality than you were when you knew you had an escape waiting just around the corner. it can be very hard to give up an old 'friend', even if that friend slapped you in the face constantly.
              This is EXACTLY my experience too. I couldn't have said it any better, or even as well. This has happened to me each time I have stopped drinking, and also when I stopped smoking marijuana (when using it as a night time escape from reality and alcohol substitute). The thought of having nothing there at night as a chemical crutch and escape from reality, as the fog clears from the mind, can be terrifying to begin with. Very well said Rudy, alcohol does feel like a "friend" even when it has really become a dreadful enemy.

              I do think that if someone is able to put into place activities, interests, a new job, or other social groups and things to look forward to at the times when they formerly drank, then they can quickly realise they can be a lot more comfortable without alcohol. I have even found some AA meetings helpful this way, even though I have trouble fitting in to AA in the past (and still don't fully follow all of it).


                5 days a/f but feeling down- why???

                I would notice that after coming off of a huge bender and going through withdrawal back in the day, that for SEVERAL days, up to a week I would feel like complete sh*t mentally. Horrible depression and severe anxiety. But then, once I got past this 3-8 day period I would get a rebound effect as if my own internal chemicals would bounce back and I'd sort of get a surge of positivity and calm. I would usually take this feeling as the perfect sign to go get some vodka :H My I was a mess back then.

                Anyway like the previous posters said, depending on how much and how long you've been drinking, it's perfectly normal to be feeling blue after stopping. Your body is recovering and mentally you are losing a good buddy.

