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Info about Docs and bac

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    Info about Docs and bac

    Hiya everybody! This has come up privately a couple of times now. I thought I'd give a sum up, especially since there is kerfuffle related to online pharmacies.

    Dr. Levin's information is this:

    Home: 312-642-5803

    This is the number that he prefers. Call between 7 and 9pm Central Standard Time. He's in Chicago, Illinois. He takes overseas calls, and calls from doctors, too. Also, he is VERY good at straightening out reluctant or belligerent pharmacists. (Though there are other ways around this, if it does actually become an issue.)

    His office number is: 312-236-6675
    He always answers this, even if he's in a session with a patient. Someone posted recently that it's called the baclophone. :H

    He's a nice guy. Very, very nice guy. Without any real agenda, as far as I can tell. And I've been calling him for a looooong time. (More than a year. Seems long to me!)

    There is also a thread where you might be able to find a local doctor. It's not very extensive as people are reluctant to share the info of a doctor on the WWW. Which I totally understand. I would encourage those who have information related to this to post that they know someone in such and such area (or even region!). Think about it, peeps. There are a lot of us who are desperate. We are all relatively reasonable. The ones who are not reasonable are very unlikely to try to follow up with a doctor. It's true. And we all deserve a chance to recover. That's my take on it, anyway.
    :l and :H--because I coveted the laughter I found here when I got here. And now I'm one of the smile-y ones! woop!

    Info about Docs and bac

    Redhead, didn't you have a thread about Dr. L? I can't find it. Can you?
    It was a GREAT one...

    Here's a very old one that helped to get me started:

    I can't remember what's on it, and hope that it's not too confusing or full of kerfuffle...



      Info about Docs and bac

      It's scary. I know. It took me months to call the first time. And then I cried the whole way through. Plus, I was pretty drunk. 7-9pm CST is 8-10pm my time. LONG after the witching hour.
      I think I said, "Hi, my name is ___. I've been drinking. Is that okay? Will you still talk to me?"

      And then a bit later, after he was so damn nice it set off all the alarm bells I had in my constantly-ringing brain, I asked him why he was helping us. Point blank. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"
      And his answer made me laugh and cry at the same time. He said it was because he can. Because he believes in baclofen, and thinks treatment for alcoholism and addiction is ridiculous. I think he said it was humiliating and shameful for us to experience, but I could be projecting or remembering a later conversation.

      Lordy, I'm verbose this morning. I'm also late. Keep on, my friends!


        Info about Docs and bac

        I could swear he prefers to be called at his home between 5-7 CST. That's when I've always called him. That's when he gets home from work. That's the time he prefers his faxes to come from the pharmacy because his machine is at his home.
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Info about Docs and bac

          I would always just call his office and if he was with a patient he would give me a better time to call him back. This may have been later in the day or even later in the week, but I was never in a real panic or hurry so it was fine with me. The bad thing is that he treated this as a "therapy session" which I never really wanted. With that said, he was always very nice and helpful and anyone on the fence should not hesitate to call the man. He WILL help you.


            Info about Docs and bac

            Lo0p;1221525 wrote: I could swear he prefers to be called at his home between 5-7 CST.
            Nope. 7-9pm CST (Chicago, IL, USA) Monday-Fri.

            Bminor;1221558 wrote:
            I would always just call his office and if he was with a patient he would give me a better time to call him back.
            ... The bad thing is that he treated this as a "therapy session" which I never really wanted. With that said, he was always very nice and helpful and anyone on the fence should not hesitate to call the man. He WILL help you.
            Yes, exactly. Calling him at home, in the late evening, in order to get a prescription for bac, is a very different thing than calling him during the day and setting up an appointment for another time.

            If you need a legal, legitimate script for bac and you live in the US and in some places in Europe, Dr. L can and will prescribe for you. You and he will figure out how to best go about this process.
            For me, and many others of us, this meant that he asks that you get a pharmacy to call him. He prefers Walgreens, but that's for his own convenience. It is not absolutely necessary. I have filled my prescriptions at CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid, and the local place down the street. (James Pharmacy, if anyone is in the Hampton Roads, VA area.)

            Getting the pharmacy to call can be a bit uncomfortable, but this too is easily surmountable. There's a thread around here somewhere, but if you want suggestions, just ask.



              Info about Docs and bac

              Thanks All. I am open to suggestions on how to get my pharmacy to call him. They tend to prefer to have the doc call them.


                Info about Docs and bac

                Hi Ne!
                I hope all is well. I tried to place a reorder from Goldpharma without success, I contacted them and they replied:

                "Regrettably, recent regulatory requirements mean that at present we are only able to supply the specific medicines as listed on our website. We are sorry for the unavoidable disruption to our service and the situation remains under close review."

                Why does this have to happen.


                  Info about Docs and bac

                  COSGringo;1222437 wrote: Thanks All. I am open to suggestions on how to get my pharmacy to call him. They tend to prefer to have the doc call them.
                  This was always awkward for me as well and you will get some looks. Just sort of play dumb and say that your doctor prefers that they call him and that you're not sure why. If they refuse to do it, I'd suggest calling Dr. L from you cell and tell him what's going on.

                  I think Ne- has more experience in this category so hopefully she can chime in.


                    Info about Docs and bac

                    JohnR;1222675 wrote: Hi Ne!
                    I hope all is well. I tried to place a reorder from Goldpharma without success, I contacted them and they replied:

                    "Regrettably, recent regulatory requirements mean that at present we are only able to supply the specific medicines as listed on our website. We are sorry for the unavoidable disruption to our service and the situation remains under close review."

                    I am too scared to call Dr. L and I really dont know why. I do have enough bac through February so I hope things get sorted out wth online ordering by then.

                    Why does this have to happen.
                    I'm not Ne obviously but have dealt with Dr. L. No need to be afraid to call him... he will be kind and help you. I swear he will. Sure it's awkward calling a doctor out of the blue but he is totally used to it now... he's been doing this for well over a year now. You've got nothing to lose.


                      Info about Docs and bac

                      well here's a question if Dr L gives me a script for baclofen what kind of dosage are we talking about and since I have medicare/medicaid I assume they won't pay so what kind of cost will it be straight from a regular pharmacy?


                        Info about Docs and bac

                        Well, I can tell you that I had to pay a pretty penny at Walgreens for some reason without insurance. 220 20mg pills would run me around 150 bucks. I think you can apply for some prescription card from them though and get it for cheaper. I have no idea if your insurance will pay for it or not.


                          Info about Docs and bac

                          COS and John,

                          You do not have to stand in line and then ask the Pharmacist to call Dr. L for the prescription.

                          Just go the the Walgreen's website, set up an account. place you order for Bac, give them Dr' L's office phone #, set the pick-up date (I did it for two days in advance), set the store you want to pick up from, then magically you will get an email that the prescription is ready. You just walk in and give them your last name and you're done. Easy, peasy.

                          Also, DO NOT be scared to call Dr L. He wants you to call him. He is incredibly easy to talk to. He believes in Bac and wants to help you.
                          Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                            Info about Docs and bac

                            Grommet;1222712 wrote: COS and John,

                            You do not have to stand in line and then ask the Pharmacist to call Dr. L for the prescription.

                            Just go the the Walgreen's website, set up an account. place you order for Bac, give them Dr' L's office phone #, set the pick-up date (I did it for two days in advance), set the store you want to pick up from, then magically you will get an email that the prescription is ready. You just walk in and give them your last name and you're done. Easy, peasy.

                            Also, DO NOT be scared to call Dr L. He wants you to call him. He is incredibly easy to talk to. He believes in Bac and wants to help you.
                            I wish I had known this back in the day... awesome information.

                            Also, I concur... DO NOT HESITATE to call the doctor!!


                              Info about Docs and bac

                              Thanks you guys. The price Bminor quoted is about half what I've been paying online for the past year plus I cant run it through my insurance anyway.

