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Info about Docs and bac

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    Info about Docs and bac

    Hi Folks,

    Ne, the thread was started by Beatle. I believe it's called Notes from Dr L, or something very similar. It's too late for me to search for it and bring it up. I only posted on there a little. I posted about actually meeting Dr L and visiting his office. I also posted about some of the questions he answered for me (us) in regard to bac.

    Dr L does prefer to be called, if you're calling his home, between 7-9 CST. He's sometimes in the office at the hours of 5-6 CST. If you want to call his office, I'm sure he'd be more than willing to talk to you, or at least schedule a more convenient time for him to 'really' talk to you. He always answers the phone as Ne has said, and I can attest it's true. He does it when I'm with him. In the last 45 minute appt I had with him, he answered the phone 3 times. :H

    I've only called his home in the early days, but I wouldn't hesitate if I needed to. Like Ne stated as well, I actually called after drinking the first couple of times. I tried to make sure it hadn't been too much, but I can tell you that some of our conversations were a bit hazy in those early days, so I know I didn't succeed. He doesn't judge. He knows you drink too much, and that's why you're calling him. I was really scared. He's never once given me a reason to be.

    I asked him the other day if more and more people are calling him. He said, why yes, with a smile. I asked him if he could handle it, and again with a smile, he said yes (even though he looked tired and seemed a little distracted, but he is human. ) He makes the time, John R. He believes in baclofen. Without being negative about other methods of recovery, as I truly believe to each his own, he believes this is the best one (by far). He sees it over and over.

    I prefer not to call his office, if at all possible, during business hours. That's just my own thing, though. I like to give him the freedom to get me when it's most convenient for him (I have called during business hours when I needed to, however). What I find to work well is, to leave a message on his machine the night before I'd like to talk to him. I ask him to call me back at his earliest convenience. He always calls the next morning. It's usually early, before 7am, and I plan for the call that way. I read here that to start, he likes to be called at home, so that's what I did. I'm sure it doesn't matter too much. You'll get him either way, and he'll help you figure it out.

    He will likely tell you to have the pharmacy call him. I had a good pharmacist that was willing, but if not, there's other options (as others have indicated here). I also know, if the pharmacist absolutely refuses to call, he'll call it in for you. It just might take longer and be more difficult. He doesn't
    like to do it. He'll also help you get your Rx filled elsewhere if you need to. I'm going through both Costco and Walgreens at the moment.

    I hope this makes sense. I'm tired, but as I was reading this tonight, I couldn't resist responding to it. :l
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Info about Docs and bac

      bump for newbies and lurkers
      there still aren't many doctors who are aware of baclofen or who will prescribe it or are comfortable prescribing it in high doses needed to reach indifference. Here's a start.
      With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


        Info about Docs and bac

        THe dude's a ripoff, i referred him from someone on the boqard and his like 2 hour phonecalls, they added up, not jut two hurs straighl

        The lawyer just said "FUCK THAT AASSHOLE" ane thre it in the gqarbarge.

        I look at Dr Levin as a car salesman, actually more like the guy that is making the deal These peple are the boards are getting free meds, free xanax scripts and perks. Id hate to mention one name who pmps him to no end. But she's etting kidck backs.

        Every program has affiliate programsk i was appraochd the other day onmine. I said I dont yet, but I brought up the exact exaple of this woman getting pills, xanax, a commsission. Tonthinit happens,Readthe ne marketinginghandbo


          Info about Docs and bac

          Alrhoufh I hate to agree with a guy named Johnny Swallows.YOU NEVE NEVENA

          On average post 6 oost ob Dr L being in the end of and be all of baclofen. WHEN the science is not that and actually contradits his claims.

          My perosnal experiemce, a lwayer,losing hiswife practicei is hitting the rocks.Bnevin wassitnessingmy angstove the matter to samethe guyslife.

          Wellthebaclofendidntwork.Andfor2 hour phone call he wasjustcharged $500

          I went back andsaid thisis a how you doitl And he'salcohol free for the mostpart,slips heareandtherel

          But paying $300 to a 45 minutetan hursession who cantrememeber youfrom phonecalltothenext.

          Imsorrylady,I thinkyoure gettign a majorkickabackonthis Dr. LEVIN fraud.He prescribes controlled substanceswithoiutevermeeting the patiets.He'satime bomebobmb


            Info about Docs and bac

            jonnyswallows;1233159 wrote: THe dude's a ripoff, i referred him from someone on the boqard and his like 2 hour phonecalls, they added up, not jut two hurs straighl

            The lawyer just said "FUCK THAT AASSHOLE" ane thre it in the gqarbarge.

            I look at Dr Levin as a car salesman, actually more like the guy that is making the deal These peple are the boards are getting free meds, free xanax scripts and perks. Id hate to mention one name who pmps him to no end. But she's etting kidck backs.

            Every program has affiliate programsk i was appraochd the other day onmine. I said I dont yet, but I brought up the exact exaple of this woman getting pills, xanax, a commsission. Tonthinit happens,Readthe ne marketinginghandbo
            Bill.P.;1233172 wrote:
            Alrhoufh I hate to agree with a guy named Johnny Swallows.YOU NEVE NEVENA

            On average post 6 oost ob Dr L being in the end of and be all of baclofen. WHEN the science is not that and actually contradits his claims.

            My perosnal experiemce, a lwayer,losing hiswife practicei is hitting the rocks.Bnevin wassitnessingmy angstove the matter to samethe guyslife.

            Wellthebaclofendidntwork.Andfor2 hour phone call he wasjustcharged $500

            I went back andsaid thisis a how you doitl And he'salcohol free for the mostpart,slips heareandtherel

            But paying $300 to a 45 minutetan hursession who cantrememeber youfrom phonecalltothenext.

            Imsorrylady,I thinkyoure gettign a majorkickabackonthis Dr. LEVIN fraud.He prescribes controlled substanceswithoiutevermeeting the patiets.He'satime bomebobmb
            I have to wonder if alcohol is responsible for both of these blind rants of nonsensical gibberish.

            Dr. Levin charges a sliding scale and very often nothing if you can't afford it. I know this from personal experience and I know that *no one* is getting kick-backs for referrals. I've never been comfortable with the blanket referrals to Levin on this forum *ONLY BECAUSE IT IS UNFAIR TO HIM*. Time and time again he goes out of his way, and above and beyond to help anyone and everyone he can. There *will* be a breaking point caused by those who (especially drunkenly) abuse him and his service.

            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              Info about Docs and bac


              Alright, fellows. So I get kickbacks?

              Actually I can't even respond to either post, since they're completely nonsensical.
              Needless to say, and for the official record, I have no vested interest in anyone doing anything related to Dr. Levin, or baclofen, or anything else.
              I pay Dr. Levin because he prescribes baclofen for me. Just like every other doctor I pay when I employ them. I recommend Dr. Levin because anyone, anywhere, around the world, can call him and he will help them obtain a prescription for baclofen. OR he will talk to a doctor, anywhere, to help someone get a legal prescription for baclofen in their own country.
              I KNOW this to be fact because I know people, from My Way Out, who have done these things. One person, in Norway. One person, in New Zealand, whose psychiatrist called Dr. Levin for information. That same psychiatrist now prescribes baclofen regularly for the treatment of addiction.
              I also know, for a fact, that Dr. Levin has arranged to help people in Canada and South America.

              He charged me based on what I could pay. Initially I didn't pay him anything. In fact, payment never came up, not once over several months. when I finally asked him about it, he sent me a bill for $150. He suggested I pay what I could. Now I pay him monthly because I feel like it's the right thing to do.

              For the official record, no one, anywhere, makes any money from baclofen other than the people who make the actual pills.
              I have never, would never, will never, receive a dime for recommending this or anything else on here.
              I'm just a chick in Virginia that is paying it forward. Getting sober with baclofen didn't just save my life, it GAVE me life.
              Peace, peeps. You can get sober here, too. (Typing lessons I can't help with.)


                Info about Docs and bac

                Yes, Dr. L is a scam artist who is up to no good. Virtuous Labs, on the other hand, took me in off the street and are putting my kids through college. Act now and get some action for $Free.99.

                Virtuous Labs is the only place to go now for all your baclofen needs. Don't trust a doctor. Trust Virtuous Labs. :thanks: Virtuous Labs

                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                George Santayana


                  Info about Docs and bac

                  Geez, and I was just thinking how quiet and peaceful it's been here lately.:H

                  Is it fellas or a fella? I can't be sure, although it appears many here know and respect Bill P. Should I insert laughter? I have had some serious questions about him with all the strange posts he does, and the fact that he says he's a doctor. Many of things he writes indicate otherwise. But I guess people know this for sure, and personally know him? I believe I've even pissed people off with my questioning of it. Whatever. The proof is in the pudding, unless he mostly comes on here when he's drinking.

                  Tk, I understand your concerns. I've asked Dr L numerous times if he's okay with his name being on here. He's told me yes. I even ignored it at first, thinking he'd get too burned out. I don't know what the answer is if he wants to help people.

                  There was a person who posted on the need help ASAP thread today. He thinks he's hit his switch and needs assistance. I referred him on to the meds threads, since I don't feel that I should be the only one answering his questions. I'm not sure when we'll hear from him at this point with all this craziness going on. If anyone wants to pop over there and give him advice, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    Info about Docs and bac

                    Good Heavens!! How can one even begin to give any credence to the posts by JohnnySwallows and BillP?

                    Talk about drunk posting!!


                    ps Dr. Levin never charged me a dime, either. He truly cares and feels Baclofen is a lifesaver for alcoholics.
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Info about Docs and bac

                      Yeah, Cinders. He didn't charge me for months when I quit my job to find indifference. I had catastrophic insurance, and I couldn't afford it.
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        Info about Docs and bac

                        redhead77;1233212 wrote:

                        Tk, I understand your concerns. I've asked Dr L numerous times if he's okay with his name being on here. He's told me yes. I even ignored it at first, thinking he'd get too burned out. I don't know what the answer is if he wants to help people.
                        Red and Ne - I'm sorry that I came off as being critical. I meant no disrespect to either of you. In the end, my wariness is my business - Dr. L is okay with his name being out there (here), and that is his business.

                        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                          Info about Docs and bac

                          I think someone has hijacked Bill P's account.
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Info about Docs and bac

                            God, I hope so!!
                            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                              Info about Docs and bac

                              Lo0p;1233295 wrote: I think someone has hijacked Bill P's account.
                              RedThread12;1233299 wrote: God, I hope so!!
                              I don't think so. Look back through his post history and you'll see that he talks about the same similar themes in differing degrees of lucidity. I think he's just having a bad day.

                              EDIT: Here's one of the things I'm talking about:

                              From :
                              Bill.P.;1192177 wrote:

                              10-12-2011, 08:45 PM

                              Will all due respect to Dr. L.
                              I just spent 2 hours explaining to a patient of mine that I referred to Dr. L. Who happens to be a cardiologist patient (Im not supposed to know about "anything" but the heart)

                              ANyways, the titration level is a fucking joke, excuse my language. This guy if he had followed my titration level would be at 200mg/day.
                              Now, I rammed into his office and said WTF?
                              After 3 weeks you are JUST ramping up to 50mg a day and last weekend he got a dui and not to mention all sorts of other shit happening?

                              So I made up some shit on the spot about this guy names lOoP who went to 250mg in a weekend. Sorry LoOp if its not true.
                              But I am just getting pretty damn annoyed at stupid titrations. This lawyer couldve hit his switch in a weekend rather than lose his career.
                              Plus, anyhways, I had this huge talk about it today. So Im pissed

                              Im about to call Dr. Levin about this patient thats how pissed I am
                              This is an earlier reference to what he is "talking" about today, dated October 12, 2011. Mentioning the same lawyer patient (presumably), Bill claims that Levin's titration is too slow ("a fucking joke") and says that lo0p's "250mg in a weekend" is more appropriate.

                              TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                                Info about Docs and bac

                                Bill is a mess. He has been posting nonsense since he started posting again. After completely disappearing. Something not right there. For a looooooong time. I shouldn't have responded at all to such foolish nonsense and couldn't care less what they think or write. I only care that they might keep someone from getting help.

                                Bill, are you making money from virtuous labs? Do you have a vested interest in promoting it? Do you have a vested interest in discrediting other sources of baclofen? Do you realize your theories are flat out wrong and that your posts don't make sense?

                                Here's what I really want to know: are you still taking baclofen? If you are, what went wrong???

