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Info about Docs and bac

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    Info about Docs and bac


    I had not been paying attention to the "Virtuous Labs" thing at all since I have not been using Baclofen for anything except my spasmodic back.

    I started following this yesterday and am aghast.

    1. I agree with Neva/Ne, are you really consuming a product that is not manufactured for human consumption? That has not been tested for impurities, etc?

    2. Do you really think that a research lab can purchase a prescription drug online without a license to do so?

    3. Do you really think a research lab could not get their medications from a major drug supplier at cost?

    4. Do you really believe that something that is too good to be true really isn't?

    Please use care, my friends. Desperation can lead to disastrous results.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Info about Docs and bac

      I don't know about the 'not fit for human consumption' part, but I didn't like this:


      I had terrible problems, but I used to search for the solution. I now don't have these problems thanks to Go to now to get the solutions to your problems. Did I mention'

      Following this, I searched all of the posts from the same person, and a lot of them were similar. I do tend to get paranoid about a lot of things, so I apologise if that offends anyone.


        Info about Docs and bac


        I strongly suggest you stop posting for a bit, until you can get yourself staightened out. If you feel the need to reach out right now, considering you're clearly going through something major, I know there are people you communicate with via phone and email here.

        I believe you truly want to help people. You have provided a great service to others who haven't been able to obtain baclofen. You are providing a great disservice when you come on and post like this. It confuses and scares new people and lurkers (it scares me too). It makes people question whether HDB is okay to take, when I think that you and I, and others here, know that this is likely not about baclofen.

        What concerns me the most is that it may destroy your credibility. You seem
        to have a good thing going. I don't want you to wreck it.

        Just my thoughts when I woke up this morning and saw what happened again last night.


        This Princess Saved Herself

