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Side Effects after titrating

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    Side Effects after titrating

    I recently posted in a thread saying my SE's had disappeared entirely, and I realise that's not entirely true. I also realised that I don't think I've seen a thread that deals with what to expect on the SE front once you are through with the whole titration schlep.

    Here's what happened to me once I popped out the other side, hopefully others will chime in:

    - Tiredness. Not all day, and not nearly as debilitating as during the titration. Basically, I find it tough to read in bed at night, or watch TV without nodding off. This also manifests in wanting to nap in the afternoons. I'll wake up refreshed after 6 hours sleep, but get tired later in the day. I have always disliked sleeping in the day, so this sucks. I also sleep much lighter these days.
    - It took a while for my sex drive, and ability, to return to normal. Thinking about it, I'd probably say my sex drive is still reduced, nearly a year on, but not in a manner that affects my life. My wife says it's because I'm getting older, but the timing and abrupt change make me think otherwise.
    - I seem to take ages to heal. Not from cuts and scratches, but from sprains, bumps, etc.
    - Every now and again I feel quite stoned, out the blue. It last a few minutes, then fades.

    A couple of things may affect these - I'm on a relatively high dose (270mg's) that I take in one dose. Another thing I've noticed is that the various SE's seem to come and go. If I wrote this in 2 months, it might be slightly different. Given how they seem to reduce a little more all the time, I'd hope that in time, they will all disappear.

    Comparing these SE's to how my life was a year ago, I'd take them, and 10 times worse, any day of the week. As a force for good in my life, it is hard to overstate the effect that baclofen has had.

    Side Effects after titrating

    Good thread. I'm in a similar situation to you Bleepster, I've been on this stuff for roughly the same length of time and switched around the same time as you (give or take a month).

    I experienced all sorts of weird and hideous SEs whilst tit-rating up (excuse the hyphen, it just amuses me), including extraordinarily powerful and wonderful euphoria and the deepest of depressions, which almost made me reach for a final way out.

    These days I'm down to 100mg (from a high of 350) and I am still experiencing the same post-switch SEs I've had for the last 10 months: considerably disrupted sleep (I average perhaps 4 to 5 hours per night), daytime/evening somnolence (I can and will fall asleep at any moment no matter what I am doing e.g walking, talking, eating and or shagging (I say "and or" because it' s not unknown for me to both eat and shag at the same time, hey what can I say, I'm a pig OK?)), trouble in the trouser department (Mr Happy loses concentration and starts to think of car engines or something and certainly not what he should be looking at through his one good eye) also fruition is a damnedably knackering experience.

    The trouser-trouble is the reason I'm titrating down rapidamente (if that's not the right Spanish word I'm sure some bilingualist will put me right). The problem is, if one takes a PDE5 inhibitor to deal with Mr Happy becoming Mr Bored then fruition is retarded even further. Plainly put, Viagra, Cialis etc will help a chap to maintain his physical enthusiasm but will cause the happy ending to be considerably delayed.

    I can live with the mood swings and crushing lows. I can cope with the lack of sleep at night. Suddenly falling asleep without a moment's notice in the evening is really not a problem. But not performing to my max in the bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/patio/back of the bus is unacceptable if it is to be permanent. So, down I must go and off of baclofen if that is the only way. Yeah I'm not drinking, which is great, but...
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Side Effects after titrating

      At my highest dose of 270mg, the SEs were almost debilitating. I was functioning, but only barely, if I think back to it now.

      Having tapered back down to 80mg, I can sometimes not even "feel" the bac in my system. At most, I feel a bit drowsy in the late afternoon - having taken my single daily dose at around lunchtime. I still get by on less sleep than I used to: around 5 - 6 hours a night. If I take a nap, I can still sleep that night. All other functions are absolutely normal.

      I guess I'm lucky. On the way up, I only started getting bad SEs from around 180mg upward, but it worsened rapidly from there. I think my mistake was trying to do it too fast.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Side Effects after titrating

        I find it strangely tit- alating that your name is Brenda but you are talking abut your one-eyed trouser trout.
        More material to explore on the next session on the couch.


          Side Effects after titrating

          Check my amended sig, Grat. I'm out of the closet, my name ain't Brenda!
          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


            Side Effects after titrating


            I had that SE for a good while before it passed of its own accord. I can't remember how long it took, but it was a couple of months at least, and was extremely frustrating. The first time fruition came to break the drought, I think I probably cried.

            One thing to consider, which might be a complete load of horse shit - I've noticed that changing the dose, whether it's up or down, seems to bring SE's out in more force. Sitting on a dose for a couple of months seems to level them off more effectively than going down does. Obviously though, sitting consistently at a lower dose would be better than sitting at a higher dose, but with this stuff, who knows? That's been my experience anyway, just something to think about.


              Side Effects after titrating

              ifulovelife2;1221930 wrote: Good thread. I'm in a similar situation to you Bleepster, I've been on this stuff for roughly the same length of time and switched around the same time as you (give or take a month).

              I experienced all sorts of weird and hideous SEs whilst tit-rating up (excuse the hyphen, it just amuses me), including extraordinarily powerful and wonderful euphoria and the deepest of depressions, which almost made me reach for a final way out.

              These days I'm down to 100mg (from a high of 350) and I am still experiencing the same post-switch SEs I've had for the last 10 months: considerably disrupted sleep (I average perhaps 4 to 5 hours per night), daytime/evening somnolence (I can and will fall asleep at any moment no matter what I am doing e.g walking, talking, eating and or shagging (I say "and or" because it' s not unknown for me to both eat and shag at the same time, hey what can I say, I'm a pig OK?)), trouble in the trouser department (Mr Happy loses concentration and starts to think of car engines or something and certainly not what he should be looking at through his one good eye) also fruition is a damnedably knackering experience.

              The trouser-trouble is the reason I'm titrating down rapidamente (if that's not the right Spanish word I'm sure some bilingualist will put me right). The problem is, if one takes a PDE5 inhibitor to deal with Mr Happy becoming Mr Bored then fruition is retarded even further. Plainly put, Viagra, Cialis etc will help a chap to maintain his physical enthusiasm but will cause the happy ending to be considerably delayed.

              I can live with the mood swings and crushing lows. I can cope with the lack of sleep at night. Suddenly falling asleep without a moment's notice in the evening is really not a problem. But not performing to my max in the bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/patio/back of the bus is unacceptable if it is to be permanent. So, down I must go and off of baclofen if that is the only way. Yeah I'm not drinking, which is great, but...
              Hot Damn!! so I'm not the only one who had the sexual issues. Sucks doesn't it? I've tapered all the way down to 30mg per day and things are still not normal. I'm convinced that I'll have to be at 0 for awhile before things *hopefully* return to normal...


                Side Effects after titrating

                Bminor;1222055 wrote: Hot Damn!! so I'm not the only one who had the sexual issues. Sucks doesn't it?
                Yeah she's tried that but still the same issues. Oops, sorry, I misread that.

                Has there been any improvement with the drop to 30? Are you concerned the problem may not be reversible, even at 0?
                "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                  Side Effects after titrating

                  There's been improvement ever since I started tapering down. The lower I get, the better it gets. But yes, at this point I'm starting to fear long term effects. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.


                    Side Effects after titrating

                    Wow, interesting thread. I would doubt anything is permanent but I wonder if it will be a lasting choice between the good old days and some issues or an alcoholic life. Bleep, glad things are good for you, man.
                    Grat, LOL your post was hilarious. As was non-Brendabrandanonallita's.


                      Side Effects after titrating

                      I've been at 240mg+/day for about 15 months, 22 months total. Whenever I go down below 240, I start to get cravings. I don't see titrating off any time soon. I had intense side effects titrating up. I'm just about completely normal now (but):

                      I occasionally get sleepy if I slow down in the evening - sometimes around 5-7, but typically around 10pm. Fighting it with caffeine and keeping busy is best for me, because if I nod off for 20 minutes too close to bedtime, I find it hard to fall asleep when I'd actually like to. I sleep better than I have in decades, usually 6.5-8 hours. I sometimes have weird vivid dreams (that are often indiscernible from reality), but they are not usually the horrific kind that scared the shit out of me during my titration.

                      I get flushes of visuals and tiny shocks to the hands (less than once a month). They come and go in waves, in and out over a few days. I keep my dosing schedule pretty strict, I almost never miss a dose. It's more like there's a hiccup in my metabolism, or something I ate? that's affecting it.

                      My sex drive ramped up quite a bit during my titration, but I think that it's leveled out after a year. Maybe my libido's a little lower, probably because I'm getting older, and maybe not having alcohol as an aphrodisiac could be a factor as well. No issues performance wise, except maybe having to work a little harder to get the job done in the same amount of time.

                      TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                        Side Effects after titrating

                        rapidamente es perfecto, brandOn. (just today, with a student, and yesterday, too, with other students, we happened to be discussing the english versions of spanish names. brandOn, with emphasis on the last syllable, is the best i can come up with so far. it definitely beats brendita!)

                        i'd like to think that none of any of the se's are permanent, and i do think they're not. i bet it just takes a while to get out of our systems whatever it is that causes them (well, baclofen, duhh). i am sure it will take longer to do that, the longer one has been on it and the higher doses one has taken.

                        my highest was 180 a couple few months ago. i started in late april and am now at 120, and i have no side effects other than sometimes swollen-stinging-feeling hands, and an occasional attack of tired in the afternoon, once in a while accompanied by that stoned feeling others have described. oh yeah, but wait, there's one more: me too (duhh again), i can't get there either! so fuck baclofen, i'm going back to being a drunk! (just kidding.) is tempting though. i recently did go down to 110, but i found the cravings a little too persuasive, so now back up at 120 i'm comfortable again. slow and steady wins the race, i suppose, and i guess i'll have to apply that to more than just titrating down, for now.


                          Side Effects after titrating

                          I'm going to have to give this some more thought and will report back.


                            Side Effects after titrating

                            ifulovelife2;1221930 wrote: ...I can live with the mood swings and crushing lows. ...
                            Curious, Notachick.

                            Who else is living with "mood swings and crushing lows" post-switch, on the tit-down?

                            If you are, do you think its an SE of the bac? Or is it something else that bac/absence of AL has exposed?

                            Are mood swings and lows an SE? Or are they normal in life free of AL?

                            Are they often or infrequent? Does re-titting up or down address them?

                            Or have you found a more stable base-line mood post-switch with fewer mood swings and lows?

                            Inquiring minds...

                            Best to all

                            With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                              Side Effects after titrating

                              Right, those SEs only occurred whilst titting up. I shouldn't have included them here.
                              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac

