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Baclofen and Dreams

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    Baclofen and Dreams

    I often notice that depending on how I am feeling, my dreams change.

    Feeling good - dreams about flying.
    Feeling bad - dreams about trying to shoot an attacker, and my trigger not working. Dreams about my teeth falling out.

    Baclofen changes the way we feel, so it doesn't come as a surprise to me that I have been having the craziest of dreams since I reached roughly the 250mg mark. It almost feels like they are not my dreams. It feels like I am watching a film that someone else created.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Baclofen and Dreams

    Ohhhhhhhhh yeah. :H

    A lot of the time I feel like I'm in a movie but I write my own script. Some of these times I am almost lucid dreaming and I get a real kick about how fast and witty I am about the dreams I write. It's really strange, but also really cool. In my dream something will happen and my made up character (or many times it's a person I know in real life) or or I will say or do something that just blows my mind as to how awesome it is. At the same time, if I'm lucid dreaming I'll think "did you just think of that in a split second? Heh, you rock dude, this is awesome!" Amaaaazing dreams.

    The following is certainly not medical advice, but I wouldn't even characterize it as advice either. When I have bad dreams, it is usually a cue for me to take an extra baclofen dose. Weird stuff too. The other day I woke up and let out a scream. My sister came in and said: "Are you okay? What happened?"

    "A dead body fell on my head"

    I took an extra dose and slept like a baby for a couple more hours.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
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      Baclofen and Dreams

      That's really funny about the deady body. :H

      The other day I was startled awake because I thought that a nuke had been launched, and was going to land on my house. It took a few seconds for me to remember that I was dreaming.


        Baclofen and Dreams

        Ive just woken from a bizaar deam mostly about my having to ride a bike with no chain all day to get my son to and from school, money being stolen from a nuns convent a boy being killed a haunting and my ending up at my friends house where they where sitting out drinking. No matter what hapenend in this dream I kept ending up having to ride around the same places on this bike with no chain and was having to push myself with one leg(?) up hill or grab on to things to pull myself along then could just glide downhill, I kept on going back to the place the boy had been killed knowing it was dangerous but still ending up there and trying to get past quickly and throughout the dream I was wanting to go home but couldnt seem to get there.


          Baclofen and Dreams

          wow glad you posted this topic! I woke up today after dreaming about being caught in a web of lace trying to get out through layers and layers of it and not being able to while my sister, dressed in a what looked like a fairy godmother dress, while holding a baby, looked on laughing. LOL very unpleasant dream!


            Baclofen and Dreams

            Hi All,

            Interesting dreams! I'm on low dose bac, and find it gives me dreams like I had with anti-depressants ten years ago when I was trying those out. It was too long ago in an alcoholic haze for me to be able to compare very well, except to say both drugs elicit more intense dreams for me.


              Baclofen and Dreams

              Unfortunately I never really had dreams while on Baclofen. (that I remember anyway) But my cocktail of Melatonin, Magnesium and Valerian root gives me vivid, sometimes Lucid dreams.


                Baclofen and Dreams

                Lo0p;1222917 wrote: Ohhhhhhhhh yeah. :H

                The following is certainly not medical advice, but I wouldn't even characterize it as advice either. When I have bad dreams, it is usually a cue for me to take an extra baclofen dose.
                Just curious, but why the feeling of needing an extra dose? For fear of drinking? I don't get it.


                  Baclofen and Dreams

                  Bminor;1223001 wrote: Just curious, but why the feeling of needing an extra dose? For fear of drinking? I don't get it.
                  Sorry, I meant: " usually a clue that I have missed a dose (or two), which happens every once in a while."

                  And no. Thoughts of drinking do not happen. Or when they do, it has nothing to do with missing a dose or anything, it's more like: "hey does a glass of wine sound good?"

                  And it's either: "Sure!" or "nope". And if it's "sure" then it's one glass, or two (once in a blue moon).

                  Alcohol has nothing to do with it.
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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                    Baclofen and Dreams

                    Some of your dream experiences have given me a further thought about the dreams. Before the weird dreams, a dream for me would typically involve bouncing between weird situations. These dreams however seem to be really focused (if that's the right word), as though I'm spending an unusually long time in the dream trying to complete a task. spacebebe with her bicycle quest, penelope trying to break free from the web, and me spending the whole of one dream trying to create a video game by acting it out, and another trying to get from the top floor of the mall to the underground parking lot but struggling because the stairs were too crowded. :H


                      Baclofen and Dreams

                      rangiatea;1223131 wrote: I had dreans(lucid) on bacs.But one day2 ymonths ago I took 90 mg all at once ad had waking dreams and hallucinations similar to a strong 2CB trip lasting 6-8 hours.Very stupid mistake of mine! Do not try this at home! I am now on 10 mg TID under close supervision.
                      Definitely won't be trying that at home. It's funny though that some people are able to get away with doing that, and others not.


                        Baclofen and Dreams

                        Lo0p;1223083 wrote: Sorry, I meant: " usually a clue that I have missed a dose (or two), which happens every once in a while."

                        And no. Thoughts of drinking do not happen. Or when they do, it has nothing to do with missing a dose or anything, it's more like: "hey does a glass of wine sound good?"

                        And it's either: "Sure!" or "nope". And if it's "sure" then it's one glass, or two (once in a blue moon).

                        Alcohol has nothing to do with it.
                        Ahhhh... I see what you mean. Thanks Lo0p. That's interesting for sure.

