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Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

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    Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

    I've just really finished the MYO book and have been taking the supplements and i'm finally starting the topamax. I've been reading the posts and it seems like everyone who is taking medication is taking Baclofen. So, I'm wondering if any of you are taking Topamax and if you are having any luck with it. Did you take it before and switch, does the Baclofen work better for you? Any thoughts would be really appreciated.


    Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

    Hi Playland - I take Topa and had good results with it last year - I quit for 8 months. then stopped taking it and started again. Can't seem to stop with it this time round though, although I have cut down, so am not sure if it is me not listening to my body or what. Topa can work but it isn't a miracle drug - you have to listen to your body and let the Topa work.

    Sun X
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.


      I could not take Topa as I am allergic to it. However, when I first joined, it was about the only option available.

      I can't name names, only those who took/take it can speak for themselves, but I do know several people here had very good success with Topa.

      It is a tool and not a miracle. It can help you with your cravings, making it easier to abastain. But, if you are not ready to abstain, it will not do that for you.

      Some here believe Baclofen to be a miracle drug and it has worked very well for many here. Again, due to physical reasons, I had to stop taking Baclofen at high dose so I, myself, cannot speak to its efficacy. If you have been reading, I am sure you are aware that others have had great success with Baclofen.

      Naltrexone has worked for others, as an anti-craving drug in a few cases and as a long term treatment in others (The Sinclair Method.)

      Whatever the case, I truly hope you have a doctor to help supervise you with your Topa use (or Baclofen or Nal if you end up going those routes.) It is much safer for you.

      Others disagree with me on this but I do want to throw it out there. Topa has been around a long time and is used off label for anxiety and depression. You may be able to find a doctor willing to work with you. Probably much easier than finding a doctor who is willing to work with you on Baclofen for alcoholism but even that is not impossible.

      In any event. :welcome:

      I wish the best for you in your journey to sobriety.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

        There is some evidence out there that topamax works as a mood stabilizer. If you google topiramate and mood stabilizer you can read it for yourself. I wonder is that why it works for some and not for others ie could the success stories be actually treating an unstable mood without realising it? I had a little success on it and queried why. I was put on a "proper" mood stabilizer Lamictal and it did help me more. I reduced my drinking from 2-3 nights a week to 2-3 a month. I dont know how many people this would be true for but its something to think about anyway.


          Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

          That's really interesting, redhorse. The unstable mood and alcoholism fits, I think, very neatly with the current alcoholism and anxiety discourse. The semantics gets in the way sometimes, but mood stabilizers and anxiolytics seem to work for many people here, one way or another. And different ones for different people. Personally, I've found that sort of benefit from gabapentin. Others find it in AA meetings, vitamins and supplements or Jesus.
          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


            Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

            This took me years to work out. If I could turn back time this is what I would do. Get a psych referral if you are in any way suspicious about this. I wasted years of my life because I hated hated hated going to see docs. Just ask your gp politely but firmly for a psych referral to discuss the possibility of an unstable mood. You really dont have to say any more than that-just that you want to examine the issue with a psych. When you go to the psych ask her if you can have an 8 week trial of Lamictal. You dont need to go in throwing possible diagnosis of this or that around. Again just tell him you want to try it to eliminate the possibility of a mood disorder. I made such a big deal of visiting these docs and it was all in my head. Very few would refuse you an 8 week trial on that drug. Then try it and see. If it does nothing for you then at least you can cross it off and move on. It turned out I did have one and then I was absolutely furious with myself. If you find yourself staring at/googling mood disorders on the internet then there is a reason for that. I spent years googling all types of mood disorders and talking myself in and out of them on a daily basis. You will never know until you take the drug.


              Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

              Thank you all so much for your very interesting thoughts on the Topa and mood disorder subjects. I too think the mood disorder theory makes alot of sense in being connected to alcoholism, to me it seems almost a certainty. So, I've just started on 25mg. and am taking it very slowly, I don't have any interest in going to a high dose, so I will see how it goes, and yes, I am more than ready to abstain and have been so far unable to beat the "cravings" that are just pure torture. I will let you know how it goes and really appreciate your input, thanks again.


                Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

                Hi Again, I can't believe I missed the great Topa thread that is just what I have been looking for,LOL, I've spent the last 30 minutes reading from the beginning and will continue to read the whole thing and then I want to start posting and take part in it, so I will see you all there.


                  Wondering if Topamax is still Working for People.

                  Hi Playland,

                  In addition to what others have said, I would add that whatever path you choose it would be a good idea to look at the supplements. Our bodies are so depleted from drinking. There is a good list in the My Way Out book and also the same ones seem to appear on the internet. They do help a lot! Glutamine and B-vitamins especially. I have been reading recently that Niacin in higher doses is what the founder of AA used to help himself in his later years (to take the craving and depression away).

                  I took Topa and it did help me, but I got sloppy and did not want to continue to go up to a higher dose. The side effects can be too much for some. I found that if I pretty much abstained on topa, I could stay at a very low dose. Whatever you do, if you go up from 25 go slowly!! I too am trying bac (have not started) - but again that is only a tool.

                  Make sure to keep reading ... and I think Cinders is right - if you look for a doctor you will find one who will help you (unless you live in a town of 100). So, be watchful for side effects - not everyone can take these various medications at high doses. A good friend had to stop Topa at a low dose because of eye issues, although I do know many who were successful.

                  Best wishes,


