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Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

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    Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

    I am wondering if there have been any members here who have found relief from their alcohol dependence by using low to medium doses of baclofen, in particular 100 mg per day or less. I'm mainly asking about baclofen if used alone, not as part of a combination of drugs.

    I'm guessing the answer to this question is 'no', but I am not here as much as many members, so I thought I'd ask in case I had missed someone's story.

    I personally did find lowish doses of baclofen helpful against cravings for certain drugs, which I had started using as mood-boosters and semi-alcohol substitutes. Codeine and pseudoephedrine are two that come to mind, and also cannabis to some extent, but I was not drinking when I did these tests and also not severely craving alcohol at the time.

    I may also pause my own titration at 100 mg/day just to see if doing that for a couple of weeks can help, if there is a noticeably helpful effect by then of course.

    Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

    Hi Greg,

    I take 40-60mg/day which helps me with sciattica, and with tension.

    However, I also take three BP pills that have their own side effects, plus I take gabapentin about half the month but I only take 200-400mg/day of that unless I have PMS. So I take a combination of drugs for various reasons. I only mention this because you want to know if ppl are on combos.

    I found at first baclofen made me want to drink more. A combination of things has made me want to drink less, including reading the Jason Vale book and getting, over the past 10 months, weeks of AF time which gave me some perspective on my alcohol abuse.

    I guess it all depends on what your issues are. Mine are anxiety, ADD, and the effects on my body and mind of 20+ years of drinking. The bac helps me with my nervous tension at night when I would normally drink.


      Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

      Hi Greg,

      I never really hit a "switch" but tapered way up just to try to find one. I'm pretty sure though, that I would have been just fine at around 100-120mg had I just stayed there initially. I still drank a couple times back at this dosage, but it was not pleasurable.


        Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

        Thanks for the help with this question.

        I'm probably going to be taking baclofen together with diazepam/Valium for a while, so will take it fairly slowly. If I find sustained low-dose baclofen (100 mg per day or less) helpful I will definitely post about it on the forum.

        I had hoped to try baclofen+Campral, but will have to put that off for now, as my doctor believes I will get more positive results from Valium.


          Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

          Hi Greg,

          I remember reading about several people on this forum who reached indifference at low doses. Sunnyvalenting stopped at around 60-80 mgs, I believe. Road to Recovery hit the switch at 60mgs. Seems like Seethepony hit the switch under 100mgs, but I can't for the life of me find a thread to confirm it. I remember several posters who stopped by MWO briefly to say they'd felt cured from the first dose.

          Here's a thread by a Katherine, who found instant relief; looks like she erased her initial post.

          Note that there was a poster "anon" who mentioned finding relief at 50mgs.


            Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

            Valium? You're doctor thinks you'll get better results for WHAT by using valium with baclofen?

            I'm really curious to know more about this!
            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


              Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

              RedThread12;1232901 wrote: Valium? You're doctor thinks you'll get better results for WHAT by using valium with baclofen?

              I'm really curious to know more about this!
              Curious about this one as well... do tell.


                Has anyone on this forum found relief using low-medium dose baclofen?

                RedThread12;1232901 wrote: Valium? You're doctor thinks you'll get better results for WHAT by using valium with baclofen?

                I'm really curious to know more about this!
                I have found medium doses of Xanax (around 2 mg per day) to be helpful in reducing both alcohol cravings and anxiety, so the doctor is proposing that I take Valium for the same reasons. He prefers long-acting benzodiazepines like Valium over shorter acting ones like Xanax, hence the change.

                He doesn't know I plan to be taking baclofen at the same time however. I would prefer to stop taking benzos fairly soon, and am hoping that baclofen will give me the same benefits, but without the tolerance benzos can have.

