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I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

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    I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

    Alcohol,we had no defense against, we died like the plagues.

    It is biologicial ,it is also a choice, Biology makes that chose way too easier.

    After losing most of my brothers, unclesm aunts, even nephews.Thereis something in the brain,. I took baclofen,, I didnt want to drink and I mourn all of my tribe who did no

    I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

    where to start my friend, natural selection, those prone to drink this to death or not br able to raise a famly eventually their bloodlinedied out.We' know that the longer in terms of thousandsof years, thisplayd out.Dhinese wereto really makealcohol andn ow havetheloe=wset form of it.'

    Indians had no such transitison.. More likely that not they wll die anj early death un=less they takeatardialspirtiuralstep''And its everyone who has theis geneticcode,


      I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

      welcome Chief Joseph, I often use the native americans as a metaphor when I explain the 2 sides of Neptune in astrology, Neptune the planet of deep spirituality and/or addiction. Not sure why i chose native americans when I could have used my own ancestors, the Celts. My grandfather drank himself to death in Glasgow in 1947 so I never got to meet him. I grew up in NJ and had never met any native americans until I went to college in Minnesota. There I mostly saw them on lines looking ragged and hungover. I think i was struck by the pain and the visual contrast between the warriors we studied in history and what I was seeing out the bus window in Minnesota. I was quite shocked actually. At that young age I was already knee deep into my own alcohol problem. Carl Jung said: "...craving for alcohol was the equivalent, on a low level, of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness, expressed in medieval language: the union with God..."alcohol" in Latin is "spiritus" and you use the same word for the highest religious experience as well as for the most depraving poison." A genetic predisposition combined with spiritual trauma is a deadly combination. For my people and yours. Welcome aboard Chief Joseph. thank god you found Baclofen! I am on day 6 of Baclofen myself. Andrea


        I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

        Hi Chief Joseph:

        I live in Oklahoma. My next door neighbors are Cherokee. I've been fortunate to have been invited into some of your cultural traditions. And, for the most part, no one make distinctions about who is Native American and who is not. We're just all people, working in all kinds of jobs, raising kids . . .

        How is it going with your baclofen protocol? How much are our taking, how to you plan to increase the amounts until you no longer feel like drinking?

        It's true, I'm sad to say, that alcoholism is an especially big problem among tribal people. If you can use baclofen and find your way out of drinking, it will be a blessing not only for you, but for those around you.

        Best of luck. Let us know. How we can help.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

          Hi Chief Joseph, I assume your pen-name

          You are in a better position that alcoholics. I went to a month long native american based rehab. It's nota pill that will fix you. It will be the pill that stops the alcohol from taking away your spiritl.

          Send Bluto your address via PM, he'll send you the Christmas special to get started.

          In the meantime, I am a few of good folks here are puttingtogether a baclofen site, to deal specifically for baclofen issues.

          So just dont lose, hangin there a couple of months. Bluto was saying he's an affiliate with the compnay and cansend out a starter pack

          Bring your anxiety down, bring that in herent craving down(native american dna), shut it down and work on a variation of a 12 step program only the 2011 versionI remodified and left alot otuand alot in. ITs Car JUng'swork they took it from for AA. Itook theJung part, left the AA parrt,

          So 1) get a baclofen starter pack free
          2) contact me when Im here, the native experience rehab setting changed my outlook on the world
          3) if you need an online sponsor, I[o help you out
          4) its not hard to not drink, it's what inside you we need to address

          You can make it, and then be an example to everyone else.Takeon a mission of that sort.Sortyourself first, then save the lives of your tribesman who have no defense agaunst akcoholism. Its like giving indians blanks contaminated with small pox


            I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

            Bill.P.;1233388 wrote: Hi Chief Joseph, I assume your pen-name

            You are in a better position that alcoholics. I went to a month long native american based rehab. It's nota pill that will fix you. It will be the pill that stops the alcohol from taking away your spiritl.

            Send Bluto your address via PM, he'll send you the Christmas special to get started.

            In the meantime, I am a few of good folks here are puttingtogether a baclofen site, to deal specifically for baclofen issues.

            So just dont lose, hangin there a couple of months. Bluto was saying he's an affiliate with the compnay and cansend out a starter pack

            Bring your anxiety down, bring that in herent craving down(native american dna), shut it down and work on a variation of a 12 step program only the 2011 versionI remodified and left alot otuand alot in. ITs Car JUng'swork they took it from for AA. Itook theJung part, left the AA parrt,

            So 1) get a baclofen starter pack free
            2) contact me when Im here, the native experience rehab setting changed my outlook on the world
            3) if you need an online sponsor, I[o help you out
            4) its not hard to not drink, it's what inside you we need to address

            You can make it, and then be an example to everyone else.Takeon a mission of that sort.Sortyourself first, then save the lives of your tribesman who have no defense agaunst akcoholism. Its like giving indians blanks contaminated with small pox
            Have you ever noticed that Clark Kent and Superman are never in the same room together? Well, in this case it's more like Clark Kent and Stuporman.....

            Since Bluto and Bill.P. started incoherently blathering today (about Dr. Levin, Virtuous Labs, now each other) I've been watching their activity on their profile pages. Bluto logs out, then Bill.P. logs in, Bill.P. logs out, then Bluto logs in, etc. I haven't seen them logged in at the same time. Coincidence or Christmas miracle? - you decide. -tk
            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

              terryk;1233410 wrote: Have you ever noticed that Clark Kent and Superman are never in the same room together? Well, in this case it's more like Clark Kent and Stuporman.....

              Since Bluto and Bill.P. started incoherently blathering today (about Dr. Levin, Virtuous Labs, now each other) I've been watching their activity on their profile pages. Bluto logs out, then Bill.P. logs in, Bill.P. logs out, then Bluto logs in, etc. I haven't seen them logged in at the same time. Coincidence or Christmas miracle? - you decide. -tk
              There's no doubt about it, and there's a couple more accounts I'd throw in there. I even thought a senior member's account got hacked, with all the shameless advertisements for VL going around.
              Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
              George Santayana


                I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                For the record,

                I ordered when I saw LoOp had. I trust him and his account was not hacked. There is a lot of BS around here but the website is real.

                LoOp even listed what he felt worked and didn't. And he did not speak in a language that I am still trying to decipher among 'new' members in December. (and Bill P)

                My 2 cents.

                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                  I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                  I have absolutely ** problems with Virtuous Labs. I contacted them with a very specific baclofen related question and they replied extremely promptly with a courteous, thorough and confidence instilling response. I think that they are a fantastic resource. But Bluto et al at the helm of their ad campaign here looks like the Hindenburg. -tk

                  Edit: I have recently become suspicious of Virtuous Labs
                  TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                    I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                    Normally I am 100 percent in favour of the promotion of baclofen and other alcoholism treatments. However, something tells me that posts written like this (or any of the other recent bizarre ramblings around here) are not going to advance the credibility of baclofen as a treatment option.


                      I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                      My theory is the same person has been posting under different aliases for a long time. He's been Bluto, Coffee, Bill P, JonnySwallows, Chief Whomever, Doug VL, Can'tStop, and a few others in the last weeks/days. I also believe he may have been skeptic 101. I looked at the guy who came on Ameisen's thread named Dazed assuming he was the same person as well. His writing is different, however, and I'm not sure it's the same person. Then again, this person is able to change their writing style to a degree to play whatever role they want to. Unfortunately, he makes some mistakes when you look back that give him least in regard to all the posts I read of Bill P's (getting drunk while writing is his biggest mistake). I can't even imagine how many others there may have been in all these months too.

                      Anyway, just a theory.

                      It's too bad. I liked Bluto. And then I learned he was Coffee, and Coffee had the biggest BS ICU story I've ever read. It got so many people upset, and it's a shame someone is so sick that they would spend their time doing things like that. Writing it while drunk, I understand, but never returning to fess up that they'd written a bogus story?

                      Awe, Bluto, or whoever you are. I think I'm going to pray for you.

                      I was about ready to order from VL today. Does this mean I shouldn't? I wanted to order some, so I could save some of my pills. I'm using exactly what I buy, and my insurance puts a cap on what they'll pay for.
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                        Its done, Bluto's out,he's got a mental disease

                        terryk;1233517 wrote: I have absolutely no problems with Virtuous Labs. I contacted them with a very specific baclofen related question and they replied extremely promptly with a courteous, thorough and confidence instilling response. I think that they are a fantastic resource. But Bluto et al at the helm of their ad campaign here looks like the Hindenburg. -tk

                        He's an unofficial affiliate, he's broke so we send packages.

                        THere are who complained of this strenghousluy
                        5 -tip
                        3-;llLoOp wasnt even goingtosignonif bluto is around

                        THerearseverothers, he'sa good guy at heart.Just tought to let him go.But he's out of the ne baclofen forum. Maybe just a regular member all he has a dianosed mental illness

                        SO complaints heres

                        Tje [pomtpf tje fpri, os feedback, correct it, fixi t, backit the best

                        Plus, the baclofen only approved by DR A is coming out in a coupleweeks


                          I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                          terryk;1233517 wrote: I have absolutely no problems with Virtuous Labs. I contacted them with a very specific baclofen related question and they replied extremely promptly with a courteous, thorough and confidence instilling response. I think that they are a fantastic resource. But Bluto et al at the helm of their ad campaign here looks like the Hindenburg. -tk
                          Same here. Virtuous Labs seem genuine and honest so far to me too.


                            I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                            I guess VL is okay, tk? I guess we cross posted. I know Greg, this does make you wonder, doesn't it? I think baclofen can't help all mental illness though. It might not be about baclofen at all.
                            This Princess Saved Herself


                              I am new here, i am a diffeent tribe from you

                              Bill.P.;1233531 wrote: [

                              He's an unofficial affiliate, he's broke so we send packages.

                              THere are who complained of this strenghousluy
                              5 -tip
                              3-;llLoOp wasnt even goingtosignonif bluto is around

                              THerearseverothers, he'sa good guy at heart.Just tought to let him go.But he's out of the ne baclofen forum. Maybe just a regular member all he has a dianosed mental illness

                              SO complaints heres

                              Tje [pomtpf tje fpri, os feedback, correct it, fixi t, backit the best

                              Plus, the baclofen only approved by DR A is coming out in a coupleweeks
                              I am unable to decrypt this...but just wanted to quote it for future reference.

                              Assuming Virtuous Labs are a legitimate site, they would NOT want any of this type of rambling to be associated with them. I know I wouldn't if I were running a serious business.

