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Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

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    Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

    Reggie;1235270 wrote: Ne you have proved your point rest ya fingers
    ok. xo reg.


      Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

      Ne/Neva Eva;1235255 wrote: And listen, whoever suggested around here that his mental health (or rather lack of it) has anything to do with xanax has never taken a xanax. There is NO WAY that this is related to a benzodiazepine. None.
      I'm sure you're only saying this because you're the biggest Xanax pusher I've ever seen, but I've gone on several benzo binges with alcohol, and it DOES make you retarded. If I had time, I'd search for Bluto's recent post where he said something along the lines of "taking this much xanax will make a monster out of a man."
      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
      George Santayana


        Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

        Ne/Neva Eva;1235246 wrote: You've got to be kidding me. Right?

        I can't and won't participate here on this or anything related to Bill/c0ffee/Bluto/cantstop/jonnyswallows/the Native American personae. [EDIT: I am not sure I can let this go. But I might try.] In MY humble opinion it's dangerous to participate in a discussion about a man who is so sick that he can carry on as different characters for months and months at a time. C0ffee was here, what, a year ago?

        He has a grudge, a monetary motive, and an agenda to perpetuate misinformation about how to take baclofen, and what is wrong with people who experience side effects. When he is challenged to support his misinformation he begins to make excuses and talk nonsense. This happened months ago.

        People have been completely banned and thoroughly discredited for FAR LESS than the egregious "mistakes" made by Bill/etc... FAR LESS.

        Have you actually READ what he's written under any or all of those personas? All of them are consistently inconsistent. Some are relatively incoherent, even when he was (presumably) not suffering from a psychotic episode.

        Add to that fact that you are taking a drug made by a man who is insane, in a lab that is likely unregulated, with no oversight, and no repercussions should you find a bad vial. None. He has no incentive to make sure that his baclofen is "pure" or "without additives" or anything else. None. He is a one man show cooking up baclofen in god knows where under god knows what.

        Don't get me wrong. If I knew how to make bac, I'd do exactly the same thing. My first impulse was to offer him my support, whatever that was. (Not that he'd take it. but whatever.) And then I realized that he lost his mind in ways I can't comprehend, has absolutely no oversight, and thinks he was sent from heaven...for what purpose we can't be sure, because he doesn't make sense.

        And still, STILL, people make excuses for him and "trust" that he knows what he's doing when he mixes up the chemicals that will affect your brain chemistry? With the thought that it's more pure than the overseas pharmacies that actually have oversight? You're kidding right?
        I think it may get worse than this. I think he was playing other characters in another thread from earlier this year. I can't prove it, and it could just be me being paranoid, so I won't bring up which thread it was, but it was the same pattern of newly registered members with strong opinions on things, for and against the same ideas.

        This sucks.


          Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

          Ne, what you say is true, there's no doubt about that.

          Be that as it may, several people have ordered baclofen from VL, so my post was an attempt to at least let them know that some of the oars appeared to be back in the water.

          Nothing more.


            Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

            Yeah, I know bleep. And I have no doubt that there is some good bac out there. Honestly, one of the reasons I haven't weighed in about the VL bac is because everyone that is ordering/taking it so far has been around for a while. We know what works, what doesn't, and how to switch it up.

            Nutshell, it doesn't matter. It's done. We know now and can move on.

            I wanted to point out this very important fact:

            I don't care. Really. I care only in that I care about human suffering and all that hippy-chick-stuff. I don't care about all the kerfuffle. It ticks me off, but it is what it is.
            I have no vested interest in hurting someone who is obviously very, very ill. I have no vested interest in cutting off a cheap source of good baclofen. Just the opposite.

            I'm sorry. But it's the truth as I see it. I felt I had to share it.


              Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

              I am in such a rush these days that I hate to admit I didn't read and Lo0panalyze absolutely everything that you wrote NE. You write so goddamn prolifically and with so much apparent ease it makes me jealous! :blush:

              But, I did ingest quite a bit of it and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you pointed out, and your analysis of it.

              How much time are going to waste trying to find out how deep this rabbit hole goes?

              Lets put our brains together and try to get this man some help! There's a good :h in there!

              edit: I shouldn't say "waste" of time. Who knows? Maybe the information we can compile will be good enough for a good psych to wrap his head around this?
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                I have been watching this drama with much interest as I am sure many other lurkers/seldom posters have. During the holidays, I found myself back on this site looking for help/solution to my dreaded alcoholism.

                I posted some threads earlier this year and also posted on Bluto's thread. He pm'ed me, saying he would meet me in Seattle with a bottle of liquid Balcofen. I seriously thought about meeting him. His original threads and posts were so funny and articulate but
                I found it weird that someone who was taking balcofen and trying to quit drinking would be focusing sooooo intently on going to Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is about one thing, beer and maybe food. It's about beer.

                My good friend has mental health issues very similar to Bluto/Bill/James whoever. Many a time I have woken up to find many cryptic, undecipherable email/facebook messages that have left me pondering. She will contact strangers, famous people, most of it never makes sense in any way, it is awful and very embarrassing for her, incredibly embarrassing. After her eventual hospital stay we usually pretend nothing has happened and move on.

                But Bluto's lengthy planning and deception, his multiple characters, is very disturbing. It comes across as very calculated.

                I personally would not take his liquid balcofen.

                Is it balcofen? Is it glycerin? Is it .....?

                When this episode is over, he probably won't remember much. Most usually don't and what they do remember is usually not fact and what they do remember they push to the back of their memory.

                Let me note that my friend is an incredible writer with many books and awards, but when she is sick she can not put two words together. I am sure this man is a great chemist during his well times but when he is sick, I would surely doubt his ability in making any kind of compound. He is making stuff based on what his mind thinks at that moment and what it is telling him to do. Who knows what his mind is telling him to do at that time?

                I really hope that people are not continuing to order from him.


                  Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                  I placed an order with Virtuous Labs yesterday before reading all of this. I bought the 2 vial deal and also the single $1 vial for a total of 8,000mg.
                  Now I'm worried about using this stuff. I paid via Paypal. The order status show processing.
                  I cannot seem to find a cancel order function and I'm getting a little worried about the quality of the product.
                  Does anybody have any advice or suggestions on how to deal with this?
                  Diggin' being alive


                    Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                    You could email info@virtuouslabs with your concerns. You'll be talking to Bill P., address the email as such. He'll cancel your order if you want. As of today he's back amongst the living.
                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs


                      I am amazed as anyone as with what is going on. He would give it all for us. I will catch hell for this. I can not guarantee anything but I am telling you there is sanity here.

                      Talk to him at length..

                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                        I'm glad to hear that he is getting better again, but the premeditated and long-term nature of his multiple alias posting remains a serious concern unless he was mentally ill during the entire time he was doing this.

                        One other concern is that Virtuous Labs offers numerous chemicals besides baclofen, and there is a very real risk of these being mistakenly included in "baclofen" vials when Bill/Bluto is not well. Rimonabant is one chemical he offers, for example, and this can cause serious psychological disturbances (eg depression) in some people. I accept the testimony of people here that his baclofen orders have so far been legitimate, but continued periods of mental illness will mean that there remains some risk of orders being incorrect in some way. The fact that he runs his laboratory alone, with nobody else there to catch possible mistakes, is a further worry.

                        I have already said that I hope he gets better, and I am not trying to put the boot in further here, but there is also a need to consider the welfare of everyone else on the forum.


                          Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs


                          I very much appreciate your posting on this thread.

                          I had posted a small missive and it was basically ignored. :-(

                          In my mind, a single person who is concocting a generic "Baclofen" in his labs is exceedingly scary to me. Whether sane or insane.

                          I sure wouldn't buy Meth, which is concocted in trailers all over the south, with no idea what is going into it. (Not that I would buy Meth anyway, no appeal to me.)

                          Thank you for adding some thought provoking posts to make people think.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                            Thanks, LoOp.
                            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                              Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                              In December, every other alternative but Bill's required a doctor's note.
                              Ingesting research chemicals is risky, ingesting those that may have been prepared under manic/schizoaffective psychosis is even more so. And then there's getting drunk.


                                Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                                I just re-read a bit of "An Unquiet Mind" by Kay Redford Jamieson. She wrote it in the 1990's when brain imaging was starting to unravel the mysteries of mental illnesses. She is considered to be one of the foremost authorities in the world on bi-polar illness and is a life long sufferer from bi-polar illness. The book is about her struggle with the illness which ends with her applying to Johns Hopkins. She had to fill out an application for academic rights there which involved her disclosing whether she had any psychiatric illnesses. She wrestled with the idea of not disclosing but one of the senior professors approached her and told her he already knew. He said that if Johns Hopkins had to get rid of everyone who suffered from mental illnesses they would not be able to run the university and it would be a boring place to work. She is still at Johns Hopkins today.

                                John Nash who won a Nobel Laureate in Mathematics suffered from schizophrenia which was the subject of the film "A Beautiful Mind".

                                I don't say that people are not entitled to know about where their medication comes from and to be reassured of its efficacy and safety.

                                Enquiry and concern and dissemination of information is one thing. Making broad assertions about people because they suffer from "mental illnesses" is another. Bipolar and schizophrenia are brain disorders. This summer the American and Canadian Societies for Addictive Medicine classified alcoholism as a brain disorder. On that analysis one could say that everyone here is suffering from a brain disorder or "mental illness" even on the traditional view that alcoholism masks an underlying mental illness.

                                Just think, when you are rubbishing someone who is running a business, how you would like to have your livelihood put at risk by allegations that you are unfit to be doing what you are doing.

                                Bill P has done medical school, treated patients, set up a business to help fellow alcoholics. Maybe he used aliases to get some publicity for his business and getting around the rules of this "commercial" forum.

                                Exercise caution, contact him by all means but please watch what you are saying on this thread.

                                Just saying!



                                Olivier Ameisen

                                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

