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Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

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    Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

    Enough is enough.

    Many of you are aware of a number of alarming messages coming from "Bluto," "Bill.P." and a host of other "new members" who have joined in the past few days.

    I used the domain lookup tool to find the address of Virtuous Labs. I posted it on MWO the other night, an MWO member confirmed that it belonged to the person using the Bill.P. username here for some time (years?). Searching the records in the state where the incorporation papers for Virtuous Labs LLC were filed, I was able to confirm that the registered agent was indeed a longhand version of Bill.P.

    I am not familiar with all of Bill.P.'s activity on MWO. I do know that he has provided free baclofen in the past, often saving the necks of many an MWO'er in any part of the world who have found them selves unexpectedly unable to get baclofen (a medical emergency), *That* baclofen has (from reports that I have heard first hand) been of a reputable quality.

    This is where the story gets very disturbing. It has come to light that over the past 12 months, Bill.P. has invented new usernames and personae to go with them on our forum including Bluto (definitely) and c0ffee (apparently) among others suspected. The depth to which this deception has manifested is pretty hard to comprehend.

    Clearly this person is in a state of mental distress and impairment. Without going into detail I believe that this behavior may be the result of an organic mental illness, but other factors maybe involved.

    I have been trying to put all of the pieces together, but this just cannot wait any longer. I am sure that this information will have a very hard impact on anyone here who is using or has ordered baclofen from Virtuous Labs.

    I have spoken with many other members who are familiar with Bill.P. on this subject, I'm hoping that they will chime in.

    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen

    Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

    All I can say is I've been emailing back and forth with him constantly since I found out out he was Virtuous Labs, which was shortly after I posted my support for his company. He sounded completely lucid, brilliant and pissed off that people were being charged high prices for baclofen that could be made cheaply and be made affordable for all of us.

    Last time he had a nervous breakdown (we all remember him coming on here posting nonsensical crap he couldn't back up), he lived in Australia. Since then he's moved to Oregon and set up Virtuous Labs. He was highly prolific, concise and made perfect sense in all of our correspondence.

    He basically gave me a rundown of his entire life story, which included: his history and knowledge in manufacturing pharmaceuticals, his former positions held in Australia, and in the gravest of confidence, his mental disease (in great detail). Which is a disease he has had since his teens. It has absolutely nothing to do with HDB!!!

    He told me that him and his psychiatrist had now had it under control.

    He was ready to supply baclofen to everyone who needed it, cheaply, at no cost for a special, or for free if they could not pay. His heart was in the right place.

    I had NO idea he was Bluto. I started putting the pieces together a few days ago. I've heard rumors that people think I was "duped" by Bluto. Please, give me more credit than that. I thought Bluto was kind of a crazy guy, but rooting him on nonetheless, just like everyone else.

    My last coherent conversation with Bill was on Christmas day. In between noon on Christmas day and whenever his first post arrived here on the 26th, he has suffered some kind of a psychotic break, completely in line with his condition.

    I guess it wasn't under control after all.

    That does not excuse the extensive web of lies and deceit and multiple user names that he has been perpetuating here for who knows how long. I do understand him posting as Bluto in the beginning, showing his incredible transformation (which I believe is real, and I am an expert in examining physiques and transformations). He probably didn't want anyone to know it was him. No big deal. But he still lied. "Go heavy or go home!" he said. Please, that's always been Bill P's motto. He just wanted to show it as an another example (probably like mine) of the way he thinks it should always have been done.

    Specifically which, to this date I will say what I have always said: It saved my life. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone except under the most dire circumstances and under close, round the clock, supervision, such as was in the case of susanna and her brother.

    But as for the rest of his self promotion, bizarre user names and motives to which we will probably never unravel the extent of, this is what I have to say: He is one sick motherfucker.

    Regarding Virtuous Labs baclofen: Mine is absolutely real, I've been using it solely since I got it and will continue to use it till it's gone (saving myself some hefty $$ at the pharmacy in the meantime).

    I believe that anything shipped prior to the 25th is gold standard, 99% pure baclofen in glycerine and water. And I'd take it.

    But hey, it's my life. What matters here is yours.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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      Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

      oh boy this is all really heartbreaking. I use bac from Virtuous...I sent off an email to Doug at VL today o see if i could get some info from him. My sense is that there is logical information coming from some of these bizarre posts if you can pull it out from in between all the jibberish. This makes me believe what Loop is saying. There is a real person, albeit troubled, a person who has made cheap bac possible at least for me and supposedly for many others. I just remembered when I heard back from VL Doug mentioned a few workers were in the hospital. I thought that was odd that there was more than one... But suddenly that makes a whole lot of sense to me considering what is going on. So there seems to be a crisis going on at VL but they are legit company and based on past history as well as my own current use their product is valid. The only question now is will it remain safe? and how can we help Bluto...


        Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

        Thanks Terry & Lo0p

        I don't have much else to add, except to confirm that I've known Bill since I joined MWO in July 2009. He was supportive of my titration at the time. Without him and Zenstyle, I'm not sure I could've done it. In this time, I have observed some erratic behaviour in him, but no to the extent that we've observed over the past two days.

        He sent me a supply of liquid baclofen (shipping it halfway around the world at his own cost) at a time that I was in danger of running out because of supply problems, with my only alternative being LDB at prices I could hardly afford. I can attest to the quality of the bac I received. He sent me an email over Christmas, saying he had dispatched 3 more vials (again at no cost to me). If / when it arrives, I'd be happy to take it.

        Having said that, posting under multiple member profiles is unacceptable. I'm still trying to get my head around the sheer mental effort it would take to sustain it...

        Finally: rest assured that Bill's erratic behviour is NOT a result of HDB over extended periods. I have been on it for well 2 1/2 years and I'm still pretty sane and coherent. Not too sure about Lo0p, though :H

        If you're a newbie / lurker reading this: do NOT allow what has happened to put you off the idea of baclofen.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

          One sick individual who has now collected personal information on many of us. Myself included. My full name, phone number, address, and email account. I am incredibly cautious with who I share my name or anything else for that matter here. Paranoid you ask? Maybe. I've been here for nearly a year and I'm just starting to PM correspond with others who have been here longer than myself. Ones I'm sure I can trust. Yet, I gave all my personal information to somebody on a psychotic break from reality (maybe, or this could also be just another of his characters? I mean to what extent is he really broken. Some of his writing is gibberish and some isn't. He usually gets his message across). Just something else I will ponder.

          I started to figure out he was all these people some days ago too. I will never know to what extent, just like none of us will. I will assume it might continue in the future, and it will be hard to tell. He's really good at changing his writing. I just didn't think anyone could be smart enough to create that website and do all this on their own. By the time I figured it out (with the help of tk, thank you!), it was too late. Had I looked at the contact information of Virtuous Labs to begin with, and saw there is only an email contact with no phone number or address, I would have known something was up.

          In the meantime, I will worry. I will always have to worry.
          This Princess Saved Herself


            Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

            Virtuous Labs is a one man operation.

            Bill, is Doug or anyone else you've heard of from that company.

            edit: again, more lies
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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              Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

              Man oh man.

              My knowledge of the situation ties in pretty closely with Lo0p's, without as much detail. Up till a few days ago I exchanged normal emails with Bill.

              I also have liquid baclofen, that I'll continue to take. I'm certain it is what it says it is.

              As to the various aliases and such, I've not been around, so I have missed the majority of this. I can't begin to fathom what was going on in Bill's head, perhaps he can't either? Peoples' shit clearly manifests in different ways. Personally, Bill went to a fair amount of trouble to sort out my baclofen supply after I placed a large order that went awry, so I really hope the man is okay.


                Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                tiptronic_ct;1234359 wrote: Not too sure about Lo0p, though :H
                Buddy, I'm as fuc&ed up and crazy as I ever was! :H It hasn't gotten any worse though!!
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                  We all know what it is like to have a disease control our brain. He asked me to never tell a soul because of the stigma that comes along with mental illness.

                  For when you come around Bill, my best intentions for you were in my heart. :l
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                    I don't see how Doug can be Bill or Bluto??? This is too much.


                      Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                      Thanks, LoOp. I've had members pm'ing me and calling me . . . and I had NO idea what was happening.

                      Healing thoughts, compassion and loving-kindness out to you, Bill. And thanks for what appears to be (or maybe, have been) one of the most profoundly helpful and compassionate things one sufferer could do for others.

                      And, (tiny, perhaps inappropriate, yippee!), the liquid bac plus $1.00 Xmas special I ordered on the 24th arrived yesterday. I'm going to try it. I have plenty of back-up if it doesn't work.

                      I'll post after tomorrow, which will be my first day to start Virtuous Labs liquid baclofen.

                      If you don't hear from me again, it may mean something went wronger sooner :H:H
                      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                        Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                        This is dedicated to Bill P who was the first person I came across in this journey and gave me hope. When you write about little people who are trying, in their own way, to do something good just listen to the song and ask yourself, are you one of the bad guys or one of the good guys because sometimes here it doesn't matter.

                        Video: Buffy Sainte-Marie



                        Olivier Ameisen

                        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                          Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                          Well, I don't like Buffy, but thank you Otter, nonetheless.
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                            Buffy was a hero when I was a kid. Maybe you have to be Canadian.



                            Olivier Ameisen

                            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                              Bluto/Bill.P. and Virtuous Labs

                              I have been quite sarcastic while talking about this issue, but largely because of the multiple aliases, and also because this person seemed like a troll or spammer. I was unable to believe that he could accidentally write long posts that were a form of encryption, but I now tend to think he is desperately ill rather than malicious.

                              As someone has pointed out to me, this guy has been talking about large quantities of Xanax lately aswell. If he is mixing Xanax with alcohol and baclofen, he is in danger of losing his life. We can only hope he finds help soon, before something like this accidentally happens. My addiction doctor has told me of very bizarre street behaviour in addicts who pop large amount of Xanax, without even mixing it with anything else, so this could explain a lot.

                              I remember Bill from earlier times, and just hope he gets help soon.


