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Higher than 350mg? Did you?

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    Higher than 350mg? Did you?

    My drinking has never been to the 'blackout level' that many people talk about, nor have I been in danger of driving drunk or going into work drunk. I would say it's more like the level of drinking that will kill a person slowly over time.

    Could I ask, did anyone here go higher than 350mg, and is it safe to do so? That's where I am at the moment, and I'm starting to think that Baclofen is perhaps not for me. My drinking has slowed down, but mainly because the Baclofen has made the effects of alcohol more difficult to tolerate.

    Higher than 350mg? Did you?

    your switch might be 360 or 380!!! if i recall correctly lab rats became indifferent to alcohol somewhere between 1 and 5mg per kg. Dr A used 3.6mg per Kg. What is your switch dose as per these formulas?
    it's a good question exactly how high is it safe to go!


      Higher than 350mg? Did you?

      I've been as high as 600 steadily (although unnecessarily). I've accidentally OD'ed on 800-1000 before (early on, a long time ago) and been fine.


      edit: slowly
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        Higher than 350mg? Did you?

        All I can add to this is the fact that both alcohol and baclofen are central nervous system depressants, and a general medical rule is that combining two or more depressants can be dangerous. I know that many people here have done this without apparent harm, but when taking such large amounts of baclofen, the dangers would surely be getting fairly high. Just be careful about drinking large quantities after taking this amount of baclofen (or any other sedating drug).

        I hope you do find your way out of alcohol dependence.


          Higher than 350mg? Did you?

          Thanks, everyone.


            Higher than 350mg? Did you?

            penelope67;1234458 wrote: your switch might be 360 or 380!!! if i recall correctly lab rats became indifferent to alcohol somewhere between 1 and 5mg per kg. Dr A used 3.6mg per Kg. What is your switch dose as per these formulas?
            it's a good question exactly how high is it safe to go!
            Could be over 500mg. I hope not...


              Higher than 350mg? Did you?

              I think Dr A has reported successfully taking a patient well up into the 500s without adverse effects. I can't remember where I read this, though.
              With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                Higher than 350mg? Did you?

                Much higher, and I was fine.


                  Higher than 350mg? Did you?

                  That's great to hear. I was worried that I was up here on my own. I will continue to titrate slowly. Thanks.

