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Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

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    Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

    heeelp. i feel very blah. i am on day 8 of my baclofen protocol, up to 50mg.
    I feel that my anxiety is muted or gone which is fantabulous!!
    but I still feel depressed and i am eating and smoking compulsively.
    I have not done anything productive in quite a while and this has to stop! But I am so blah.

    has anyone taken a secondary medicine for depression?
    is this necessary or will the depression lift as I get higher on baclofen?

    I may have to titrate up more slowly bkz my asthma is really bad at night and last night I had weird visual disturbances! like tripping on acid!


    Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

    I am not a fan of bac due to all the side effects I had, but there are those here that LOVE it.
    It did not affect my depression, though. I have been taking paxil for depression for years...hope this helps and hope you feel better soon
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

      Hi mamma bear!
      omg i took paxil back in 1998 and I blimped out in a matter of weeks. I gained 40lbs overnight!! I swear paxil ruined my life and my body!! It did wonders for my anxiety but it made me fat and swollen along with frequent angry outbursts. I want to avoid SSRI's if possible.
      did you complete the baclofen protocol? I hear you on the side effects, it is pretty uncomfortable to say the least. if I did not have asthma it would probably be ok but...


        Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

        i have been taken seroxat for 9 years now and now
        with bacoflen there are no extra si's with baclofen i have no siteeffects at all taking 237,5 mg
        but if you don,nt need it don't take it ...... the ad's i mean....but with astma i don't know....


          Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

          omg another paxil taker!! did it make you fat???? I cannot believe they still prescribe it!
          My sister who is a psychiatrist doesn't prescribe it anymore for that reason
          I would never take paxil ever again, even if you paid me a million dollars!


            Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

            no i did'nt only when i went fom 30 to 40 mg a few kilo's it helped me alot but the se's where terible and now i have serrious withdrawal problems when i like to take less....i think it whill be imposible to stop..taking them....


              Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

              i think the weight thing is because it changes your metabolism i was close to adhd and HYPeraktive that was the reason i always needed a dink to calm down now it's a bit ate to stop.....


                Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

                oh yes i remember the withdrawal well, such horrendous anxiety I wanted to die. I even hallucinated being at the crucifixion during my withdrawal!!! THAT was a trip alright! I also suffered terrible withdrawal from Cymbalta. You may want to have your adrenals checked at this point. You are lucky you did not gain weight. I blimped out overnight and when my doctor saw me her jaw hit the ground. yet she and 2 other doctors told me it was not the paxil. As i said my sister does not prescribe it anymore. You can get off Paxil but you need a doctor to help you by weaking you off slowly and giving you something like prozac to help with the withdrawal. My sister uses Prozac to wean people off Cymbalta but my Psychiatrist said she could not do that. Things got so bad i wanted to hit strangers on the street and I was excruciatingly sensitive to sound. I do believe this comes down to the adrenals somehow. Even though paxil is not a SNRI Cymbalta is and their withdrawal affects were very similar.


                  Depression, baclofen and secondary meds like Wellbutrin or Gabapentin

                  anyway the good news is I just got back from my doctor and he thinks I may have adrenal insufficiency and this is a miracle bkz it all makes sense and if that is healed then chances are I will no longer be depressed! I am ecstatic to have this being checked! years of suffering may soon come to a close btwn baclofen and healing my adrenals!! YAY!!!

