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topirimate question

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    topirimate question

    I started topirimate (topomax) several weeks ago prior to knowing anything about My Way Out which I just read last week. Started very low dose and slowly working my way up. Now that I have read the MWO book and all the info I am dedicated to following the whole program. Even at very low topirimate, 50 mg (although now I am up to the third day of 100 mg) I am having really good results. Pretty much cut my alchohol cravings and consumption way way down. But gosh, I would love to lose some weight and haven't lost an ounce. According to the book and author, it sounded like that might really be possible. Did anyone else have that experience and if so, was it dose related? What dosage were you at and for how long before you started to notice that as a side benefit? I am technically 20 lbs overweight but would love to shed 30. Any advice or info would be appreciated. Eliminating or significantly decreasing alcohol is my main objective, but weight loss would be a wonderful second goal.
    Kathy, "mybestever"

    topirimate question

    Hi there, Mybest - there is a thread on the meds thread - called 'New here and starting Topa With a question' - it is ALL about Topa! Lots of questions have been asked about the weight loss. some folk do lose weight - others don't. it seems it is the luck of the draw! I lost interest in food pretty quickly - so it isn't just losing weight - but losing interest in food that does it. In the beginning, I had to make myself eat or would keep losing weight. I am already slim, and do keep an eye on my weight! To me, it wasn't dose related - mine was pretty quickly apparent - to me. Why don't you come and post on our thread - we would love to have you join us - we love having new people join us and share their experiences - it helps other new folk who are starting out on Topa and that way, we can all share experiences. Hope to see you there -

    Love, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      topirimate question

      I am a new comer. I am very interested in this. I'm not sure what to do first.


        topirimate question

        courtney52;1235559 wrote: I am a new comer. I am very interested in this. I'm not sure what to do first.
        Hi and welcome Courtney. It's difficult to advise anyone what they should try first. Baclofen has the greatest following among members here, but other drugs such as naltrexone, Campral, topiramate/Topamax, and Antabuse are also used by some. People react individually to medications, and what can help one person may not be suitable for another (and vice versa).

        Baclofen's greatest problem is the massive doses needed by most people, far higher than its usually recommended maximum dosage, to achieve complete relief from alcohol cravings. This means that almost no doctors are willing to prescribe such doses, and people often have to buy it online. The other drugs I mentioned are all used within their recommended dosage limits, so doctors are more likely to prescribe them. As far as I know, topiramate is still an off-label (not officially approved) treatment for alcohol dependence in most countries, but some doctors are willing to prescribe drugs for off-label uses (topiramate's normal use is for epilepsy). Campral, naltrexone, and Antabuse are all approved for the treatment of alcohol dependence in most countries.

        I have personally found one or two other medications useful in getting rid of alcohol cravings, but they are regarded as having addictive potential of their own, so I can't really recommend them on a recovery forum.

        Read some of the threads here, as you will get a better idea of the experiences of other members and may be better able to decide what to try first on this basis.


          topirimate question

          reply to sunshinedaisies

          I am so new to this "thread", reply, Post, whatever, blog "stuff", I am not sure what I am doing here.... so to sunshinedaisies person... thanks for the info and advice. I am going to try and figure out where and how to click into the thread meds/topamax you were suggesting and join in with that group. In general I think you answered my question, although not to my liking, the answer is what I expected at this point. I am thrilled that the primary reason for the topamax topiramate use is working extremely well for me and my desire for alcohol is way way down. But it has no affect on my weight. I don't have a problem with over eating, or eating the wrong foods, just being lazy assed and as a a 53 year old woman, my metabolism has slowed to a crawl. My drinking habits were drinking bourbon or red wine, so I CAN count on those calories being gone from my intake, but I was never intaking juice or soda or over eating anyway. So, I guess I just need to get up off my bumm and start burning fat the good old fashioned way.


            topirimate question

            Hi Best - when you posted - you started a 'Thread' - so, in the same meds section where you started your thread, there is one called "New here and starting Topa with a question" Airam started it - click on that and either wade through it and go to the end - we are usually on the first page - we are at the moment. Lots of interesting stuff. I am lucky - I have a great metabolism - always have had, and still even now - at 57, it is really good - I always have energy and am a fast mover. One doctor even asked me if I had ever been tested for ADHD or something similar - the cheek of it!! just 'cos I fidget and move quickly! You are lucky in that Topa is working well for you re your drinking - I have to get up to such a high level for it to work for me, and then it hits me with Side effects (SE's), so I have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. I have to get going to work - but see you on the Topa thread!

            Hugs, sun
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              topirimate question

              Hi Best, I want to welcome you also and hope you will start posting on the med thread also, there are many wonderful posts to read that will answer some of your questions and also people who can help you. I recently started Topa and have had good results at a low dose and lost interest in food at a low dose also and have lost 6 pounds in about 3 weeks without trying to do anything different, I am just not interested in eating as much. I know it is definately different for each person.

              Again, welcome, hope to see you on the Medication thread, talk soon.
              Regards, Playland


                topirimate question

                Welcome to you too Courtney, let us know what you are interested in, what you have questions about, we are glad to help you out.

                All the Best,

