I was a hopeful, still employed and functioning hopeless-daily-drinking-drunk for more than 20 years. I read Dr. Ameisen's book and got online and found MyWayOut which helped me find my way out.
I've been taking baclofen since October 2010. I started at 5mg/day and titrated up to about 320mg/day. It took 5 months. I've been indifferent to alcohol since February 4, 2011. I have titrated up and down after that, but have settled around 140mg/day over the last several months.
My life has been transformed. Not only do I not drink against my will anymore, I don't have malingering and related mental or physical health problems. My husband, (who also found indifference with baclofen) and friends can attest to this. But more importantly for you--the lurkers and newbies--the professionals I pay to be objective about such things don't think I'm nuts or physically sick anymore either.

Happy New Year! I hope 2012 brings all of you the gifts that I found in 2011--freedom from the disease of alcoholism, a measure of serenity, and a world of shiny new possibilities.