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Amino Acid Heads

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    Amino Acid Heads

    I am having quite a bit of success just using amino acids to curb my drinking and I was wondering if anyone else would like to have a thread discussing this WAY OUT?

    Happy New Year everyone! I've got a dinner party with champagne, white and red wines from France, and Ice Wine with dessert but I am quite uninterested in even tasting any of them! I already know what they taste like and I'm just not sure I need to taste them again....we'll see.

    If we can get a gang on here I'll describe a bit of my history, and what I'm taking. Hope to see some fellow acid heads here!! :welcome:
    Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
    (quote from Bean )

    Goal: Survival

    Amino Acid Heads

    I'd be interested in hearing your experience with Amino Acids, Lady. I do belive what we put into our bodies, whether food or supplements, helps stack the deck either towards success or failure when it comes to remaining AF. I'll be looking forward to hearing what you and others have found.
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      Amino Acid Heads

      Would love to be a part of it, although I am taking more than just the amino acids. I look forward to hearing your story. Thanks so much for starting this!
      Happy New Year!

      "One day at a time."


        Amino Acid Heads

        Out of interest, which Amino Acids are you taking?


          Amino Acid Heads

          Hi Irie, TDN, and Nutshell and happy new year. Well, a little bit of history. I'm 66 yo, female, raised in a family where Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Brother were all alcoholics - functional for the most part. I began drinking as a teenager, and I was always the one who got drunk. This continued and got worse over the years through two unhappy marriages. In the 80's I was a plain drunk - kept my job and raised kids but these were not good years and I carry a lot of guilt from then.

          I did get sober just by will power, and I was actually sober for almost 10 years!!!!!!! Part of that success was that I hung around only with non-drinkers (not AA). Met my present husband, who was quite a drinker but under control. New Years Eve 2000 he and I went for a run at midnight and ended the run with a glass of champagne. And that was it. I started drinking again. I've been in pretty good control though there have been a few ugly drunken nights, and many hangovers that I had to hide.

          I'm just fed up with carrying this burden!!!! I wake up every morning vowing I will not drink then at supper time I reach for a few glasses of wine. DH drinks wine every night too, and sometimes he has a shot of something after dinner with as a treat....he would love to drink lots but controls himself well.

          But as for me - well I have got the control that I don't drink more than two each night but I'm addicted to those two. My head gets fuzzy, I feel "off" and certainly not happy or gay!! And my face gets beet red....and as well I can't say my bedtime prayers which are very important to why the heck do I keep drinking - oh well, there's that ole addiction....

          I started Naltrexone two years ago using TSM. It "worked" and I declared myself cured. But that did not last more than a few months. The reason I have been drinking for so many years is, of course, addiction, but also because of unhappiness and anxiety which really comes out at that witching hour of 5pm. I just kept taking the Naltrexone, and drinking, then gave up the Naltrexone and kept drinking.

          When I started looking into this forum I found out about 5HTP and GABA and L-Glutamine. So I started taking them. And I'm amazed to say I have had two AF days this week.

          I take the 5HTP three times a day, am, afternoon, and bedtime. I take the GABA just before bed, and take a few chewable L-Gluts around 4, sometimes another one at 5.

          I certainly feel calmer and more detached with this stuff, especially the 5HTP. It's a funny feeling - sort of like life is happening and I'm just looking on. Not a bad feeling really, and it helps me to feel mellow at supper time instead of uptight and reaching for the ole relaxer. And I'm sleeping so much better it's amazing.

          I sort of have been following The Mood Cure (can't remember the author) and she has a template for anxiety and such. I have just read My Way Out and see that she recommends most of the same stuff.

          All I can say is that for the past 3 nights I have not had any desire to drink. Last night I did pour a glass to see how I would feel about it (so can't count it as AF!!). It sat there for the longest time but I did drink half of it. About 3 oz I guess but was so disinterested that I left the rest.

          I have quite a supply of Naltrexone left and I did take one of those too. But as I understand it Naltrexone does NOT work as a simple craving med. I may be mistaken there, because maybe it's the combination of the amino acids and the Nal that has worked for me.

          So here I am. We're hosting a dinner party tonight with three different wines and ice wine for dessert! But right now I could care less. I'm more concerned that the food is good! I may have a sip of this or that but I know that if I stick to taking the aminos all will be well and I won't WANT to have more.

          I'd love to hear all your stories!! Sorry for being so long winded but it's important for us all to write it all out so we're clear in our heads what we want, and how we're gonna get there.!!!!!
          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
          (quote from Bean )

          Goal: Survival


            Amino Acid Heads

            Hi Lady,

            You might want to taper down on the L-glut if you can. It's got issues - see the holistic thread for details.

            Of course, L-glutamine is possibly less horrible for you than drinking, but if its only two glasses, maybe not.

            Also, you might get more attention for your aminos thread if you post it in Holistic, where you may find non-med folks visiting and giving their histories. Julia Ross wrote The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure some years ago, and her recommendations are similar to Joan Larson's in Seven Weeks to Sobriety. The aminos and such are a the core of the MWO program, although given in lower amounts than perhaps would be ideal, I don't know, in the form of All-One powder. All of this info is dated however, so its important to see the latest on each supplement. Mercola is a good site for that.

            Many people here have had success with tryptophan or 5htp. I don't recall the latest on this, maybe Isolde or beatle will chime in, or Murphy. I know one slightly better and I thought it was tryptophan but we will need to wait for bigger brains to visit and set things straight.

            At any rate, excellent job on the AF front, and good luck with the dinner party, hope it went swimmingly and you were hangover free the next day. Sounds like you had quite a dinner and pairings planned!


              Amino Acid Heads

              It's funny that just when we seem to get some good information someone comes along with scare warnings. But athletes take fairly high doses of this stuff with no problems, no? I'll do some more reading on this. I do find it confusing to get completely different messages about the same substance.

              Anyway thanks for the info!!!
              Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
              (quote from Bean )

              Goal: Survival


                Amino Acid Heads

                Aminos and Supps and the brain

                MWOLady, here is a thread I started on Holistic Healing. I think this article/these articles might be of help:

                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Amino Acid Heads

                  MWOLady;1237074 wrote: It's funny that just when we seem to get some good information someone comes along with scare warnings. But athletes take fairly high doses of this stuff with no problems, no? I'll do some more reading on this. I do find it confusing to get completely different messages about the same substance.

                  Anyway thanks for the info!!!

                  As far as L-glutamineis concerned, I have never heard of any particularly adverse effects or reactions to it. Every person is individual, but almost all the research I have read and all the experience I have is that it is a wonder amino with myriads of benefits.

                  I do know some people with whom it has not "agreed" ... I suspect this was the brand, and not L-glut itself. And I'm sure there are some conditions for which it is not good. But I haven't looked at that thread Bruun refers to in a while.... maybe there is more there.Back when that thread was started, I recall it extolling the virtues of l-glut, which I concurred with (and probably added quite a few extras myself). I will go back and take a look when I get a chance, but for now I will stick with my assessment based on extensive research and individual experimentation.

                  I take 15 grams a day, split in 3 doses (powder mixed in a glass of cold water -- between meals). When I miss a couple days (I can miss a dose now and then without much problem), I will start to feel incredible cravings for both alcohol and sugar. My body will feel loose and achy, I will feel irritable without knowing why, and my digestions starts to slow down. And that's just from missing a day or two.

                  By all means, go and read through that thread Bruun refers you too. And please refer to the Holistic Healing forum for the kinds of questions you are asking and the information you are seeking here on the meds section.

                  And I highly recommend you read Seven Weeks to Sobriety.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Amino Acid Heads

                    Bruunhilde;1236700 wrote: Hi Lady,

                    Many people here have had success with tryptophan or 5htp. I don't recall the latest on this, maybe Isolde or beatle will chime in, or Murphy.
                    L-tryp, not 5-HTP. I'm too tired of explaining why. Either look it up on other threads I have written, research it yourself, or take my word for it
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Amino Acid Heads

                      I researched it years ago and take tryptophan. I just can't recall why. Something about 5htp being a precursor to tryptophan but whatever, look it up if you want to know, MWO Lady. I too, am too tired to do it.

                      beatle;1237118 wrote: L-tryp, not 5-HTP. I'm too tired of explaining why. Either look it up on other threads I have written, research it yourself, or take my word for it

