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My Personal Trial Log

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    My Personal Trial Log

    Hi, JW. I mean Tre!
    Thanks for the detailed summary. I've been meaning to mention that for several days! Good stuff. Really good, and very interesting.

    Fellas, some of us also experience that. Not that it's particularly evident, obviously, but the results are the same. Here's the thing though: Both (men and women) have the opposite experience too. THAT is a side effect I would wish on my best friend. Whew. It was lovely. anyhooo. :blush:

    There are some related threads (of course!)...I'll see if I can't find them.

    The fun one:

    There are a couple more, too, related to ED and DE. It was dose dependent for most of us. It wasn't a big deal for me, and I have to admit I don't get it...But then I get it, ya' know? Or I get that it's really important to you guys... My husband tried diligently to explain it and well, I'm a chick and we don't have the same...lots of things.


      My Personal Trial Log

      Ne/Neva Eva;1238624 wrote:
      I'm a chick and we don't have the same...lots of things.
      Thank **** for that.


        My Personal Trial Log

        I know! How you guys put up with all your trials is beyond me!


          My Personal Trial Log

          Hmmm. That might not have come out the right way. :blush:


            My Personal Trial Log

            So basically you have to chose btwn anxiety and DE...a terrible choice really. Most antidepressants have this kind of side effect as well. If I strain my brain I vaguely recall reading that Wellbutrin is used to alleviate sexual side effects but you better double check that. Maybe if you stay on 250 for a while the sexual side effect will diminish as many of the other SE's do. i personally find that bac increases sexual arousal but prevents orgasm, exactly like antidepressants. and by the way I have had a number of ugly confrontations with doctors regarding side effects from various meds that they would claim did not exist. Paxil, for one, caused me to gain 40lbs overnight and swell up. I was told by three different doctors it was not the Paxil but it was. I was told by another doctor that the horrible withdrawal i was suffering as she weaned me off Cymbalta was not from the Cymbalta withdrawal. I have a strong distrust of doctors now as i have really suffered at the hands of their ignorance. I have no problem knowing they are often wrong, telling them they are wrong, and doing what I need to do for MY body so i can feel the way that I deem sane. I know that last sentence was a little messed up lol but i think my point was made.


              My Personal Trial Log

              Nutshell;1238580 wrote: It's funny that you mention the DE. I wasn't going to mention it, but I have been having the same problem. Also, the results are not always what I would have expected. I won't go into any greater description for fear of creeping people out. :blush:
              LOL, I hear you. To be honest, I was hesitant to mention it at first. But I decided it was important to retain it in the list of side effects. I had actually went into many more specifics in the original draft, but minimized the description of this SE as it reads now. In short, resolution was not always an impossibility, but the results were never satisfactory and were always followed by lingering pain. This was a direct contradiction from conditions at lowered doses. But more on that shortly...

              Ne/Neva Eva;1238624 wrote: Hi, JW. I mean Tre!
              Thanks for the detailed summary. I've been meaning to mention that for several days! Good stuff. Really good, and very interesting.
              Thank you NNE.

              Fellas, some of us also experience that. Not that it's particularly evident, obviously, but the results are the same. Here's the thing though: Both (men and women) have the opposite experience too. THAT is a side effect I would wish on my best friend. Whew. It was lovely. anyhooo. :blush:
              LOL, yep! Here lies the continuation of my thoughts regarding the "specifics" I had originally intended to include (before I got cold feet). Simply put, how resolution is substantially enhanced and prolonged with high-dose baclofen. I've always counted that as a bonus benefit.

              So needless to say, I was in awe to find myself with the exact opposite results at my "new" maintenance dose. When I tapered down just 40 mg/day, everything was great again. So clearly, it's a dose dependent condition. I'll definitely check out the links you've provided - thanks!

              penelope67;1238861 wrote:
              So basically you have to chose btwn anxiety and DE...a terrible choice really. Most antidepressants have this kind of side effect as well. If I strain my brain I vaguely recall reading that Wellbutrin is used to alleviate sexual side effects but you better double check that. Maybe if you stay on 250 for a while the sexual side effect will diminish as many of the other SE's do.
              Yeah, it was definitely a tough call. I loved the complete alleviation of anxiety, but the final two SE's were completely unacceptable to me. I did consider the possibility that the SE's would fade in time as I became better acclimated to the dose, but uncertainty led me to taper down.

              When I researched DE, I found that it surely can be caused by medications - particularly anti-depressants. Which I should add, isn't Wellbutron an anti-depressant? I took it years ago for smoking cessation, and that's when I first began having panic attacks. Of course, it probably didn't help that I was drinking daily while taking it. But I do think Wellbutron had a lot to do with it. It was scary, as I had never had them before and didn't know what was happening to me.

              I have a strong distrust of doctors now as i have really suffered at the hands of their ignorance. I have no problem knowing they are often wrong, telling them they are wrong, and doing what I need to do for MY body so i can feel the way that I deem sane. I know that last sentence was a little messed up lol but i think my point was made.
              Clear as a bell. I too, lost all faith in general practitioners and specialists years ago.

              John I appreciate your faith in doctors but it is unfounded. Their knowledge is often based on limited studies and worse no studies at all.
              The only reason why I trust this doctor, is because he's treated thousands of patients with HDB. His knowledge is based in part, on this factor; as well as directly from Dr. A. When he runs into a problem treating a patient with HDB, he turns to Olivier. But that's not to say either have all the answers either. As I've seen it stated here, we're all a case study in ourselves.

              Considering how little Baclofen has been studied i would say jump back up to 250 and check it out for yourself and then decide... just my personal opinion and it's not like it is a drastic increase.
              I started today. So I'm back up to 230 mg. I think I'll test the waters for a while and see how this dosage treats me before stepping up another 20 mg. If everything still seems fine after a couple weeks, then I'll step back up to 250 mg and see what happens.


                My Personal Trial Log

                Wellbutrin acts on Dopamine. it is not an SSRI (serotonin re-uptake inhibiter) like most other antidepressants. That said I have seen people freak out on Wellbutrin so obviously this won't be the answer you seek. Kudos to moving back up to 230. I will be curious to see how it impacts your anxiety...
                Sorry to hear you share my mistrust of doctors, but reality is reality. Oh and something that just popped into my head is the idea of taking smaller doses more often, not sure what effect that has but it is a new variation to consider. One guy I know takes his Bac 6x day. anyway best of luck, keep us posted!

