I would need to know if a doctor can determine that a patient used Antabuse from the Blood or Urine tests?
I did a search over the net but the information is not relevant. What I have found is the following :
transaminase tests (10 to 14 days) are suggested to detect any hepatic dysfunction that may be associated with disulfiram therapy.
or that the Pharmaco kinetics of disulfiram have not beed elucidated because there are no sensitive and specific methods of determining disulfiram and its metabolites. Disulfiram is a very difficult drug to understand, but we have described a method of measuring blood levels clinically. After oral disulfiram therapy levels of 2-8 mg'l were obtained and immediately after implantation levels of 1-3 mg/l were recorded. A final metabolite of disulfiram is carbon disulphide . This gas was measured in the breath of disulfiram treated patients and levels of 0.1-0.4 mg/m3 were obtained.
Any other information is very welcomed.
Thank you in Advance,