Hiya everybody! This has come up privately a couple of times now. I thought I'd give a sum up, especially since there is kerfuffle related to online pharmacies.
Dr. Levin's information is this:
Home: 312-642-5803
This is the number that he prefers. Call between 7 and 9pm Central Standard Time. He's in Chicago, Illinois. He takes overseas calls, and calls from doctors, too. Also, he is VERY good at straightening out reluctant or belligerent pharmacists. (Though there are other ways around this, if it does actually become an issue.)
His office number is: 312-236-6675
He always answers this, even if he's in a session with a patient. Someone posted recently that it's called the baclophone.
He's a nice guy. Very, very nice guy. Without any real agenda, as far as I can tell. And I've been calling him for a looooong time. (More than a year. Seems long to me!)
There is also a thread where you might be able to find a local doctor. It's not very extensive as people are reluctant to share the info of a doctor on the WWW. Which I totally understand. I would encourage those who have information related to this to post that they know someone in such and such area (or even region!). Think about it, peeps. There are a lot of us who are desperate. We are all relatively reasonable. The ones who are not reasonable are very unlikely to try to follow up with a doctor. It's true. And we all deserve a chance to recover. That's my take on it, anyway.
For the official record, I have no vested interest in how or whether anyone obtains bac. (I shorten the word to keep it from google searches.)