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Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

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    Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch


    I was just reading another thread and someone named Sunnyvaletin mentioned that new research out of France says that the off switch amount varies from 30-300mg a day.

    I tried Bac a few years ago but gave up when I reached 210 mg a day and nothing happened. Should I try again and go higher? Has anyone reached the off switch at a higher dosage?

    Many thanks.

    Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

    Hi Zman, I am not yet a high dose baclofen taker, but I can tell you from reading posts here that people have had to go higher than 210 mg/day to become indifferent to alcohol. Dr Olivier Ameisen, the guy who first experimented on himself with baclofen for his own alcohol dependence (and wrote the book about it), needed 270 mg per day to become indifferent. I think a couple of people here have even briefly gone above 300 mg.

    More experienced members will advise you better about this.


      Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

      Hi, Z! Wowza, it's been a long time! Yes, Sunny had the right of it. She didn't get much higher than you did on your (first?) go round. But there are several of us who have gotten up to the point that we are indifferent to AL. The dosage varies...
      Have you read OA's book? That's a good start.

      More questions? We're here! Nice to see you again, though sorry for the (presumed) reason...


        Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

        Wow! Zman! Blast from the past!

        Honestly, I've been thinking about you from time to time. You tried bac, then TSM then kind of disappeared...

        Zman;1241665 wrote: I tried Bac a few years ago but gave up when I reached 210 mg a day and nothing happened. Should I try again and go higher? Has anyone reached the off switch at a higher dosage?

        YES! Go higher!

        If I recall, you were burdened by side effects. Many are. Many struggle through them. Some can't. Some find it much easier the second time around (though it's been a while for you).

        My switch was at 300. A lot
        people have had to go higher.

        Dr. Ameisen went on record as having a patient that need to go as high as 580 mgs per day. He's down to 400 as of the last report in the article I read.

        How have you been?
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

          Hey good memory you two. Yeah I tried Bac and couldnt go much higher than 210, but am finding titrating much easier this time. I also tried TSM and that didnt do anything at all.

          I guess I'll go higher then hehe.


            Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

            Does anyone have a link to the research Sunny was referring to?


              Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

              Zman! I could hardly believe my eyes!

              :welcome: back and all the best this time round.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

                Thanks for the welcome back guys. I remember you also. Does the fact that you are still here mean that you hit your off switches? How many people on this site do you estimate have hit the off switch?


                  Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

                  Hey Z.

                  I hit my switch to indifference at 270. Continue onward.... it works!

                  Welcome back.
                  Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                  My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                    Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch


                    Were you at 90-90-90 when you hit your switch?


                      Bac Quantity Questions - the off switch

                      I am at 340. 120-100-120. The side effects really do start to diminish and yesterday I worked a full day without much thought about it.

