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Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)

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    Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)

    Hi, I'm new here, and have been researching Bac after reading Ameisen's book. I am currently also on 3mgs of Clonazepman a day and 30mgs of Paxil.

    Anyone have any experience using baclofen with clonazepam? I've tried to get myself (slowly over time) off clonazepam, but it was impossible.

    Will baclofen allow me to taper of clonazepam as well?

    Thanks in advance!

    Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)

    Hi krs,

    I also take clonazepam and since starting baclofen, I have had little need for it. I was only on 2 mg per day, but also took frequent holiday to avoid dependence. I think baclofen should make it easier to get off klonopin, but I would do more research and taper off slowly - just in case.



      Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)


      Appreciate your help!


        Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)

        krs;1242467 wrote: Hi, I'm new here, and have been researching Bac after reading Ameisen's book. I am currently also on 3mgs of Clonazepman a day and 30mgs of Paxil.

        Anyone have any experience using baclofen with clonazepam? I've tried to get myself (slowly over time) off clonazepam, but it was impossible.

        Will baclofen allow me to taper of clonazepam as well?

        Thanks in advance!
        Hi krs...i am currently using baclofen to help get off klonipin. tried before same as you and could not do it!! seems to be going smoother with bac! Still a rough road but not quite as bumpy. will probly have to go up more on bac. So...i guess my answer is...
        Definitly worth a try!!....Panda...24yr klon user:nutso:


          Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)

          Panda -- if you're comfortable sharing, why were you originally prescribed klonopin?


            Baclofen and Clonazepam (Klonipin)

            Very good question!!

            suneelca;1254031 wrote: Panda -- if you're comfortable sharing, why were you originally prescribed klonopin?
            just saw this today my reply is a bit late.
            Hi suneelca.....That's a good "Q"! Was on prozac and xanax and went to new MD and he gave the rx for klon to replace the other 2 meds. never had a problem with the transition. In about 2 was like...OMG...I could actually carry on a "normal" conversation with others without all the racing thoughts...(ie: what they are thinking about me)...could actually comprehend what they were sayin'! Other big benefit was I started getting involved with activities that I always wanted to do but did not have the courage to commit to and/or follow through with! In other words..I started enjoying life and living again! I had it so bad that i would not go the restroom in a social setting no matter how urgent it was because of fear of people watching me! That did not make my bladder very happy!!! So klon was like a miracle for me!
   answer Your "Q"...guess it was for social phobias, racing thoughts and high anxiety...and just a total fear of what i thought others were thinking of me!
            But the problem now is that it is not doing that for me anymore...and hasn't for quite some time!! As of today...I have not been outside of my house in about 3 weeks if not have developed "agoraphobia" also!! My Gp did offer "ativan" and it is very tempting...but trying to resist in hopes that the bac will suffice!! FYI...I am needed at home to care for my severly HC it just adds more fuel to the to speak!! However I love her so much and wouldn't have it any other way!! Just wanted to share that with you. Okay...there's my answer.....You know me...can't just give a short answer...that's just "me"!! Later....Panda

