I tried naltrexone a few months ago, but stopped for this reason. Obviously I can't continue to consume that much alcohol, especially in a 6 hour period (5pm-11pm). Aside from having no memory left, I am basically a fully functional alcoholic in that I don't have any problems with work and I've never had a DUI, I'm not abusive and I don't pass out or act like an idiot, etc. I basically just sit and watch TV while drinking.
My GF has actually said she prefers me the way I was while drinking that much and NOT taking the naltrexone. I guess my main reason for wanting to stop drinking is that I'm sure it will eventually effect my liver, my kids are young now and I don't want them to know they have an alcoholic father and my memory is incredibly bad (hopefully it will improve if I stop?). Maybe there is another med I can take with the naltrexone to lessen my irritability?