Basically, i decided to try baclofen for my anxiety and alcohol use, but i also suffer from depression. I tend to have periods of heavy drinking rather than constant use. I started the bac in the new year at 10mg three times a day. No major side effects, but i may have titrated too quickly, and was on 30mg x three by day eight. At this stage, my mood had dropped considerably, and i had the somnolence during the day and insomnia at night. As i work, i couldn't stand this, and decided to stop the baclofen for now, maybe attempting a slower titration in the future.
I didn't think it would be likely that i would have withdrawal symptoms after just eight days use, but i had a severe panic attack at work last week and had to leave. I have been drinking since, but only at night. I am still extremely anxious, and its been years since i felt this bad. I did take one 10mg of baclofen when i had that panic attack, but it never helped at all.
I do have some diazepam, but even that is not helping much.
My question is, I know you shouldn't stop this stuff abruptly, but how likely is it to cause withdrawal after such a short time? How bad could it get? having looked at the list of withdrawal symptoms, i think it may just be the fear of it, rather than withdrawal itself.
any advice would be truly appreciated.