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a question on short term baclofen

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    a question on short term baclofen

    Hi all, i posted earlier in a different section, but was recommended to post here instead.

    Basically, i decided to try baclofen for my anxiety and alcohol use, but i also suffer from depression. I tend to have periods of heavy drinking rather than constant use. I started the bac in the new year at 10mg three times a day. No major side effects, but i may have titrated too quickly, and was on 30mg x three by day eight. At this stage, my mood had dropped considerably, and i had the somnolence during the day and insomnia at night. As i work, i couldn't stand this, and decided to stop the baclofen for now, maybe attempting a slower titration in the future.
    I didn't think it would be likely that i would have withdrawal symptoms after just eight days use, but i had a severe panic attack at work last week and had to leave. I have been drinking since, but only at night. I am still extremely anxious, and its been years since i felt this bad. I did take one 10mg of baclofen when i had that panic attack, but it never helped at all.
    I do have some diazepam, but even that is not helping much.
    My question is, I know you shouldn't stop this stuff abruptly, but how likely is it to cause withdrawal after such a short time? How bad could it get? having looked at the list of withdrawal symptoms, i think it may just be the fear of it, rather than withdrawal itself.

    any advice would be truly appreciated.

    a question on short term baclofen


    My opinion and my opinion only! Get back to 20 to 30 and allow the anxiety and depression to subside. This, for me, is my best dose to launch from. It is awesome when the depression and anxiety subside so you can function again. I think you need to spend time in the awesome/appreciation phase before titrating up.
    Some move to fast and some too slow; listen to your body!

    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


      a question on short term baclofen

      Thanks for the reply LadyLush,
      if I knew my problem was due to withdrawal from the bac, i would take some straight away. Trouble is, i have been taking valium today, and they are contraindicated. I do feel it must be bac related though.
      I've been reading a lot on this site, and there is a link in the consolidated thread to a study using baclofen in alcohol withdrawal. The participants were on 30mg daily for 30 days, then the medication was withdrawn. No withdrawal effects were reported apparently. But i am sitting here scared that something bad is going to happen, but too scared to restart the bac because of the valium.
      As you can see, i am quite the anxious type! I guess time alone will be the answer.
      I may leave off the valium as its not having much effect, and restart the bac tomorrow. for now, only a few beers can help.


        a question on short term baclofen

        I am not a medical provider, and I don't have any medical knowledge.

        You might be going through withdrawal. It's not a good idea to stop baclofen abruptly, and what you're experiencing sounds familiar. Benzos do not help with baclofen withdrawal.

        I know a lot of people who take benzodiazepines (valium) sparingly, mostly, and baclofen. The contraindication *might* have something to do with central nervous system suppression. (My guess.) That's a pretty common contraindication, with both baclofen and say, valium. And booze.

        90mg in 8 days is pretty rushed. Slow and steady wins this race.
        hang in there.


          a question on short term baclofen

          Hey Emgee! I'm not a doctor either, but....
          It does sound like you went up too fast and then down too fast. I went down too quickly before and had devastating anxiety that landed me in urgent care. I sympathize with you. Like the others said, I'd go back to a dosage of around 30mg/ day for a while, at least a week, and try to get stabilized. From there see if you'd like to go up or down. Whatever you decide, I would give it 5-7 days before changing doses and do so in increments no larger than 20mg. I don't think a benzo (in a reasonable dosage) would hurt. If your anxiety is caused by baclofen withdrawl, it would be due to a rapid decrease in the GABA bac provides. A benzo would just temporairliy replenish that GABA. Just my very humble opinion. Hope you're feeling better!
          "Yet someday this will have an end
          All choices made or choice resigned,
          And in your face the literal eye
          Trace little of your history,
          Nor ever piece the tale entire
          Of villages that had to burn
          And playgrounds of the will destroyed
          Before you could be safe from time
          And gather in your brow and air
          The stillness of antiquity."

          From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


            a question on short term baclofen

            apart from owneddell, thank for the replies.
            I am through the worst i think, still anxious, but not to panic levels, basically back to how i normally feel when i have been drinking.
            I am still very wary of the baclofen though. My doctor wants to start me on another antidepressant, but definitely not an SSRI. It does seem that the bac helps a lot of others with anxiety, but not depression. I have been able to cut the drink right down to just four cans of beer at night, with help from the benzo, and i think i can get that to zero, as i have done before. When i am not drinking, its depression, particularly anhedonia that is predominant, and thats what i need to deal with.
            I shall keep my bac supply put aside for now, and see how it goes.
            best of luck to all of you, I will keep reading through the forums, as there is so much here that i have found useful.


              a question on short term baclofen

              Hi, Emgee.
              I don't know that I would agree that bac doesn't seem to help with depression. Particularly anhedonia! Don't get me wrong, I've experienced both related to bac when I took it erratically or too much, or too little!

              Sounds like you have a good plan! Keep up the fight and stay in touch, will you?

