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Spam everywhere.

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    Spam everywhere.

    seriously, what is going on? I have spent most of the day in and out of here and much of yesterday and there is an inordinate amount of spam. Also on the other forums, I think.

    What's the dealio??? And are the mods aware?

    Spam everywhere.

    I have NEVER seen as much spam in the past week as I have on this entire web site - and they are putting it on old posts too which is really odd. Obviously the Mods are aware as they are deleting it - but I have no idea what is going on.
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Spam everywhere.

      I report it when I can, but am not here enough to keep up with all of it.

      A few days ago I searched the members list for new members and noticed heaps of names, some of them quite odd, recently signed up here but with 0 posts (yet) or 1 post. The 1 posters are very often spammers, and I suspect the 0 posters will be too. Not to say all new members are spammers of course, some would be genuine and just not ready to post yet, but certainly not all of them.

      I have no idea how these people work to be honest, all I can guess is that they are paid to sit at a computer for hours and paste rubbish onto random threads on a list of forums they must have. If they aren't paid, then they must have absolutely no life at all to spend so much time doing this. I'd bet plenty of other forums are getting it too, it couldn't just be this one alone unless someone is playing a weird practical joke on us.

      The odd thing is, the spam sometimes doesn't have any obvious point to it all, no readable suggestions to contact such-and-such a company to buy whatever drug or other stuff they are rambling on about. It's either rambling by people who speak English well, or written by those whose English is poor.


        Spam everywhere.

        But can it be computer delivered and not an individual? I am so not in tune with this stuff!

        It is crazy and the subjects.

        Hope we can solve it or block it.

        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          Spam everywhere.

          Zenstyle;1246072 wrote: I don't know that it is computer generated. Would a computer know how to sign up at a site like this? I guess maybe so...

          I dunno. Its very aggravating though. It was coming in thick and fast last night when I logged on... and its impossible to read threads with that nonsense going on.

          I wonder why it ramped up so much in the last week?
          I think ALL this SPAM is generated by these "work at home" folks that get paid by how many posts they generate on websites. While they are supposed to be legit, I'm sure, people are using MWO as a site to post msgs to meet their quota. Typically, some web forums get generated on a list of medical sites depending on the search criteria. As I understand the methods they employ, some server firewalls will scramble the post if they are not a member of a web forum and the base content is commercial in nature If it's not that, it is someone that needs heavy meds :H So, everyone needs to get a GREP (that's UNIX humor) !

          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Spam everywhere.

            You are probably more than right Techie!

            And Zen, whenever you posted the You Tube Spam thing, they deleted. I just hate when they pick up subjects that are serious to some to promote their crap.
            Autism for one really pissed me off.

            Thanks Zen and all for stopping them,

            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              Spam everywhere.

              They're baack...well one of them anyway (Priedeela, spammer on another thread). I continue to be amazed that people can actually make money writing sales-oriented forum posts!!


                Spam everywhere.

                Greg, the going rate is abt US $1 per 1000 posts. Might not sound good but when you consider the avg wage may be $100 per month in some locales, it shows sweatshops are alive and prospering.
                A solution which I have seen works elsewhere, is to have an introduction forum where new members are require to make a total of say 10 posts over a week to be able to then post to other areas. Only then can they post to the main forums.
                I'm not sure how that fits with someone in need of immediate support though.
                Diggin' being alive


                  Spam everywhere.

                  I dont think I have noticed any, and I have been looking!


                    Spam everywhere.

                    mikimack;1267754 wrote: Email spam: Why am I receiving emails about penis enlargement? It?s a common question for users with email spam issues.
                    Oh, the irony :H
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      Spam everywhere.

                      Marshy;1267759 wrote: Oh, the irony :H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Spam everywhere.


                        I know. I love it.


                          Spam everywhere.

                          Marshy;1267759 wrote: Oh, the irony :H
                          I had to join in on this one.:H:H
                          The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                          *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                            Spam everywhere.

                            I kind of pity these spammers. There is no way for them to be clever enough to swim under the radar. That is the second one in a day that took the time to engage in the discussion before being shot down in less time than it must have taken to write the post. Fish, barrel.

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