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    I've been taking the pill form of naltrexone for about a week. I've had good results -- I certainly obsess less. When I think about drinking I find I don't even really want to. We'll see how it works over the long term. I haven't tried drinking on it so I don't know what happens.

    I did read that new research shows Naltrexone only works for a certain subset of alcoholics. It has something to do with your genetics -- like an "allele" or something. So some people will have a major effect from it and others will have no effect at all.



      Oh and I should add that I have also been going to AA for 2 years. Not sure if that makes a difference with the naltrexone, but it has definitely made a positive difference in my life.



        I got a free shot of vivitrol today from my doctor, along with a prescription for camprel i am currently in outpatient and went through detox last week.. I have been on topomax since that seems to be working slightly but not to well. I do not plan on drinking. Ill let you know how the vivitrol works, not sure if ill be eligible for another injection if I like it anyway. I hope my insurance pays if i do like it. I hope th ecampral helps with the cravings. I am excited not to be able to black out and make a fool of myself now that i am on vivitrol i will be safe from al.

