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1st post longtime lurker
1st post longtime lurker
Morning, (for me) Lovetofly!
Welcome to the forum!
I have definitely had the experience of feeling like I've made some dire mistake and it was all blowing up in my face! aaargh! Fortunately, it all sort of evens out.
It took 3 weeks to get to 30mg, and then 40mg for 3 days and then 50mg. It sounds like 50mg was too much, too soon, right? And then a 20mg jump back down...It seems rational to go back to an amount that worked, but my experience has been (repeatedly!) that it's not really ever the same. This makes sense, given that our brains (presumably) adjust with each change. I think that's why some of us have found relief from a particular side effect by going up, rather than down. But that's a bit beside the point at the moment, isn't it? sorry!
Bottom line? You could try going up by 10mg to 40mg and see if that helps. I would also suggest something I didn't really do very effectively: Use other tools to find some comfort and relief. I can't begin to tell you what those are for you, but we've all heard 'em ad infinitum from our shrinks, therapists, the 12 steps, the high school gym coach. I think I never tried because they'd failed so miserably before I started bac. But after I started bac the world had a subtle shift on it's axis and things began to right themselves. I can (and do) use those tools now and lo and behold they work! (Mind you, they didn't work to help me get sober. And they wouldn't have. But they work to help me manage my life and anxiety. Ya' know?)
I can tell you that I wouldn't stay at a level that increased my anxiety and discomfort. I would change how much I'm taking. Slowly. Methodically. With a plan and my eyes on the goal. (All that said, bac can be uncomfortable. There is absolutely no question about that. Pushing through it, by whining on here, howling at the moon, taking a midnight run, and just friggin' taking the pills got me through. I wouldn't change it for the world. 4 months and it was done. Woop!)
Hang in there and let us know how it goes!
1st post longtime lurker
love2fly;1252394 wrote: Hello, this is my first post. I've been lurking the board for a couple of months now. I suffer from terrible anxiety which leads me to binge drink in social situations. Alcoholism isn't my primary issue but anxiety is (mostly in social situations).
A little about myself, I'm a 47 year old male, I've dealt with anxiety forever and have taken some meds for it in the past but I was very excited to learn about Baclofen due to its effectiveness for anxiety without the awful side effects especially the sexual ones.
I have a great relationship with my psychiatrist so getting a perscription wasn't hard at all. I'm thankful for that considering some here have had a hard time getting baclofen.
I've been taking bac for about three weeks now and up until four days ago it was working wonderfully. But instead of coming here to say that and to offer assistance on my experiences I'm here to ask for help :upset:
I very gradually worked my way up to 30mg over a three week period and it was going great. Once I reached 30mg I stayed there for three days then increased to 40mg. Then three days later I increased to 50mg. On the second day at 50mg I knew something wasn't right.
I just got SLAMMED at that point with terrible anxiety. I brought my daily dose back down to 30mg per and have been there for the last four days. The anxiety has subsided a little bit but overally compared to how I was feeling before the anxiety hit I still feel just awful. Anxiety, nervous and really fidgety.
Now I'm kind of at a lossI'm planning to stay here at 30mg for at least another seven days or so but what I'm wondering is will this awful feeling subside or did this whole thing just blow up in my face
Has this happened to anyone else? Is there any chance that I can get back on track again?
Thank you so much
Thanks for posting. There is still so much to be learned about HDB, but alot of the rough evidence can be found here in the meds thread in mwo.
I have read about as much about anxiety and alcoholism and bac as I have been able to find. A lot of it is compiled at which I hope you will take a look at. Another terrific source on the subject of anxiety and alcoholism and baclofen is Dr Amiesen's book itself, which you must read if you haven't already. Its still available on amazon.
Here are a few additional thoughts and observations (with the preface that I am not a doctor):
1 Baclofen is clearly an anxiolytic. In general, regular bac therapy reduces anxiety. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of this on mwo. The literature confirms this. There is no evidence (which I have seen) that regular bac use increases anxiety or results in a permanent state of anxiety.
2 HDB is a horse of a different color. Going from say 5 or 10mg to 200mg a day or more results in a significant change insofar as your brain chemistry is concerned, at least insofar as GABA is concerned, and, accordingly, in "side effects", including, sometimes, bouts of anxiety and depression at different levels. My sense is that these bouts are rarely long term and usually disappear by titrating down or, often, counter-intuitively, up.
3 Some doctors will prescribe other anxiolytics or anti-depressants alongside bac. I know this is a controversial subject matter, but you should discuss it with your doctor. I know, first hand, that Dr L will prescribe other compounds (such as SSRIs) alongside bac and with successful results.
4 Are you still drinking or taking other meds or substances and, if so, how much? There is a growing consensus that drinking while titrating up can exacerbate side-effects of HDB.
5 What else is going on in your life? Is there unusual stress at work or home? Are you seeing a therapist? How is your health in general?
6 How's your diet? Are you exercising? Are you getting enough sleep? Any one or all of these can affect anxiety levels independently of bac.
Please don't feel like you need to answer these questions on-line, but i think each might be worth discussing with your doctor as you work your way through your bac journey. I wouldn't give up. The potential result is far too valuable.
CassanderWith profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination