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Just one girl's BAC journey:)
Just one girl's BAC journey:)
So I just got my BAC a couple of days ago. I I have started taking 5mg three times daily and ordered it through AllDayChemist without any problems, (although if anyone knows where I can get it cheaper I am all ears!!). So far I feel a bit dizzy/tired but nothing too bad. I am just praying this works. I have been drinking most days for over a decade now. I have a beautiful family/husband, a good job and over all a very lucky life. I just can't put the bottle down. I want to have a different life. I want to be able to go to sleep with out feeling the need to be high. I am 34 years old and I have lived the same night over and over and over for 10+ years. I want to be better for my kids. I had to watch my mom get a liver transplant when I was 21 years old and I do not wnat to put them through the same thing. My father has been in and out of treatment and very sick because of alcohol as well. My husband is wonderful and he knew I was a drunk when he married me but I see in his eyes he is getting board with my behavior. He is my soulmate I am scared he will want to be with someone who is healthy at some point if I do not change. I want to be different. I want to run a half marathon. I want to get a new job/ go back to school. I want to be present for my children's lives!!!! I am an athiest who is on bended knee praying this is a cure. Any support or suggestions are welcome. I have been readig all your posts for a year and half and I fee like I know many of you. This is a wonderful community that I am sorry I need but am so very thankful for you all! Thank you for sharing and supporting each other though this pink elephent of a killer. We are not aloneWe can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
~Albert Einstein quoteTags: None
Just one girl's BAC journey
Someone please tell me I am doing the right thing. I need a bit of reassurance. My husband is on board and thinks it is worth a try but he sees meds and addication as a weakness. I just want to know I am not alone.We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
~Albert Einstein quote
Just one girl's BAC journey
Hi Bjghakh, and welcome. I think that anyone who takes measures to address an alcohol problem is doing the right thing, whatever method they decide to try. Various things work for different people; I am currently on Antabuse and some baclofen (low doses) and staying off alcohol that way for now. Plenty of members here use baclofen as their main method, and I'm sure some of them will post here too. It may take a day or so, since most people aren't on the forum all the time, but you will find others in the same boat as yourself. Good luck with it, I hope you succeed...I have also spent many years with the obsession of being high every night (alcohol and cannabis, at different times) and this is something I am still battling with, so I know what it's like to be stuck with it in your head. I have been doing this for 23 years or so, and don't have a partner or family, so if I can start to succeed then I think you also have a great chance!
Just one girl's BAC journey
Thank you so much Greg. How much Bac are you taking? I have not read too much about Antabuse. Unless you are an alcoholic I just don't think you can understand. My husband I both drank quite a bit together. But he just decided to all but stop. I guess he got board and I know he wanted to get healthy. Now he is 95% and -40lbs lighter and I feel a bit left in the dark alone. Don't get me wrong, I am happy he got healthy it is just not that simple for me, (or you and most people out there in MWO land. Can I ask where you get your Bac from? Thank you againWe can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
~Albert Einstein quote
Just one girl's BAC journey
Welcome aboard, Bjghakh! I look forward to seeing your progress. It takes a lot of guts to jump into the baclofen adventure and be a pioneer/guinea pig for this treatment, but it is very effective! Lots of people here have gone down the same road, so I'm sure well be able to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
Just one girl's BAC journey
Hi Bjghakh and welcome. Bac works for me and I've only been using it for 3 weeks and I'm on 120mg.
I think you are doing the right thing. Are you currently AF?
Oh, and do read The End Of My Addiction - Olivier Amiessen.Diggin' being alive
Just one girl's BAC journey
Thank you Mog and Woy for your support. I guess I have been thinking about Bac for so long now, then waiting to get it that I never really took the time to decide if I wanted to go AF right from the get go. This is just day two and I drank last night although not as much as I would normally. I woke up feeling OK and took a long nap with wild dreams like people talk about. I have felt a bit dizzy but nothing too bad. Today I am at 20 and think I may take another 5 before bed. I really need to be AF, that is the goal. I hope I can find the strength. I work over nights tonight and am planning on going for a run after work so maybe I will be too tired to drink....lol...Like I ever am too tired to drink? I am a drunk. I will try my best to not drink today or at least very little. Bac please give me strength.
On a much more personal note. I have a wonderful husband. He really is my puzzle piece. I am wondering if anyone else can understand my feelings. Is it just something I need to accept...that as someone who can just choose to quit he can never really understand the power of addiction? He says he knows it must be hard but I give my addiction too much control. I guess I should be stronger. I tried to explain Bac to him and he said "it sounds like you are trying to sell it to me." I guess I was a bit. Maybe until he sees progress I should just keep my mouth shut and get my support from all of you. I am just wishing I wasn't this person. I want to be healthy and in control of my life. I want to be AF.We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
~Albert Einstein quote
Just one girl's BAC journey
Bjghakh;1253660 wrote: Someone please tell me I am doing the right thing. I need a bit of reassurance. My husband is on board and thinks it is worth a try but he sees meds and addication as a weakness. I just want to know I am not alone.
It was absolutely the right thing for me. It is absolutely not a weakness. (He's just flat out wrong. There are decades of scientific research that says so. And you can tell him I said so. I know my husband looooves it when I tell him he's just flat out wrong.)
You are absolutely not alone.
One of my first posts, in fact, come to think of it, ALL of my first posts were on the order of, "OMG! what the hell am I thinking/doing???" A year and a half later and I'm very thankful I did what I did.
(Sorry I couldn't get back to you on the PM thing. Glad you made it here!)
Just one girl's BAC journey
Hi Bjghah and welcome you are so doing the right thing, I wish I had done it when I was your age, and when my children where young it would have saved a lot of suffering for us all but am glad I am doing it now. I am sober due to taking antabuse and MWO. I also take campral and low dose bac. I have tried everyother way I could to stop drinking but none worked for any lenght of time. I hope you find a way that works for you. Its great that you have such a wonderful supportive husband, he probably wont understand you but the important thing is that you get yourself the support and help you need to get better.
Just one girl's BAC journey
Bjghakh;1253666 wrote: Thank you so much Greg. How much Bac are you taking? I have not read too much about Antabuse. Unless you are an alcoholic I just don't think you can understand. My husband I both drank quite a bit together. But he just decided to all but stop. I guess he got board and I know he wanted to get healthy. Now he is 95% and -40lbs lighter and I feel a bit left in the dark alone. Don't get me wrong, I am happy he got healthy it is just not that simple for me, (or you and most people out there in MWO land. Can I ask where you get your Bac from? Thank you again
Just one girl's BAC journey
hey there bj,
you're on the right track! you're doing the right thing - not the weak thing! as you've read here, many lives have been turned around -indeed, saved- by taking baclofen, mine and my son's included. my marriage was doomed to fail from the start (unlike yours, from the sounds of it), but my drinking did not help. now i am a SOBER single mom to a very luck boy who has my presence every single day. you, too, can give this present to your children.
take heart, bj, stay the course, and please don't be dissuaded by your husband's skepticism; i am sure that in time he'll come around to see the incredible benefits of taking pills (baclofen) to fix your brain's chemistry, such that you can give him your presence, too.
keep us posted. we'll be eager to read about how your life is changing for the better, as soon it will be.
xo rudy
Just one girl's BAC journey
Bjghakh;1253762 wrote: On a much more personal note. I have a wonderful husband. He really is my puzzle piece. I am wondering if anyone else can understand my feelings. Is it just something I need to accept...that as someone who can just choose to quit he can never really understand the power of addiction? He says he knows it must be hard but I give my addiction too much control. I guess I should be stronger. I tried to explain Bac to him and he said "it sounds like you are trying to sell it to me." I guess I was a bit. Maybe until he sees progress I should just keep my mouth shut and get my support from all of you. I am just wishing I wasn't this person. I want to be healthy and in control of my life. I want to be AF.
Not even to mention my kids who are at the age that can, and have thrown it in my face. That too breaks my heart and one would think that would make me stop, but it just deepens the cycle. I also have other work stresses that I am working on dealing with, but I can only do so much.
I just hopped back on the Bac train, for the second or third time....not sure.....lost count.
Keep me posted on your venture......you're not alone. :lAF July 6 2014
Just one girl's BAC journey
Be careful with ramping up too much too fast with the bac, especially if you're still drinking. It takes my body about a week to adjust to a new dose. If I go up too fast without letting myself adjust, the side effects get pretty intense. If you're still drinking, be cautious - baclofen can paradoxically make you feel much less drunk, but cause FAR greater impairment than your usual amount if you're not used to it.
Just one girl's BAC journey
Hi Bjghakh - To answer a question you posted earlier...there are several pharmacies that people order from. I ordered from GoldPharma - but it was a whopping $60 including shipping!! And it took 9 business days to arrive. I contacted Dr. Fred Levin last Friday and he walked me through the titration schedule, the reasoning on how Bac works etc...and he's going to get me a script through Walgreens- so it will be local and lots less $$.
His recommendation was to start out slow - first 4 days at 5mg in the AM, then days 5,6 & 7 - add another 5mg three hours prior to bed time. So make sure you aren't upping your amounts just to get to the end point. I don't recall what he said to do the second week, but I can post it when i get home and get to my notebook.
I also have a husband who can just say "no drinking" and quits. Not me. At 3pm I'm already planning on the visit to the store to pick up my daily bottle of wine. I hate it! I've gained about 10 pounds in the last 6 months and know it's because of the constant drinking. I'm sure the pounds would drop off I could just quit! I want to be a better Mom, Wife etc... just like you. I'd love to share journey's together!!
We can do this!