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2 weeks into baclofen,advice please!

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    2 weeks into baclofen,advice please!

    :new: hi all,am 49, been addicted alcohol/amphetamines on and off all my life.went rehab for second time 4 years ago, and have stayed clean for over 4 years,but as usual, as with every time i have stopped, been afficted with shattering anxiety.manage out to work part time, but anxiety there,24/7.
    started using kratom 9 months ago,didnt feel bad as it was just a herb, but have definitely developed an every day dependance.have always been looking for anxiety cures other than drink speed.
    have also developed a small?!benzo habit over last few months,but think have caught that in time and am tapering down.
    Found baclofen by accident,read drs book,and have founs a psyc happy to prescribe up to 100mg a up at 90 a day just now after a couple of weeks,and got to say not noticing any great changes in anxiety levels.
    have sourced cheap liquid bac,so if i want, i can go up to switch off addiction point if i want,even though no desire to drink/speed,still obviously got addiction potential, to anything!
    i would love to think the day might come,when i could take it or leave it.
    all thoughts appreciated, but especially if anyone can relate to the baclofen/anxiety, as in has it helped anyone feel relaxed, and normal,wotever that is!ta in advance, adam:thanks:

    2 weeks into baclofen,advice please!

    There is a lot of information related to that, Adam. I find your experience and story a little curious, though. And I'm not sure exactly what your question is?


      2 weeks into baclofen,advice please!

      nice to see another non-capitalizer around here. welcome, adam!

      there is a whole thread on this forum about baclofen and anxiety. have you checked that out?

      are you saying that you're now sober? you say no noticable changes from baclofen, but you also say 'even though no desire to drink/speed'.

      good luck in your journey to freedom.

