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not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

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    not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

    Not sure how many times I've tried to stop, but that doesn't matter. Not sure how many times I've tried Bac, but that doesn't matter either. Today matters, and today I don't feel like drinking.

    I have been back on Bac, cue AC/DC-ok, dumb joke, for 1 week, and have only had one drinking episode. Lately, for me, that is good considering the week before I feel into a deep depression and drank probably 4 or 5 days of 7. This week, ONE!!!

    I know I'm not cured by any means, but at least now I have the strength not to pop over to the beer or liquor store and get something. I feel good and even though no one has mentioned it, I know they are happier.

    Currently I am at 60 mgs, 20 at wake, 20 about 1pm, and 20 about 8'ish with some Magnesium as my legs get twitchy at bedtime.
    AF July 6 2014

    not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

    That is great Christy!! I wish I were at your level. I'm currently on 30mg per day and tomorrow I up to 50. I SOOO need the ability to say no or not want AL. I love going home and having my wine. And had one AF night so far this week. Ugh. I need that craving to stop. Glad it's happening for you now, I imagine it will lessen even more once you go up.

    Why, may I ask, did you stop taking the bac in the past?

    All the best!


      not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

      Congrats Christy. How are you going to keep that resolve going? That's always my challenge a week or three in. In fact, I'm coming up on another weekend that will be very hard, with a wine friend coming to stay for three days. We usually drink from lunch on, or dinner late into the night until she exhausts me with all the talking. She could compete in the Talking Olympics! So I'm going to drink one evening, and then take antabuse the next evening so I don't cave. That's my plan. What's your plan besides bac, since it hasn't been the golden ticket for you after so many tries? What happens when the drinking thinking returns? Keep posting. Good luck!


        not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

        WB Christy. You are right. I doesn't matter how many times you've tried to quit drinking. As Bruun said in another thread, just keep quitting. You will get there, and if baclofen doesn't work for you, something else will.

        Congrats on your progress. That's a lot of forward momentum for one week!

        You are here:


          not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

          welcome back, christy. must feel good to see such progress already. you're right, who's counting the many-a-times before? now is all we have. best of luck!


            not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

            Hi Cristy and welcome back, forget how many times you tried before, as has been said its now that matters. Have you got a plan for the next week or so, are you planning on being AF? good luck and best wishes


              not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

              Welcome back, Christy - I wish you the very best!
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

                Keep doing what you are doing Christy. Just keep up the Bac.
                Diggin' being alive


                  not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

                  Things are good...I am sleeping better, YAY! I wish I could notice a weighloss, but nothing yet. I do need to get my chubby beer induced butt to the gym, as I know this will make me feel better.

                  I did go to dinner last night with a friend and a coworker, and I had 2 beers. I was ok with that. I do however, need to devise a plan for tomorrow night where I will be going to a drinking buddies house for dinner. I am hoping that if I just take the time to think between drinks-do I really want this? It will make my night, and therefore the next morning, more pleasant.

                  Too be honest, I can only remember a couple reasons why I stopped the Bac in the past, sagging face-better than puffy? And also very twitchy legs at bedtime--but magnesium really helps this.
                  AF July 6 2014


                    not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

                    Last night, not so good.......
                    AF July 6 2014


                      not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

                      ergh, sorry to hear it, christy. just remember to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. be kind to yourself, hard as that may be. you have today to feel good about.

                      how you doin'?


                        not new to MWO or bac, but trying again...

                        Hey Christy! Congrats on your recent success! The only thing that's worked for my "twitchy legs" is a homeopathic supplement called "Restful Legs" by Hyland's. It's cheap and available at most drugstores these days.
                        "Yet someday this will have an end
                        All choices made or choice resigned,
                        And in your face the literal eye
                        Trace little of your history,
                        Nor ever piece the tale entire
                        Of villages that had to burn
                        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                        Before you could be safe from time
                        And gather in your brow and air
                        The stillness of antiquity."

                        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich

