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Baclofen side effects- be careful

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    Baclofen side effects- be careful

    Yikes...The more I read, the more I get confused! I want to be able to curb or cuash my cravings for AL. Baclofen looked very promising...until reading this thread. Topomax looks likes it can work, but the side effects..> Capapral...what good is it? Gabapentin...

    Yes, it looks like I am looking for the magic bullet....but anything that makes alcohol seem unattaractive, that works for me!


      Baclofen side effects- be careful

      It's not an easy road to travel no matter what you drive...


        Baclofen side effects- be careful

        Well I agree the workup was poor. They were having a bad night and I could tell they were stretched thin.
        However I don't believe I can simply walk into my doctors office and order up those tests. Not sure what health system you are in but I have not seen that happen.
        I have tried Naltrexone without any luck.
        Also I have read up on a lot of folks having SE's from Bacflofen so I don't feel I am the 1-2% guy. Thanks though.


          Baclofen side effects- be careful

          Nope. More like the 80-90% person. Maybe 60-70%.
          Who the hell knows? Most people simply stop taking it and certainly stop posting when they have SEs that don't result in a visit to the ER.
          I don't know about you, but I'd never been to an ER before. The experience was pretty damned disappointing. (Then again, the docs just sent me on my merry way. Didn't even come back to tell me to go. After two hours, we tracked someone down...blah, blah, blah. Anyway!)
          At the time I found the experience infuriating and when I get mad I get motivated. (This is, I think, a direct reflection of having been so summarily dismissed for so long when trying to get help. But I digress again.) So I kept taking the pills.
          Now I find it a comfort to know that there wasn't actually anything wrong with me. Well, I mean, there was. For sure there was something very wrong. But nothing that was systemic or life-altering. I just needed to find the right balance. (At least that's my take on it now.) And I did. And my only regret is that I didn't find it sooner, and couldn't get direct help finding solutions to a miraculous medication that is also (imho) a really lousy one.

          How are you feeling? What's news? How'd it go? (I can only imagine and I shrink from asking, but it's an important question...Maybe.)


            Baclofen side effects- be careful

            Feeling better, thanks for asking. I am down to 120 mg right now and I have an appt with Dr L on Weds. So hopefully everything will pan out. I still have some issues but nothing like I had. Perhaps I need to titrate slower like 10mg per week. I am not giving up yet. I think I just need to be patient.
            Thanks again!


              Baclofen side effects- be careful

              Thanks. I am learning I need to really take it slow.


                Baclofen side effects- be careful

                You have to go into Baclofen use with your eyes wide open about side effects. I get upset when people talk about side effects having to do with Baclofen not working. Not because I think you should take it anyway and just put up with it. I just don't understand why with such a powerful addiction that people seem to think it is going to be a walk in the park. It isn't. You are rearranging your brain so just watch out. It is not successful for everyone and even a long time down the road you can relapse and have problems. It is what you make of it and what you want from it. It can provide a complete cessation of alcoholic craving. But then there are old habits, social stigma, diet problems, other health issues to look at and don't confuse those with Baclofen not working. It is just that if you have this illness it is a battle to beat it even with Baclofen. Taking pills every few hours every day of your life is a big commitment for many people but for some is absolutely essential

                The use of the term "effortlessly" by Ameisen is misleading. He meant that you don't have to exercise will power, the drug does that for you. Side effects are something you have to deal with and it is not easy at all and pretty scary. I am sure there is a long term cumulative effect of Baclofen as well. It allows you to break old habits, look at alcohol differently and engage the brain before drinking.



                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  Baclofen side effects- be careful

                  I agree. I am willing to deal with what I need to. It is helping. I am realizing there is "more to it". I am certainly not blaming anyone but myself. I am glad there is this option.


                    Baclofen side effects- be careful

                    I think you need to look at diet and Seven Weeks to Sobriety, the Paleo diet, things like that. Get your diet under control seriously and use Baclofen. With a mixed approach some find they succeed on a much lower dose.



                    Olivier Ameisen

                    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                      Baclofen side effects- be careful

                      Definitely need to exercise more. I used to. Now I just walk my bernese. Diet is a good idea. I know what to do I just don't stick with it. I will check out that book. Thx


                        Baclofen side effects- be careful

                        Hi COS,
                        I dont know when you started but you seem to be where I was with SE's about a year ago...and still now. Some of us experience more SE's than others. I am so med sensitive that a year and change later, I am now up to at 80mg, the highest ever. While that seems extremely low to some, it is what is working for me. I used to be so envious when others would report they got to 300mg with ease and few (if any) SE's but they are not me and they are not you.

                        Bac is an extremely potent drug and it needs to be to do what it does. I think you will find that slow and steady is going to be what works best for you. Listen to your body and the good advice you are getting here.


                          Baclofen side effects- be careful

                          Hi John. I started around the beginning of December 2011. So not that long. I am at 125 mg now. It does seem to be helping a lot. My SE's are basically a bit dizzy, some insomnia, and problems falling back asleep almost like a mild panic attack. I am doing ok now though. I am just going to take it slow. It is hard to believe how some folks can ramp up so high and quickly but everyone is different obviously. I went out last night to hear some live music and settled for 2 beers which is unheard for me on a Friday. I honestly could have been fine with one. I think it is working for me now but I am cautious.
                          I appreciate everyone's help and feedback.


                            Baclofen side effects- be careful

                            COSGringo;1268693 wrote: I went out last night to hear some live music and settled for 2 beers which is unheard for me on a Friday. I honestly could have been fine with one. I think it is working for me now but I am cautious.
                            That sounds like it's working for you, for sure! I settled for a lower dose of baclofen and greatly reduced consumption rather than remain at the high (didn't drink at all) dose that made me feel and function poorly. It worked well, most of the time. I suspect that many people find a happy medium using a lower dose and adding other measures to get to where they want to be.

                            You sound a lot more hopeful and peaceful than you did on your first post. Good for you.

                            You are here:


                              Baclofen side effects- be careful

                              Thanks. That's what I am striving for right now. I will see where it takes me. I will still try to go up in dosage very slowly but if I have more issues then I will cut back again.

