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wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

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    wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

    Just wondering if anyone else has had good results with wellbutrin or zyban same meds only called zyban here in aus, it has been the only anti deppresion thats worked for me and does not make me tired or effect sex drive ! It acually gives me loads more enery and motivation, it also works well for me with bac. Any one else ?:thanks:

    wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

    Wellbutin and baclofen

    Not answering your question directly I am afraid, but like you I saw promise in Wellbutin after reviewing its mechanism for action. Can only get it on PBS as a smoking cessation treatment in Australia though? I tried it off label but paid full price and no repeats.

    I believe its action on dopamine reuptake lends it toward improvements in motivation.
    Crazy Meds: The Good, The Bad, & The Funny of: - Meds - Wellbutrin Basic Overview
    I have been dry for 8 months but still use baclofen if things get a bit hairy. At 50mg taken late in the day I find its a great sleep aid while keeping those drink thoughts at bay.
    can't straighten the hat on a drunken head


      wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

      Hi dags,

      I used it some 10 years ago and felt it was better than the other stuff too. Only I read the possible side effects pamphlet that came with it and freaked out about the seizures etc and got off it. Now I use gabapentin with great success.


        wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

        Wellbutrin has worked very well for members of my family who haven't responded well to SSRIs. My dad wanted me to try it, and I've been on it a couple weeks now. I seem to be having an allergic reaction to it, breaking out in hives, which I've read isn't uncommon. That's not to deter anyone from it, just what's happened to me. It did help with mood and sex drive, but made my anxiety go crazy! I later read it's refered to as an "activating antidepressant," and is best suited to those whose depression is associated with lethargy and not anxiety. But, yes. Very good for people who aren't anxious.
        "Yet someday this will have an end
        All choices made or choice resigned,
        And in your face the literal eye
        Trace little of your history,
        Nor ever piece the tale entire
        Of villages that had to burn
        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
        Before you could be safe from time
        And gather in your brow and air
        The stillness of antiquity."

        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


          wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

          Wellbutrin is sold here in the US as an antidepressant. The same medication is sold under the name of Zyban as a smoking-cessation drug. I forget what the generic is called, starts with a B. I was prescribed the Wellbut in Dec. by a new dr., and I told her my concerns about AL. I filled the prescription but the leaflet said "do not drink if taking this medicine" but also said "if you drink a lot, do not stop drinking if taking this medicine [for risk of seizures]." So I have not taken it.

          If anyone else has experience with Wellbutrin, please share. I have never had a medical history of seizures, and I did discuss with the dr. but still not comfortable with any of it.


            wellbutrin/zyban anybody ?

            Zyban is still under patent and therefore much more expensive.

            Bupropion is the generic name. Aplenzin, Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL are the brand names.

            I would be really surprised if you can't get bupropion prescribed, but perhaps the pharm companies still have a lock on the Aussies and you can only get Zyban? Definitely worth asking, though, as bupropion will be much less expensive.

            It is a different type of antidepressant and many have used it in combination with baclofen--I don't understand the mechanisms of it all well enough to have an opinion about whether or not someone else should use it, but it is the only AD that I'd be willing to ingest. And I may try it for ADD/lethargy. Thanks for the input about it. Anything else anyone can say about their experience? It would be really appreciated!

