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Did you work at reducing your alcohol intake while titrating on Baclofen?

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    Did you work at reducing your alcohol intake while titrating on Baclofen?

    I ask because I have not really tried at it as I was told it would "just happen". I am drinking less but I think when I do screw up it's 10x worse when on Baclofen.

    I had a real appt with Dr. L this morning. It was a bit better since I had some more time but I am paying so such is life.
    The refills are a pain since I have to ask the pharmacist to ask him for what I need and then he okays it. If they just call it in like my original scrip it's lacking a lot. Kind of odd.

    I am going to titrate up only 10 mg per week instead of 20. I'll be glad when I can sleep, lose the ringing in my ears, and get rid of this congestion. Better than when I was up at 160mg though. Crossing my fingers.

    Did you work at reducing your alcohol intake while titrating on Baclofen?

    On a side note it's more problems getting scrips through Dr L than to buy them online. I have pharmacies that won't even deal with him now. Geez.


      Did you work at reducing your alcohol intake while titrating on Baclofen?

      I wonder if this is due, in part, to the recent threatening and harassing at the hands of the person who continues to threaten and harass? (I'm still getting private messages to the effect that he's going to sue me/get me and report Dr. Levin blah, blah, blah. None of which has any legitimacy or bearing on the conversation, unless the doctor is getting the same annoying messages.)

      Anyway. I tried to abstain on at least two occasions. I was friggin' miserable. By the time I got to the high numbers, though, I wonder (now) if I had simply used some effort, if I wouldn't have found it easy. By the time I got to the super high numbers, I needed a drink to cope. Seriously. Until everything just subsided, including the urge to drink. Plus it tasted bad. And smelled bad. And I hated the thought of it. It was suddenly toxic. THAT's a good sign that indifference is close, I think. Or there.

      Hang in.


        Did you work at reducing your alcohol intake while titrating on Baclofen?

        Hard to say. With your suggestions I tried a new pharmacy and I think they are going to call him. My other one just refuses now. I think Dr L. ignores most of his e mails these days so unless that person is calling him he is probably oblivious.
        I think at one point I could have just stopped but I really did not bother. Now I am back in a bit of a rut again but I think my SE's go way up when I am drinking. I am going to put a bit more effort anyway to at least watch the drink count. Thanks so much!


          Did you work at reducing your alcohol intake while titrating on Baclofen?

          drinking = SEs. no question about it.

