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Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

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    Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

    So just got off the Megabus to discover someone had accidentally taken my bag instead of theirs. My baclofen's in there. And I'm in another state. I'm on a pretty low dose, about 40mg/day. Will bad things happen if I suddenly stop? What I'm actually most concerned about is that the bac has helped control painful muscle spasms in my pelvic floor (levator ani syndrome), and I'm terrified of that happening. Of course, this conditon is exacerbated by stress and anxiety, ha ha. But I don't think anyone here can tell me if or when that'll happen. Megabus customer service is supposed to call me when jackass who took my bag calls them looking for theirs.
    Should I be scared?
    "Yet someday this will have an end
    All choices made or choice resigned,
    And in your face the literal eye
    Trace little of your history,
    Nor ever piece the tale entire
    Of villages that had to burn
    And playgrounds of the will destroyed
    Before you could be safe from time
    And gather in your brow and air
    The stillness of antiquity."

    From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich

    Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

    Hi Windy, so so sorry for your predicament! I don't think you have anything to worry about except for the pelvic floor spasms. Does anyone in your family have muscle relaxants like Soma or ANYTHING? Xanax might help too. I know they'll be unwilling to give you pills, but given the circumstances, maybe they won't mind?

    I hope you took the jackass's suitcase so he is motivated to return yours!


      Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

      Also maybe call Dr L and he can run you a new script?


        Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

        Hi Windy,

        I'm sorry to hear about this misfortunate event! I wouldn't worry about having massive withdrawals, but you might feel more anxious, I suppose. I'm not really sure how exactly you'll feel. I'm not sure what it'll do to levator ani syndrome, either. Regarding feeling different at all, even when someone is on very HDB, they won't usually have withdrawal symptoms until after 24 even 48 hours (or so I've read around here). So, don't worry about the worst of it. I just wouldn't want you to be in pain on your trip.

        Hopefully the guy will figure it out and call before 24 hours. If you can't replace it and you're in a bind send me a PM.

        Good luck, Windy. :l
        This Princess Saved Herself


          Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

          I agree with the phone call to Dr L. But you don't go through him, do you Windy?

          Hi Bruun!!
          This Princess Saved Herself


            Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

            Hi Red!

            I don't think she does, but she could since she's in Chicago and he is too, and it would be a relatively simple rescue operation!


              Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

              I'm with red"head", on this, WCL. But if you want, PM me with an address, and I'll overnite you some bac so you don't even have to be concerned.

              I just realized today that, in the midst of an incredibly demanding week, I had un-intendedly halved my "maintenance" dose for several days. I noticed feeling a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't "awful," by any means. So I think you'll be okay, whatever happens. Just let me know what you need. :l
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

                Yeah, I suppose she could try it for sure. It would be the fastest way. I really think the guy is going to call about this. The only way he wouldn't is if he likes to wear women's underwear. :H (not to make light of this situation at all, Windy. I know how it must feel.) I have my fingers crossed that it will be soon.
                This Princess Saved Herself


                  Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

                  Man. You guys are the best.
                  I've calmed down a little. I started that thread from the car leaving the bus stop. It's first thought wasn't my clothes, my shoes, my W-2s, but MY PILLS! Cause, of course, I have other prescription drugs and supplements besides the bac.
                  My family is being awesome. Dad said I have gabapentin and wellbutrin. Sis said I do too and a herbal muscle relaxant from the chiropractor. Other sis offered melatonin, which I will want tonight.
                  I found 3 x 10mg and half a 25mg bac in my purse. I think I'll be ok physically. I am from Chicago (duh) but I don't go through Dr. L. I called him once, but by then I was trying to figure out why going down from 225 mg was giving me such a hard time, not get more, so there were no further conversations. Also, I am not in Illinois now.
                  I'm only here until Wednesday evening, so worse case scenario, I don't get my bag back (which has many more things of value to me than just the pills), I can stretch out the bac to avoid any muscle spasms. Sis's "herbal muscle relaxant" is valerian based, I don't think it would do much. I might like it to sleep though.
                  I am more worried about my mental health. Today is 8 days sober for me, and I'm pretty fragile at home, under the best circumstances. Now I'm without the bac and supps and in an environment (sorry, family) that really makes me want to drink. I won't, I can't. I'm on antabuse, but part of the intention of this trip was to show my family how well I'm doing, and I really don't want to dissolve into a neurotic mess. But whatever happens, happens. Right now, I'm feeling ok.
                  Bruun, you made me smile. Yeah, I'm pretty sure dad takes a benzo among his many meds, and I'm also pretty sure he wouldn't give me any. We'll see. God, I just pictured myself rummaging through his pills after they go to sleep. That would really make me feel like the me I'm trying not to be. Won't do it.
                  THANK YOU all so much!! Especially everyone who offered to have me PM them. It means the world to me.
                  See? MWO meds threads is still a good, supportive place! Take that, haters!
                  Thanks again, everyone. Even if I don't have my pills, I have great friends here.
                  "Yet someday this will have an end
                  All choices made or choice resigned,
                  And in your face the literal eye
                  Trace little of your history,
                  Nor ever piece the tale entire
                  Of villages that had to burn
                  And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                  Before you could be safe from time
                  And gather in your brow and air
                  The stillness of antiquity."

                  From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                    Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!


                    I take between 40 to 60mg too. I forgot it once on a 3 day trip and I was okay. Anxious a little, but okay.
                    I can overnight too.
                    Let me know.

                    Red, you may be on to something with the panty fetish!:H

                    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                      Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

                      Windy, I'd totally be going through Dad's stash, just because I'm an anxious mess anyways. Don't feel bad - your family doesn't have your disease. If you manage to abstain from his stash, you're a better person than me! Or at least the me I've been in the past. Who knows what I'd do in your shoes? I'm not sure I'd take the high road but I wish you strength because if you can, it will really give you heart for the rest of your path.

                      I think PMS would figure in quite a bit for me, I'm much stronger when I don't have it. It hit me like a brick yesterday, and I'm tweaking. Try the gabapentin! I'm going to pop one now myself. It always helps.


                        Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

                        Whoever ended up with my bag might be disapointed in the panty selection.
                        Thanks LL and Redthread for putting my mind at ease.
                        Bruun, they kind of have my disease. Dad and sister are both in recovery.
                        Anyhow, I think I'll be fine tonight. I'm exhausted and think I'll collapse after some TV. Oh, and dad's homegrown is all over the place. That doesn't hurt. I also remembered I have an emergency .5 mg xanax.
                        So. I don't have my stuff (each minute I remember something else that was in make up! my glasses!), but everything's gonna be ok. Just think, if I weren't on antabuse, there'd be a fifth in that bag that I wouldn't have right now. I've calmed down about the baclofen since hearing from you guys, but if I were missing a fifth, there'd be no talking me down! Then there definitely would be some looting and pillaging going on! I think this experience will end up being good for me. I have enough baclofen to keep the spasms at bay, and I will see that I won't drop dead without my billion daily supplements. I just hope that it's a good lesson that way THEN I get my goddamned bag back!
                        Thanks again!
                        "Yet someday this will have an end
                        All choices made or choice resigned,
                        And in your face the literal eye
                        Trace little of your history,
                        Nor ever piece the tale entire
                        Of villages that had to burn
                        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                        Before you could be safe from time
                        And gather in your brow and air
                        The stillness of antiquity."

                        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                          Need Your Guys' Collective Wisdom! Quick!

                          Oh yeah, Bruun. Screw some PMS. Under those circumstances I probably would have held the Megabus driver at knife point until my bag was returned. On second thought, maybe PMS would have been helpful...
                          "Yet someday this will have an end
                          All choices made or choice resigned,
                          And in your face the literal eye
                          Trace little of your history,
                          Nor ever piece the tale entire
                          Of villages that had to burn
                          And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                          Before you could be safe from time
                          And gather in your brow and air
                          The stillness of antiquity."

                          From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich

