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Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

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    Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

    Hi all. This is my third attempt at Baclofen reason being I suffer from horrendous side effects from it even at 10mg so have spent the last month researching the reasons & causes & finding a way of counteracting them.. Now, this works for me & obviously won't work for everybody but the regime I have adapted will do you good any way for general health & will help with alcohol withdrawal..
    I started this one week before commencing with Baclofen.

    Vitamin C With Citrus Bioflavonoids 1000mg
    Mega B-100 Vitamin B Complex
    Niacin 100mg
    Folic Acid 800ug
    Milk Thistle 250mg

    In a cup
    1 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
    1/2 Teaspoon Tumeric
    Squeeze Lemon
    Table Spoon Olive Oil
    Just off boiling water
    Stir well & as you drink, hold it under your tongue for 5-seconds.

    1 Hour Before Bed
    Vitamin C 500mg
    Folic Acid 800ug
    Milk Thistle 250mg
    Melatonin 3mg

    Now, I am currently up to 140mg Baclofen with hardly any SEs, in fact I feel fantastic!!!
    I'll try & breakdown why I think this works for me.
    Vitamin B, obviously as an ex-drinker we are severly lacking in this, the same for Niacin, Folic Acid is great for joint problems which Bac seems to act upon, Vitamin C is a great antioxidant. The Cayenne Pepper drink is a wonderful tonic, it opens up all the arteries & fills them with oxygen, aiding healing plus with the lemon & oil will help cleanse the liver.. It is pretty hot but once you get used to it, it tastes like spicy tomato soup plust it is filled with more B vitamins, Milk Thistle we all know about, Melatonin for sleep..

    As I said I am now 3 weeks on Bac, no foggy head, no funny vision, no aching legs, no falling asleep at the PC, no spasms.. I'm amazed & really hope it is due to what I'm taking.. It can only do you good anyway & will help minimize alcohol withdrawal symptoms & the total for this lot was only around ?20..
    By the way, the Bac is working a treat, I feel on cloud 9!!!

    One thing I forgot to mention is try & get hold of some Himalaya Liv52 DS it's an Indian herbal supplement which works wonders on a variety of liver conditions.. It's not too expensive & you can find it on ebay & each time I have purchased it from there it has been the genuine thing, there are UK sellers & India sellers

    I hope it helps..

    Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

    That's so great, Jeremy. Thanks for sharing the info. I think you'll find a lot of people around here are really enthusiastic about supplements being part of their healing process, and there's no arguing the fact that we are likely undernourished...I considered wine a food group to the exclusion of almost all the rest of them.


      Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

      Ne/Neva Eva;1274511 wrote: That's so great, Jeremy. Thanks for sharing the info. I think you'll find a lot of people around here are really enthusiastic about supplements being part of their healing process, and there's no arguing the fact that we are likely undernourished...I considered wine a food group to the exclusion of almost all the rest of them.
      LOL I know what you mean, I thought wine was one of my five a day what with the grapes, good excuse though!!!


        Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

        I like the look of that cayenne pepper thing Jeremy I may give that a go myself. Its great that your finding something that works for you and letting others know, thats what this board is about
        Well done


          Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

          Well I have long suspected wine was not a food group but I am still under the impression that beer is.


            Bac SE's Withdrawal Possible Help..

            Ibogaine & LSD

            Very interesting item on the BBC website.. LSD can help with alcoholism which reminds me of a natural herb called Ibogaine, another hallucinogen!!! Seems to reset the brain... Which Bac does as well.. Curious!!! By the way, going through the BAC love at the moment!!!! JJJJeeeezzzz!!!

