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How did you know when you hit your switch

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    How did you know when you hit your switch

    I did a search but did not find a thread just on this.
    So how did you know exactly? What was your dosage? I pray I won't have to go over 200mg.

    How did you know when you hit your switch

    I didn't feel compelled to drink anymore, and then I realized I didn't have to, and then I didn't and it was easy.
    Leading up to it, the stuff I was used to drinking tasted bad. Sometimes disgusting. So I switched what I drank. I kept forgetting to finish it. Sometimes I forgot to open it. Sometimes I even forgot to buy it! So then I'd run out and get some 'just in case'. The idea, of course, of having a home without booze in it was completely unthinkable.
    The day I stopped it was cold and rainy and gross and I just thought I would give it a shot...the whole not drinking thing. And it was easy. I didn't think about it. At all.

    I didn't need to, didn't want to, and finally just didn't.

    There are threads...I can't remember, but maybe a google search. Also, you can PM or post on the threads of other people who have gotten here. They'll get the updates via email and likely answer. (Bminor, bleep, tiptronic_ct, Lo0p--though it was so long ago for them, they might not remember! --and many more. Roadtorecovery, _serenity_, who else? Reggie. Look for the success thread. Oh, yeah. Godwhacker. I recently heard from him that he's doing well....hmmm. I'll think more on it.)

    Oh, yeah. I swore I wouldn't go above 100mg. 140mg was very good to me, and the first time I could see that it was working. Then I swore I wouldn't go above ~200mg. I also had time limits. 6 weeks... 2 months... just one more week!!! There was always a reason, a glimmer of hope, a change--profound or subtle--that kept me moving on. Despite the sometimes awful SEs. I'll be forever grateful that I plugged on.

    It takes what it takes. and

    It works, COS. And you'll be amazed...


      How did you know when you hit your switch

      Thanks, that's very reassuring. I have noticed my tastes have changed.


        How did you know when you hit your switch

        I forgot Terryk. and Dosage0. And several others. hmmm. Redhead! And Redthread!

        I'm glad. Hang in, COS. and if there's something troubling you or that you're struggling with, reach out. It's about time the old timers started showing bac(k) up around here. I am quite sure that you would like to hear from someone other than me! I know I would!!


          How did you know when you hit your switch



            How did you know when you hit your switch

            Some folks are helping me out. We have a great group here!


              How did you know when you hit your switch


              Please tell about the side effects. This is what I am the most concerded with.


                How did you know when you hit your switch

                And me, Ne / Neva (or at least in my own way)!

                I got up as high as 200 mg., and then came back down quickly, and have stabilized at 120 mg Also shed all of my other addictions. All happened over a period of about four months (October - January). I still drink a bit, but I don't need to, and it may just be the petering out of the habit.

                For me, the switch was less about indifference to alcohol than about the abatement of a soul-sucking anxiety. Can't say I've hit the switch with alcohol in quite the pronounced way that Ne / Neva and others have.

                The main SEs for me were insomnia and somnolence, which still happens. But I think that even those likely have been a function of either continuing to use other substances / meds or getting off of them. Insomnia is a 'side effect' of reducing one's drinking, for instance.

                Will continue this on my 'own thread' -- but hope this helps.


                  How did you know when you hit your switch

                  nomoretime;1277098 wrote: Please tell about the side effects. This is what I am the most concerded with.
                  Hi, No More Time, and welcome!
                  I understand your fears and concerns all too well!

                  There are SEs for many of us and they range over a great big spectrum. They can be truly awful or simply inconvenient.

                  I've read on the other thread you started that there is some urgency. In my humble opinion, the faster you go, the quicker you need the results, the more you are drinking, the worse the SEs are. I think some of the advice on there was sound.

                  It seems to me that I've experienced similar conundrums. I lost jobs because I was trying to quit drinking and I've lost 'em because I couldn't quit drinking. If you're in a place where you can help yourself by maintaining a routine in terms of taking the medication and getting some of the stuff that's so important to getting well (food, some exercise, etc) then it sounds like a good place. But if you're in a crater... (I locked myself in my 'office' with dark blankets over the windows so NO light got in--all so I could concentrate...On Buffy the Vampire reruns and online word games...And of course, the booze. True story. I am very thankful I found a place to go and dry out with the help of a staff.)
                  So...There is help and hope. Almost always but especially now. You can and will get well. But you've got to give yourself a fighting chance. That may mean a hospital detox and some time sharing a room with some other drunks... Or something in between maybe.

                  Hope and help. It's right here and all around you, too. Even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Hang in there NMT. There IS time. :l


                    How did you know when you hit your switch

                    Insomnia is the big one for me. Barely slept again last night. I get a bit light headed at times. I had some bad SE's when I first hit 140mg which I am at now and not having those issues. I think everyone is different. I have to titrate at about 10mg per week instead of 20. You can get some bad SE's, too. Dizziness, panic attacks, and some I really can't explain. I would say listen to your body and as mentioned try to watch the drinking. It does make the SE's worse. I am better off than I was so I am hoping I will hit a real switch and yes it does help with anxiety.


                      How did you know when you hit your switch

                      For me it definitely helped with anxiety, I knew that from the get go. I had a range of SEs that all stabilized as I went up in dosage. There were a few times where I thought I had hit my switch, only to drink shortly after. I continued up and found a real "switch" at high levels, but the SEs were too much at that level. Just read through some of the threads and you'll get an idea of what to expect. Good luck!



                        How did you know when you hit your switch

                        Pay no attention to the man behind the "Dullbody" moniker. Toto, where the hell are you when we need you?
                        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

