I am on my second attempt at titrating up on Baclofen. I have a supportive doctor and very grateful for that too

Bac tends to exacerbate my small fiber neuropathy but determined to see it through. What I wanted to ask was whether the oedema that I have got from Bac in my ankles will go away or should I titrate down and build up slowly? Or if anyone has this and found a way to stop it. My ankles are very swollen
Also, I feel it is putting weight on which is a big nono with me but all drugs seem to affect me that way.
Will these side effects tend to wear off? I know everyone is different but just running it past you. thanks in advance.
I am currently on 100mgs a day
30mgs morning
30 midday
and 40 nightime.
Been taking it for almost a month.