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Fluid retention

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    Fluid retention

    Hello everyone.
    I am on my second attempt at titrating up on Baclofen. I have a supportive doctor and very grateful for that too
    Bac tends to exacerbate my small fiber neuropathy but determined to see it through. What I wanted to ask was whether the oedema that I have got from Bac in my ankles will go away or should I titrate down and build up slowly? Or if anyone has this and found a way to stop it. My ankles are very swollen
    Also, I feel it is putting weight on which is a big nono with me but all drugs seem to affect me that way.
    Will these side effects tend to wear off? I know everyone is different but just running it past you. thanks in advance.
    I am currently on 100mgs a day
    30mgs morning
    30 midday
    and 40 nightime.
    Been taking it for almost a month.

    Fluid retention

    I'm not sure that a baclofen side effect includes adema. Maybe it does, but I haven't experienced it. I do know that heart and liver function either separately or together can cause fluid build-up and I'm sure your doctor has checked for that?


      Fluid retention

      Hi dreamcatcher - I had some pretty serious edema in my ankles during my titration. It came and went a couple of times around 100-180mg/day. After that, it went away and never came back. It is a side effect of baclofen, and it's only rarely reported here.

      TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


        Fluid retention

        Dream, ignore the troll. Good luck with the bac.


          Fluid retention

          Zen, I hit it earlier.


            Fluid retention

            I dont know much about bac and titration as I didnt get very far with it and didnt get oedema, so sorry I have no advice on that but just want to wish you good luck.

            There are some people who are just such idiots, just ignore them, I dont think they understand that they cannot touch the power of the care and support on here, and thanks for pointing out the triangle zen, I didnt know about it until now


              Fluid retention

              Go to bed right now, Katrina!

              Signed: Aunt Jemima.


                Fluid retention

                Thanks to those who answered sensibly. I know it's my SE as I am a trained nurse so fully aware of the symptoms of kidney problems etc.
                I was just wondering if anyone had encounted this and if it settles or maybe it's just something I will have to live with while I change my drinking patterns down to nothing.
                As for the trolls...get a friggin life. This was my first post and I think you are loathsome. If I had been in an anxious state (as many are I am sure) your comments could have had very nasty consequences. Or is that what rocks your boat? If so, I really do pity you and your sad, shallow lives.

                thanks again to the others. x


                  Fluid retention

                  Dream: I work together with a D.O. who prescribes baclofen and sends her patients to me to help them with titration and managing side-effects. One woman almost immediately began to retain fluid. The D.O. gave her prescription for lasix, which fully resolved that issue. So, yes . . . fluid retention is definitely a SE of bac for some. Looks as if it passes its own, for most, and/or there might be an option for getting lasix?

                  Best of luck to you!!
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                    Fluid retention

                    Dream, I am sorry that happened to you on your first post, fortunately we dont get much of it on here and the vast majority of us are friendly and supportive..I am glad you are ok and didnt get too upset by it.x


                      Fluid retention


                      I have lurked about for a while and can see that it is really a wonderful place full of very supportive people. Trolls just sicken me but I guess they sicken everybody hehehe


                        Fluid retention

                        Hi Red
                        Yes, I am going to see my doc and ask her for some Lasix.I think I am retaining a lot of water and my weight has shot up but I am trying to look long term and tell myself that the weight issue will be helped by not boozing and I am glad to see that others have the same thing (well not glad but you catch my drift)
                        Anyway, I have just been diagnosed with severe sleep apnoea and so I had just started noticing I was more alert and awake than I had been in years after starting the CPap .......and now I am all doped up on the Bac! :H
                        I think I diuretic to see me over the worst of the fluid retention will be agood idea and I cannot wait to see an improvement al round.


                          Fluid retention

                          I experienced horrendous water retention whilst trying baclofen, it only came off when I titrated right down to just 25mg per day. Took about 4 days to go completely and no problems since (by the way have had medical tests and have no other health issues - no kidney or other problems).
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13


                            Fluid retention

                            Thanks UK Blonde
                            Looks like my weight is just going up and up! :upset:
                            What a bumer.

