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Baclofen CAUSED migraines

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    Baclofen CAUSED migraines

    Hi all:

    Really bummed out.

    Started Baclofen last night at 5mg...had a migraine within an hour or two.
    (I've been plagued with migraines for years, when I started a blood pressure medication - benicar, they stopped, thank God.)

    Took 5 mg this AM, had another migraine within 5 minutes!

    When I googled bac & migraine, bac was listed as a treatment for migraines, not a cause.

    I guess I'll go back & try Campral (& weed), maybe kudzu.

    I was so hopeful about Baclofen!

    Any ideas, suggestions?

    Any experiences with Kudzu?


    Baclofen CAUSED migraines

    Hi Art
    What a bummer! Before you give up, why not try again on a smaller dose say half the tablet and increase very gradually?
    Seems that you are maybe very sensitive to it but who knows, that could be a good sign? I would not give up what could be the answer just yet. Here I am having put on a stone in weight with huge elephant ankles with fluid retention but I am viewing it as a means to an end. Don't get me wrong, I would not want you to suffer and I have no doubt that migraines are hell but maybe try just a tiny amount and acclimatise your body that way.
    Hope you are ok.


      Baclofen CAUSED migraines

      Thanks for your reply dreamcatcher!

      That's a good idea, I will give it another try at 1/2 the dosage.

      Thanks for your concern & best wishes.


